Well-Known Member
Ok Tryna,
Riddle has never claimed to be a long time grower, but he's got a few grows under his belt and enough hands on (as well as book) knowledge to help keep total newbs from wasting time and money on gimmicks that don't work as advertised or that cost more then they are worth. Sure, he takes a lot of knowledge from UB. DC and others, but so what? If it's good advice (and anything from those people generally is) then what's the harm in him using it himself and passing it on?
If you're so concerned that he's not offering the best advice why don't you start your own teaching thread, post the pics of your grows, tell everyone how you do it, etc. There are more then one way to grow, and if you don't like the riddle/ub/dc/whoever method then teach your own.
listen one more time.. we are all noobs here.. i have a year and some change worth of consistent growing experience, people have seen my grows and the praise is there.. i have since deleted all my pics off forum.
like i said. its just the false info thing.. other than that i love that we are helping..