Stoner's views on Barack Obama as President

Your views on President Barack Obama

  • I voted for Obama, but regret it.

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • I voted for Obama, and im still glad.

    Votes: 39 23.9%
  • I voted for Mccain, but Obama is doing good.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I voted for Mccain, why didn't you?

    Votes: 28 17.2%
  • I didnt vote, but im glad Obama won

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • I didnt vote, but i wish Obama lost

    Votes: 17 10.4%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, but Obama is doing good

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, Why didn't you?

    Votes: 29 17.8%
  • I didnt vote, and i could care less.

    Votes: 13 8.0%
  • This poll is stupid, fuck the asshole who posted it.

    Votes: 16 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I have seen many people put in their opinions, and many have strong opinions. It seems that in a lot of threads, the people with really strong opinions keep on posting over and over again, so i thought i'd do a poll. Each person gets only one vote, feel free to express your opinions on this thread too.

PLEASE, no name calling! We are Americans, which means we understand that other people have other opinions, even if we strongly disagree. This thread, please express what YOU believe, without telling other people they are wrong, or stupid. Please be mature.
I would like to get many different opinions represented here. :peace:
In the sense that Obama has told Eric Holder to respect states' rights on medical cannabis, I am happy enough. But next time around I am likely going 3rd party for the simple fact that we need one (if not a 4th party, or more).

After this, I am staying out of the political section. It gets me too riled...
Obama's best move was to lighten up on the marijuana raids by the feds. Much of everything else he's trying, I don't believe is consistent with freedom. Essentially he's a big government nanny state guy, I'm not.

He's a decent actor / speaker and might be an okay guy to shoot the shit with or watch a ball game with, but I
could never support him politically. I doubt he'll get a second term as the pendulum is swinging the other way. Unfortunately the other way has issues too.
In the sense that Obama has told Eric Holder to respect states' rights on medical cannabis, I am happy enough. But next time around I am likely going 3rd party for the simple fact that we need one (if not a 4th party, or more).

After this, I am staying out of the political section. It gets me too riled...

My thoughts EXACTLY. And yes, I have to stay away from the politics thread. Hell, I don't even post that much.

We need a stronger third party, even a fourth party. Things have become way too black and white in politics. I'm as liberal as a naked hippie in woodstock, but have very strong conservative economic beliefs. Which is why I voted for Obama. I do not believe in higher taxes, but even I know they have to go up.
My thoughts EXACTLY. And yes, I have to stay away from the politics thread. Hell, I don't even post that much.

We need a stronger third party, even a fourth party. Things have become way too black and white in politics. I'm as liberal as a naked hippie in woodstock, but have very strong conservative economic beliefs. Which is why I voted for Obama. I do not believe in higher taxes, but even I know they have to go up.
This is why we need our own party. A lot of people on here feel this exact same way but we don't really have a party that is in line with our ideals. Time for a new political party. :hump:
The Pot Party. That will go well. I've thought about all this and gee, I just think there are more important things in the world than marijuana laws, and one's political philosophy should be based on that larger view.
The Pot Party. That will go well. I've thought about all this and gee, I just think there are more important things in the world than marijuana laws, and one's political philosophy should be based on that larger view.
Not necessarily pot party. I was referring to the fact that a lot of people are social liberals and economic conservatives. Because of this we have a lot of people who go liberal because of it. If we had a party with social liberal views and economic conservative views there wouldn't be much need for people to vote democrat anymore. This would be a good thing, no?:?
The Pot Party. That will go well. I've thought about all this and gee, I just think there are more important things in the world than marijuana laws, and one's political philosophy should be based on that larger view.
.............come on Illegal! You should know from my posts that I care about a lot more than just legalization. I mean I definitely want to see legalization happen but not at the expense of our economy and the well being of the nation as a whole. :weed:
I have seen many people put in their opinions, and many have strong opinions. It seems that in a lot of threads, the people with really strong opinions keep on posting over and over again, so i thought i'd do a poll. Each person gets only one vote, feel free to express your opinions on this thread too.

