Global Warming Update



Wow, Mike is a real asshole... you can throw out that whole graph out if you want, or the whole study... there are still thousands more that show the same thing. Even with that minor decline left in, it still shows the facts.
how can you call it a "fact" when you hide it, manipulate it, ignore it, or edit it


Well-Known Member
here is where your ignorance shows like the ass of a baboon

google "compartmentalization"

study the "pyramid structure"

apparently if your involved in something that automatically makes you aware of the bigger picture of what you and everyone else is doing


remember, thats Compartmentalization

and once again, this is political in origin, not scientific

oh, conspiracy theory theory... interesting... fact remains you believe something so ridiculous and grand I don't know where to begin. The facts are overwhelming... the hoax thing is really stretching a few minor issues in an edifice that is very solid.

I'm sorry, but this is completely a scientific issue... i don't care about the politics, this is about the science.


go to bed, its obvious you know not of which you speak

not caring about the politics of a political issue is quite strange...

its all bullshit, to get you to want less

less is more they say

record cold temperatures across the globe, the globe is warming though


nothing would be green without c02

Big P

Well-Known Member
Wow, Mike is a real asshole... you can throw out that whole graph out if you want, or the whole study... there are still thousands more that show the same thing. Even with that minor decline left in, it still shows the facts.

if your not leaving dont say you are, i get sad everytime you say your going:hug:


You guys even admit record temps across the board...

Like I mentioned before, "global warming" is misleading, just like "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are misleading, that is why it's called "climate change".

Keenly, I understand completely the concept of compartmentalization, but this goes way beyond that, it isn't a possibility in this situation.



Bill Nye explains it at the 5:45 mark, but get a load of Beck and the rest of the Fox pundits' take on "global warming"...

jeff f

New Member
That's a fucking trick your pulling... 1998 was the warmest year on record, so if you pick that as your starting year, than all the other years will be less. As I just mentioned, last year was the second hots year... average global temperatures are still on the rise.

What you have been tricked into believing is deceptive propaganda. If you take in years from 1999 on, you get a different picture... but the whole fucking point is to look at long term trends... you're way over your head now.

People are trying to trick you... and you don't have the mental capacity to understand the real science, or the deceptive ideologues. In short, you're fucked.
umm, no you are the one picking starting points "warmest decade on record". :clap:

jeff f

New Member
So 50 years ago they created these theories so that they could push this Cap and Trade policy now?

Is that you final answer?

Always comes back to the World Wide Conspiracy. Um, free thinking is different from following the latest conspiracy theory.
no dummy way longer than that. here is a brief history lesson for ya. remember most of who KNOW what going on here have seen several of these years. just guessing by what your spewing, this is your first go around.....have a nice day :bigjoint:

forgot the link and my keyboard is sticking. sorry


Active Member
Jesus, after 29 pages you guys are still compairing dicks on the science that furthers your own agenda? There's no end in sight for this discussion. Here's an idea: invest in some renewable energy. With all of the gov. rebates on green energy you'll make the investment back in no time. You might even make some money if you contribute to the grid. For example, that Living with Ed dude makes enough energy to power his house and charge his car that runs completely on battery power and still gets a check from the electricity company. He grows some of his own food too. Now, regardless if he believes that global warming is real or nor or if he's just looking at the bottom line, he's still coming out on top when it comes to his checkbook and the environment. It's all about practicality. Just like by going to college you sacrifice some of the short term benefits and shell out some dough, but it pays off a few paces down the road. With all of the renewable energy tech. available today, sticking to your guns is no longer a good idea.


You can't always get what you want, and if you try sometime you'll just might find you get what you need.


Active Member
Like said before, this thread is like incondecents b/c it's genereating alot of heat and a little light.

TBH, I don't people are genuinally concerned about the debate of it's existance, but about how it's going to affect them. It's funny how people praise science when it suits them, then put up a wall when it says otherwise.

Good video Padawon.


New Member
I am glad I left this thread 200+ posts ago, because I would not have had the time nor energy to dispute all the bullshit pseudoscience spewed by the likes of people that call themselves 'moderators'.

fdd2blk, before you get on someone for hurling out the word 'retarded', be reminded that you called me a 'cockhead' in one thread without me getting personal beforehand in any way towards anyone.

We need someone to moderate the moderators.

Or moderators that understand basic science. 5th grade science or higher, at least


Well-Known Member
I am glad I left this thread 200+ posts ago, because I would not have had the time nor energy to dispute all the bullshit pseudoscience spewed by the likes of people that call themselves 'moderators'.

fdd2blk, before you get on someone for hurling out the word 'retarded', be reminded that you called me a 'cockhead' in one thread without me getting personal beforehand in any way towards anyone.

We need someone to moderate the moderators.

Or moderators that understand basic science. 5th grade science or higher, at least


i did a site wide search for "fdd2blk" and "cockhead". this thread is the only result that came up.


New Member

Bill Nye explains it at the 5:45 mark, but get a load of Beck and the rest of the Fox pundits' take on "global warming"...

You have got to be shitting me... Bill Nye saying not believing in man-made global warming is un p-patriotic? Who the fuck is Bill Nye? Nobel Peace winning meteorologist? And Rachael just makes my dick so limp.

jeff f

New Member
Jesus, after 29 pages you guys are still compairing dicks on the science that furthers your own agenda? There's no end in sight for this discussion. Here's an idea: invest in some renewable energy. With all of the gov. rebates on green energy you'll make the investment back in no time. You might even make some money if you contribute to the grid. For example, that Living with Ed dude makes enough energy to power his house and charge his car that runs completely on battery power and still gets a check from the electricity company. He grows some of his own food too. Now, regardless if he believes that global warming is real or nor or if he's just looking at the bottom line, he's still coming out on top when it comes to his checkbook and the environment. It's all about practicality. Just like by going to college you sacrifice some of the short term benefits and shell out some dough, but it pays off a few paces down the road. With all of the renewable energy tech. available today, sticking to your guns is no longer a good idea.


You can't always get what you want, and if you try sometime you'll just might find you get what you need.
thanks for telling me how to live...:dunce:

jeff f

New Member
You have got to be shitting me... Bill Nye saying not believing in man-made global warming is un p-patriotic? Who the fuck is Bill Nye? Nobel Peace winning meteorologist? And Rachael just makes my dick so limp.

dude, hilarious!

Illegal Smile

This is a politics forum not a science forum. The discussion should be about the politics of global warming not the science of it. But I guess there isn't much to say about the politics - politically, if not scientifically, global warming and climate change are dead for at least a generation.