Ever wonder why we're really in Iraq?


Well-Known Member
To your face a muslim will always say they abhor terrorism; behind your back...
Yes, Skunky, actions speak louder than words, or maybe in this case, inaction on the part of the so called mainstream Muslims......this is what I find so ominous!
Their silence is deafening!
They seem to not want to condemn, with any sincerity, the actions of this "small” minority of lunatics.


New Member
i said "my most respected leaders"... those would be the ones i put there since we're mentally masterbating about how to deal with this... my solution would prevent further escalation of the foreign manufactured civil war. remove the foreigners and sectarian violence would fade.

but yeah, i do have respect for those men and women who are now OUR leaders.

it's kind of like when someone who can't sing gets up and tries to sing...have to respect someone who tries because no one is perfect.

you'd def be in charge of the koolaid commision. :)
^^^ LMAO! ^^^

Hey Med ... this is what I meant about being specific. Ask 7x a question and he's DEFINATELY specific in his answers. :)



New Member
^^^ LMAO! ^^^

Hey Med ... this is what I meant about being specific. Ask 7x a question and he's DEFINATELY specific in his answers. :)

You guys need to go dance around the may pole and hold hands. Believe it or not, I found Wavels article interesting. I think it is a little over paranoid, but who knows, maybe all muslims are trying to fuck with our heads, on or off! And I'll stand on my opinion of no respect for our leaders, meaning Bush-Cheney and their regime. They definently get no respect from me. Just because someone bought their way to the top does not make them respectful, and the bunch in office now are definently the most disrespectful bunch of ornery assholes I've ever seen, downright crooks! In my estimation, anyone that thinks the Bush Regime is doing a good job, needs mental help, and soon! Drink up, drink up!


New Member
I agree with a war on Islam. I did not agree with the war on Iraq. I still believe that Saddam would have been our greatest ally if he were alive and the war were to take place.

Muslims can not HELP but believe we are all unworthy of life. They believe that their God is REAL, that the words of their holy book are truth... it is wrong not to believe in Allah... it is also wrong not to believe the words of the koran... anybody that is wrong is worthy only of death.

'Ordinary' muslims have no shame in hiding their true feelings for us. They know they must continue to lie if one day Islam is going to take over the world.


Well-Known Member
that's great stuff Wavels! islam is truly dangerous. poison for humanity.

the biggest problem with islam is that they "philosophically inbreed". they debate one another only, never confronting outside views because to them everything outside is useless and inherently flawed. this creates a potent "strain" if you will, of ideology that has not only departed from rationality but is blindly subscribed to by followers.

it was designed from the start to drive a wedge between "them" and everyone else... a muslim man can marry and have kids with non-muslim women, the kids are born muslim. a muslim woman can not marry a non-muslim man, if she does their laws say kill her. anyone born muslim must stay muslim or be killed, their laws.

people can be forced to convert and as they did during the crusades they will declare sharia on entire regions - making all occupants muslims!! if those occupants don't pray at the rock 5 times a day they are killed..

the good and bad news is that oil will not last forever. good because that's all they have, they don't contribute much else to the world so they will be out of the picture without oil. bad because they know they are running out of time, they have that clock ticking.

med, if the top was buyable then Kerry and his diaper wearing, dr. suing sidekick would have it...he was sitting on more than $50 million in campaign money after the election... he bought a presidential bid and then kept the change! lol


New Member
med, if the top was buyable then Kerry and his diaper wearing, dr. suing sidekick would have it...he was sitting on more than $50 million in campaign money after the election... he bought a presidential bid and then kept the change! lol I guess you weren't paying attention. The vote in Ohio and Florida was rigged, or he would have been the Man. Don't bother asking me to prove this as the riggers were mighty slick and no proof has been compiled, or at least made public. (This must go into the conspiracy column) and Kerry didn't have the backing of the tri-lateral commission, (Conspiracy again). So your man, that genious known as G.W., or Dubya, the puppet, got swindled in! 2 more years, geeze I wonder whats next?


Well-Known Member
med, if the top was buyable then Kerry and his diaper wearing, dr. suing sidekick would have it...he was sitting on more than $50 million in campaign money after the election... he bought a presidential bid and then kept the change! lol

Hey Dumbass, Edwards would have been a hell of a lot better choice than Kerry.


New Member
BTW is there any cure for your racism????
Geeze, I thought I was the only one getting pissed. He's drunk too much koolaid. Hate- hate- hate, thats what this government is all about, Axis of evil. I believe the true axis of evil starts in the Vice presidents Office. These guys are slick, but one of them is going to slip up, Maybe we can get to them through Scooter Libbey. Hopefully they'll scare him enough to spill his guts. I'd like to "Rendition" him and Cheney!


Well-Known Member
BTW is there any cure for your racism????
yeah there is a cure for it, oddly enough it starts with you learning to read...

that putrid religion isn't about a race and i'm sorry, but it freaks me out a little that their leaders don't stand up and scream "stop doing this in the name of alah!" if one of them did i'd change my mind about islam.


