I'm just experimenting..

It is pretty much impossible to get raided if NO ONE knows. Especially with a small grow. Pretty much the only reason people get raided is because they start selling or they tell people.
This kid sounds like he's 16.. I'm sure by morning one of his buddies will know of his awesome grow :roll:


Well-Known Member
Haha maybe. But I started an indoor grow at 16 in a wardrobe and no one new about it. If you plan up something then you can be very stealthy
Haha maybe. But I started an indoor grow at 16 in a wardrobe and no one new about it. If you plan up something then you can be very stealthy
I highly doubt any planning went into this. It was all shoot first ask later with this kid lol. I thought you came to the forums to learn a thing or two first, then started your operation...???


Well-Known Member
I have grown before but its been YEARS. So I came here to find a new way of doing stuff. Its easier to say its my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Haha. I have seeds germinating right now. I'm probably gonna start a grow journal in a week once they are sprouted. So lookout for it.


Active Member
Hey Dura... Is it actually possible to grow some quality stuff outside in the UK? Even if it rains all the time and the sun is hardly out? I need to know this stuff.. If it is, then I shouldn't even be attempting to grow inside..
anyone see the celtic game 2nite?
Oh fuck I missed it :cuss:... and to think I live in Boston and I'm a fan.

@hippiechild123... I'm not trying to diss you man. It's just how do you think you're going to be approached if you project yourself in such a manner. I was simply trying to make a point that you obviously lack the knowledge to do this successfully and a little more homework wouldn't hurt before fully immersing yourself. I'm here to help and learn myself, not bash anyone.


Active Member
Oh fuck I missed it :cuss:... and to think I live in Boston and I'm a fan.

@hippiechild123... I'm not trying to diss you man. It's just how do you think you're going to be approached if you project yourself in such a manner. I was simply trying to make a point that you obviously lack the knowledge to do this successfully and a little more homework wouldn't hurt before fully immersing yourself. I'm here to help and learn myself, not bash anyone.
No harm done.. and you're partially correct. Still, there's no reason I can't try it my way and fail. I'd just be learning alot from first hand experience rather than sitting around wishing I was growing.

But whatever. This thread is becoming pretty redundant as I'm hopefully gunna be doing it all outside this summer. Beats the hell outta a stinky little closet with an upside-down lamp gaffa taped to the ceiling.


Well-Known Member
hippy what sinister says is totally spot on mate, gotta read sum buddy b4 u get decent grow but in saying that u can just give it a shot although without decent gear/knowledge dont expect too much. outdoor in uk depends a lot on where u are(btw im an indoor grower but if u pick ur area and time rite u can get a good plant)go back to the forum and look for the answers to ur questions mate, they are there.


Active Member
Yeah... well as I said way earlier, I'm probably still going to give this closet thing a go.. Just to see whether a 100watt bulb will grow a couple o plants, how hot it gets in the wardrobe. How much it smells (if it gets that big).. Just all of the things that I'd like to know before I go for it for real. That was really the only reason I was doing this in the first place. Abit of mellow leaf on the side would be nice too. But mainly just for the experience.. I'm not expecting any miracles lol.

Anyway, I gotta crash, work in the morning.. shopping in the afternoon.. Thanks people.

Peace x


Well-Known Member
listen buddy i never once said you couldnt grow with your bulbs all i said was check out the stickys for any info and yeah u can grow with the bulb you have but it WILL NOT produce any where near what an hps will, so , and this is maybe just me, i dont see the point in wasting seeds, soil, time and effort in an endevour that aint gonna give me much but hey man its ur choice.


Active Member
listen buddy i never once said you couldnt grow with your bulbs all i said was check out the stickys for any info and yeah u can grow with the bulb you have but it WILL NOT produce any where near what an hps will, so , and this is maybe just me, i dont see the point in wasting seeds, soil, time and effort in an endevour that aint gonna give me much but hey man its ur choice.
Sorry if I came across as callous. I'm more elated that I can actually do this.

The idea behind this lil grow was to be a lil grow. Just to get some firsthand experience before I go for it with some decent seeds and proper lighting.

This is just bag seed and borrowed parts. I'm quite happy to invest my time. This grow is for experience, not yeild..

Planted my first 3 days ago and it still hasn't sprouted :/
Got it under a light mosta the time.. which I think is right, but I've also heard from somewhere that you're supposed to germinate AND sprout in a dark warm place. There's too much disinfo out there to throw doubt on the good stuff for my liking..


Well-Known Member
i germinate (paper towel method) and put them straight into a heated propogator under 2 x 55 watt cfls and usually around 3 days later theyve all usually sprouted, this always works for me buddy but i know there are a lot of opinions on this subject.


Active Member
I think that the tap root might have been a lil small to have planted it. My other seeds are still in a paper towel and now have roots 5-10mm long. The first one had literally JUST split and had a tap root about a mm long. I dunnnno, but I'm gunna try planting some others tomorrow after I'm finished working... hopefully the longer roots will prevail.
Oh yeah.. the planted seedling is in a wardrobe under an 18 watt 5500k cfl.. I've put a tray of water in there so it's pretty warm and humid... I only put the light on today though, mainly out of impatience. Maybe it just doesn't want to sprout..


Well-Known Member
it can take a few days to sprout,no exact way of knowing, give it as much as ten days before you dump it, i put 7 germ'd seeds in yesterday and 3 are thru but its just a waiting game at this point buddy.