I'm just experimenting..


Active Member
Ok, I'm still living with my parents, but I've just germinated 5 seeds in my wardrobe.
My rents are pretty liberal, but I wouldn't want them to find a foiled up grow room complete with ballast and air extractor, because they would inevitably think that I was dealing if it looked too professional (to an outsider).

So, what I've done, is I've gaffa taped a regular table lamp upside down above the top shelf of my closet, turned the lamp shade upside-down to make practical use of it's shape and white reflectivity, and changed the regular bulb for a 23 watt CFL... The plants will sit on the top shelf of my closet on a stack of books to be close to the bulb, and the stack will get smaller as the plants grow (if they grow).

Now, I know that 23 watts is realll low. I think it's about 3000 lumens in this case. As the lamp will take upto 100watt bulbs, I might aswell just buy a 100W cfl bulb instead.

I will just be using soil in the pots. It's got a balanced PH and good drainage. I wasn't planning on using any feed or enhancers.. just plain ol' h20.

The only other thing i might do is to make a few foil reflectors, though the inside of my closet is white anyway..

So that's the plan. I was just wondering if any pro's know how this little project is going to turn out. I don't expect the best most dank skunk ever. I'd settle for abit of oldschool bushweed tbh.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated, keep in mind though that I can't make any extravagent purshases, it's going to be hard enough trying to get my hands on a 100W bulb.. I'm just about to pass my driving test, but for the mo, I'm grounded to whatever I can find around the house.

So er... yeah. How good/bad is my product going to be under the current set up, under the assumption that I'm going to be a dedicated grower and pay alt of attention to my babies? and how could I improve this setup without buying anything highly suspicious?

Thanks guys.

Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Alright bro, this is purely to help you out, and I'm not trying to sound like a dick at all! Just in case it comes off that way.

But where to start:
First off, that 23W bulb does not put out 3000 lumens, it's more like 1600 lumens, And bare minimum *should* be 3000 lumens per square foot. You are not going to grow 5 plants with that light. If you could get your hands on a 1oo actual watt (not equivalent watt) that would be MUCH better.
Also what are your plans on smell? Since you live with your parents..... Your GOING to get caught! It's plain and simple, if you don't have money to spend to get a carbon filter and have an actual grow BOX your dead in the water! Cuz your parents WILL find out! It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, cuz they're gonna smell it, straight up!

Now if you are still seriously going to do this... (I would encourage you not to) But if you are, I may come stop back by and help you get caught... :shock:


Active Member
Thanks for the advise.

Haha, yeah.. I figured I might get caught on the smell front. But I figure that I might get away with just saying that I've been smoking pot in the house for awhile.. Or that I've got some reall strong stuff atm. If I can hold them off until they're bigger, they might let me keep them. They might even be impressed that I managed to grow them. The smell issue exists, but I'm just gunna have to open a window, and do alot of blagging.. I know, sounds like a dumbass idea, but i figure the worst that could possibly happen is that my mum might make me throw them out *shrugs*.

Ok, so.. lighting. My mate is interesting in having a few plants, so I might give him 3/5 of the seeds leaving me with just two. Say I get a 100w bulb hanging over two plants.. smell being of no issue... am I in business? I was thinking about just doing the grow with the 23 watter just to keep it homegrown bushy.. as it probably doesn't smell as much as budding skunk. But I just don't know .. Everyone here wants the best of the best crop that'll mess you up.. I'm content with just growing something that will smoke. As the title suggests, this isn't a the be all and end all of my growing expectations. I just want to try growing some stuff with the bare minimum equipment..

Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
ill say if u have two plants and have a 100 watter for each you will be in business... the only problem i see is your putting your parents at risk of jail time...thats not nice!


Active Member
I'm beginning to get the impression that this isn't a good idea lol. But hey, I've started, so I'mma try to keep these guys alive. If I fail, it's a load off my mind. If I don't, hey, I get to have my first smoke of my own stuff.

My parents aren't going to jail lol. They'd tell the truth, that they had no idea. And so would I. Plus our house is detatched and in a good part of town.. plenty of space around us, not much of a chance to arouse any suspicion..

I just hope the 23 watts is enough to keep them going untillI get a new bulb...


Well-Known Member

Holy shit, I just realized you said your *about* to pass your driving test? What the hell, are you like 16 then? That was your mistake... This site is 18 and up bud (someone correct me if I'm wrong)... And now we know!

I don't even want to buy a minor cig's... Let alone tell him how to grow weed... Sorry bro! Hit us up in a few!


Well-Known Member
just cuz hes about to pass his drivers test doesnt mean hes 16. maybe he didnt take drivers ed and his state makes him wait till he's 18. thats how my state is. even with drivers ed you cant get ur actual licence till ur 17.


Well-Known Member
who knows tho, my parents were sure impressed when i got caught back in the day. dont be surprised if they want half ur yeild :D hahaha


Active Member
There's no need to be like that about it. Pedantic potheads, who knew? lol. I'm over 18 thanks. I live in the UK, where car insurance costs about £2000 (per anum) at my age, and it is definitely not a part of our curriculum, or expected of us at 16. Who gives a car to a 16 year old anyway?! Shit's crazy.. But thanks for your... concern *raises eyebrow* .