PLEASE, no name calling! We are Americans, which means we understand that other people have other opinions, even if we strongly disagree. This thread, please express what YOU believe, without telling other people they are wrong, or stupid. Please be mature.
I would like to get many different opinions represented here. :peace:

I voted. However, I did not vote for Obama, McCain, or Paul (who was not on the ballot, by the way, because he did not receive the nomination).

Except for the MMJ decision, Obama is a crappy President. The crappiest.
This is why we need our own party. A lot of people on here feel this exact same way but we don't really have a party that is in line with our ideals. Time for a new political party. :hump:
I voted. However, I did not vote for Obama, McCain, or Paul (who was not on the ballot, by the way, because he did not receive the nomination).

Except for the MMJ decision, Obama is a crappy President. The crappiest.
lol! I don't know why I'm surprised to see that the marijuana party already exists. That is awesome! Unfortunately I don't think they will be taken seriously any time soon.

I love how they ask your birthdate before you can look at their page. :weed:
Obama's best move was to lighten up on the marijuana raids by the feds. Much of everything else he's trying, I don't believe is consistent with freedom. Essentially he's a big government nanny state guy, I'm not.

He's a decent actor / speaker and might be an okay guy to shoot the shit with or watch a ball game with, but I
could never support him politically. I doubt he'll get a second term as the pendulum is swinging the other way. Unfortunately the other way has issues too.

How much do you really know about Obama? You might want to read up!
There are plenty of other threads on here (and Google) that show he's lying through his teeth. :(
The T.E.A. Party's main concern is the massive debt that BOTH the Democrats and Republicans have amassed in recent years. While the T.E.A. Party leans toward Republicans, it is a party made up of Democrats, Independents, Libertarians and Republicans. They will be supporting candidates who lean toward fiscal responsibility. This is why I continue to say ... progressives, don't underestimate the power that Sarah Palin weilds. Not that she's going to run, in fact, I don't think she will. But ... don't discount any candidate having her support.
I hate to post simply to reiterate what was already said, but here is my take ...

- I would have never voted for the man, based on his history, and did not.
- Obama has been the worst president in my lifetime. He has had a year to consider the country ( in the desperate state it's in ) before a political agenda, and has not. He has not kept promises, and outright lied.
- His views toward legalization have not made any real progress ( if they ever will ), but we have much more important things wrong with this country than prohibition, I wish this was not the case. I would almost be upset if he wasted time on it.
- Obama's policies are generally anti-freedom.
- The country wants a consistent, centrist social policy and a conservative fiscal policy.and is getting neither.
- Instability and uncertainty of the administrations actions and policies ( taxes and regulations ) make our economic situation worse.
- Republicans don't make an attractive alternative, although their ideas are becoming more responsible.
- Bad things are coming.

"hope and change" was the worst joke played on the American public. We can forget the change, the change he wants, we don't. I only hope we, as a nation, will survive what is to come.

As a side note, you know how everyone says buy gold in troubled financial times, how about stockpiling weed .. it will always have value :weed:
There is a lot of disinformation out there, (and apparently a lot of docile people) put out by people who have money on the line. Please don't believe everything you hear. Threads are a terrible place to get your information.
There is a lot of disinformation out there, (and apparently a lot of docile people) put out by people who have money on the line. Please don't believe everything you hear. Threads are a terrible place to get your information.
Most of what people read here are Opinions sprinkled with some facts. It's always wise to make up one's own mind when it comes to anything, especially politics. Just like you can't watch one news story or read one article and think you've gotten all the facts or the truth for that matter. Some information will be outright lies. When it comes to politics, it seems, Truth is always relative. It can be bent and spun to favor one agenda or another. There's no such thing as a perfect govt or a perfect ideology. There always has and always will be differences in opinion on the best way to govern. :peace:
States have the right to decriminalize or allow for the use of medical marijuana, not the Fed.

We would be wise to embrace, support and contribute to the Constitutional candidates running in our respective states. They need to know that we are out there and supporting them.

Something like 73% of Tea Party members support the medical use and right of a Doctor to prescribe Cannabis.

They are our allies not our enemy.

They hold the best promise of new "State Rights" legislation allowing for medical use for those of us stuck behind the iron curtain. S