New Member
I agree with a war on Islam. I did not agree with the war on Iraq. I still believe that Saddam would have been our greatest ally if he were alive and the war were to take place.
Skunky, The islamists in Britian must be more outspoken than the muslims here. You never hear about US Muslims causing shit, well hardly ever. In fact I have seen some Muslim leaders condemn what the extremests are doing on National TV. You're Hypothesis of all muslims being bad doesn't play out in the USA. We have some good responsible people that call themselves Muslims. I can see where it would be easy to label them all bad if you had some bad personal experiences, but unless you go looking for Muslims in Vegas, they're pretty low key. There is a Jewish onclave close to my neighborhood, the old fashioned jewish Hadistic clan, with the long haired men and the black robes, but no muslims in site. As long as they don't advocate killing Christians or white older gentlemen, I'll cut them slack!


Well-Known Member
yeah there is a cure for it, oddly enough it starts with you learning to read...

that putrid religion isn't about a race and i'm sorry, but it freaks me out a little that their leaders don't stand up and scream "stop doing this in the name of alah!" if one of them did i'd change my mind about islam.
Then you know very little about the religion, only what you hear from propagandist.

If you were to go into Arabic there word dimi is in those writings. Dimi means all religious peoples. They are to respect all religions, The word Infidel means a person with out God who is ignorant. Unless you are an atheist you have nothing to fear from the religion in general.
Most Muslims know our bible better then we do.
Do you know why the Extremist attack us? (the United States and Now the UK) Because We won't leave the Muslim lands, According to the Religion it is against their laws for non-Muslims to set foot on their lands. To them, the Muslim lands are holy ground.

You see if you would actually do a little more reading and study you would find that not everything is as it seems.
Personally I own a copy of the Koran, as well as many other different writings from other religions... The Study of religions is just one of my hobbies.


New Member
*lol* ... I'm starting to love this 7xstall guy. This is getting good.

The thread is about why we are in Iraq. The entire world thought Saddam had WMD, including our ENTIRE Democratic party. Saddam broke U.N. resolution, after U.N. resolution. Saddam would not cooperate with U.N. examiners. Saddam gave the "bird" to the entire world. President Bush went before the U.N. council and before the U.S. Congress. Saddam did not relent. Therefore, Saddam is dead. Therefore, I am proud of my country and my president for standing by his convictions. In spite of what the NaySayers say, there is nothing illegal about this war. Congress approved it. The president acted in a constitutional manner.



New Member
*lol* ... I'm starting to love this 7xstall guy. This is getting good.

The thread is about why we are in Iraq. The entire world thought Saddam had WMD, including our ENTIRE Democratic party. Saddam broke U.N. resolution, after U.N. resolution. Saddam would not cooperate with U.N. examiners. Saddam gave the "bird" to the entire world. President Bush went before the U.N. council and before the U.S. Congress. Saddam did not relent. Therefore, Saddam is dead. Therefore, I am proud of my country and my president for standing by his convictions. In spite of what the NaySayers say, there is nothing illegal about this war. Congress approved it. The president acted in a constitutional manner.

Pass the koolaid! Take a big toke and relax, you'll be ok. You don't have to agree with Bush, let your mind roam, there are better things to think about than that asshole. You'll never be free in this country, the type of freedom you crave, so take a trip and find your tax free haven, low taxes or none,, no infrastructure or law keepers, Anarchy, thats what you want isn't it!


Well-Known Member
Vi I took the time to actually talk to some Muslims about the subject. Not to believe what the official word is on the subject.... Besides the reason that OUR OWN PRESIDENT stated as a reason to go to war in Iraq has been proved to be wrong. Second, We should have finish the job in Afghanistan first. Then We call Pakistan our Ally when we know for certain that Bin Laudin is there. This administration has fucked up deluxe from the word go. I'm not going to get into the corruption that the current administration and the previous congress and senate has perpetrated on this country... But I will say this, The Republicans have pulled off more crimes against this country in 12 years than the Democrats did in 50 years...

Here Vi



New Member
Ahhhh bullshit. You lefties are driving me nuts with your by-rote comments. No shit ... anything original to say?



Well-Known Member
No Vi it has been proven.... BTW I'm no Democrat, do you ever think for yourself??? Look idiot, even the republicans are turning against President shrub


New Member
Ahhhh bullshit. You lefties are driving me nuts with your by-rote comments. No shit ... anything original to say?

Well, you wouldn't like it if I said it so I won't, It rhimes with Duck you, And can be seen as a social comment on my view of your disdain, Lefty who? I'm a centrist, A little bit of guns, and a little butter, cannabutter to you! Now since I've nothing original to add to this drivel, I'll leave!


Well-Known Member
Vi you ask if I have anything original to say? You spew everything that the republicans try to shit down our throats.