My gaffa tape just gave out, so now i have a cupboard full of broken glass and phosphate... good times *sighs* . Luckily my plants still haven't sprouted and are still chilling out in the airing cupboard.. gunna go get a new bulb tomorrow with my mate. Everything is going to be oooooooooooooookay.

To jumboswisher... it's almost like you know my old man. He'll happily sit there and smoke my entire crop if I don't hide it. Though he's awefully handy on a sunday when the shops are closed and I've run outta rizla :)


Well-Known Member
Take apart your lamp and get the cord out of it. A lot simpler then hanging a lamp up. Lol.
And when I got caught my mom took my plants and supplies and put them in her closet to grow lol.
Oh, and also your gonna need more then 1 cfl. I use 4 for one plant. And I get ok results.
This sounds so crazy and fail prone from every angle I look at it. Not saying it's impossible to pull off, but you're going to have to put a lot of thought & planning into this if you think you're going to successfully do it AND get away. Sounds like you already got your mind made up about it so all I can say is good luck and READ. There's a lot of useful info on here. I really hope you're not under 18 though. Oh and FYI... everyone in that house will be detained if there's a raid.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty much impossible to get raided if NO ONE knows. Especially with a small grow. Pretty much the only reason people get raided is because they start selling or they tell people.


Well-Known Member
ok mate. im in scotland and i reckon a lil bit older than you so here goes wi ma advice. if ur gaunna want tae grow smoke in ur mums house then ur gauna have to mask the inevitable smell no matter what size of plant. if ur living in a large property why not think about an outside grow staring around may,if ur in the right area, mate?if ur still wanting to grow inside on the fly then get a wardrobe, or use the attic if u think u can getaway with it. anyway u need a space that wont be disturbed, a decent lite, a small fan(for air movement and to push the stalk solid)and some nutes......oh and a pot to put em in...and some seeds.... and a plan...and (imo) diary to remember when u fed them,changed light times etc.


Active Member
Take apart your lamp and get the cord out of it. A lot simpler then hanging a lamp up. Lol.
And when I got caught my mom took my plants and supplies and put them in her closet to grow lol.
Oh, and also your gonna need more then 1 cfl. I use 4 for one plant. And I get ok results.
How many watts are your bulbs? If I need 4, I can't pull this grow off for shit..

This lamp is like welded together or something. I'm only borrowing it, so I can't really mutilate it. I wanna go to the halfords and get some fittings and do it myself. I'm just abit nervous about doing it. If anyone ever looked like a pot smoker, I am he. Walking upto that counter with aload of fittings and 100watt cfls is not my idea of fun. .. I'm going to see how tomorrow goes, then decide whether I can feasibly pull this off. If not, my mate is more than happy to give my seedlings a good home..


Well-Known Member
and at flowering an idea as to how to stop the smell................only way i know is a carbon filter...buy them or make them ..either way its gaunna take sum thought buddy...best of luck and pm if u want any advice on soil growin


Well-Known Member
I have 26 watters. But you could get away with 100w for 1 plant. I say you hold off on the grow for a while. I did research for years before I started. IMO don't start yet, but if you want to RIU is always here for you. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
How many watts are your bulbs? If I need 4, I can't pull this grow off for shit..

This lamp is like welded together or something. I'm only borrowing it, so I can't really mutilate it. I wanna go to the halfords and get some fittings and do it myself. I'm just abit nervous about doing it. If anyone ever looked like a pot smoker, I am he. Walking upto that counter with aload of fittings and 100watt cfls is not my idea of fun. .. I'm going to see how tomorrow goes, then decide whether I can feasibly pull this off. If not, my mate is more than happy to give my seedlings a good home..
go online and get a lite, get an hps, small 125 watt one, it'll do better than any cfl. use paypal or get a prepaid visa. cfls are fine if u wanna slow grow but nuttin beats hps


Active Member
ok mate. im in scotland and i reckon a lil bit older than you so here goes wi ma advice. if ur gaunna want tae grow smoke in ur mums house then ur gauna have to mask the inevitable smell no matter what size of plant. if ur living in a large property why not think about an outside grow staring around may,if ur in the right area, mate?if ur still wanting to grow inside on the fly then get a wardrobe, or use the attic if u think u can getaway with it. anyway u need a space that wont be disturbed, a decent lite, a small fan(for air movement and to push the stalk solid)and some nutes......oh and a pot to put em in...and some seeds.... and a plan...and (imo) diary to remember when u fed them,changed light times etc.
Thanks man. Actually, growing outside does sound alot more practical than what I'm trying to do at the moment. But surely even in May we couldn't get away with growing outside in the UK? It's too fecking cold.. and the sun can be pretty temperamental. Not to mention the weathers lovely habit of pissing on us al the way through the summer.. You think it'd work? Even better, you tried it in Scotland? If so, I may well ditch this project and wait for the right season.. do some research on outdoor growing in the meantime..