Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being


Active Member
Sorry but marijuana laws are nowhere near to being an issue worthy of basing a vote on. I'd much rather have the economy sound, the borders secure and the terrorists on the run than to have pot legal.
But doooooood....

If we legalize marijuana our economy will experience a weed and hemp boom, we will need lots illegal immigrants to do the works we're too stoned to do and the terrorist will decide that it's not cool to fuck with potsmokers and leave us all alone.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Obama seems to not be inclined to make it easier for legitimate scientific studies on medicinal uses of marijuana.
I wonder why?:leaf:

Researchers Find Study of Medical Marijuana Discouraged
Published: January 18, 2010
Despite the Obama administration’s tacit support of more liberal state medical marijuana laws, the federal government still discourages research into the medicinal uses of smoked marijuana. That may be one reason that — even though some patients swear by it — there is no good scientific evidence that legalizing marijuana’s use provides any benefits over current therapies.


Active Member
Abe you said, "Oh and yes, rush limbaugh is basically a caricature of everything that's wrong with america."
What do you mean? There should be no opinion/entertainment shows of political nature? He's not doing news. He gives his opinion. You just want people that don't agree with you censored? I can take rush or leave him. However I find him much less of a hate spewer than Olberman or ed shultz. Certainly much less delusional than hannity or maddow. Some of those are just unwatchable. I can't make it through more than 20 min of olberman or shultz. All opinion shows are the type you either agree or don't listen. I just don't understand how people want censorship.


Active Member
Abe you said, "Oh and yes, rush limbaugh is basically a caricature of everything that's wrong with america."
What do you mean? There should be no opinion/entertainment shows of political nature? He's not doing news. He gives his opinion. You just want people that don't agree with you censored? I can take rush or leave him. However I find him much less of a hate spewer than Olberman or ed shultz. Certainly much less delusional than hannity or maddow. Some of those are just unwatchable. I can't make it through more than 20 min of olberman or shultz. All opinion shows are the type you either agree or don't listen. I just don't understand how people want censorship.
Ummm, where did you see me say I want him censored...? He's got the right to be a hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being and spew lies on the air, but I also have the right to call him a shitbag. The haiti remarks are only the most recent example of this, but obviously isn't a very good person. Same goes for hannity, o'reilly and many other right-wing commentators. They just seem like very angry, hateful people.


Well-Known Member
freedom of speech?
dissent IS a part of our rig
without it totalitarianism would be rampant I.E. --super majority--
rush [and his cohorts] just replaced a KENNEDY in MASS with a repub
it doesn't matter if you like him or not IT'S RELEVANT


Well-Known Member
How does it taste?

Here is a recipe for you:

Pan Fried Crow
2 eggs
seasoned bread crumbs or flour
oil or bacon grease
Remove breast meat from as many crows as desired. Beat with meat mallet (for tenderizing). Dip pieces in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs or flour. Fry in oil in hot skillet. Bacon grease can be substituted by can smoke. Leave inside a tad pink.


Well-Known Member
every chance i get. member of several social/voluntary organizatgions. i preach conservatism and weed all the time.

right now helping the former president of a local fire company who at 80 years old has cancer and is in kemo. smokin a nice afghan. just givin it to him, free, no profit, nothin. gave him a pipe and all. what did you do today you condescending bunghole?

so basically, you are wrong again. feel free to fuck off at any time......

typical lib who sits at home spankin his monkey and doesnt have a clue outside his little "i love the govt and all they provide" box. dick

oh, and you can shove your fancy words....i couldnt resist :-P:-P:-P:-P:bigjoint:
Wow, my opinions are bunk because you gave a guy weed, so I guess that invalidates all statistics in the world.

Do you find my words fancy! That's cute. You must mean the ones over 3 syllables I assume.


Well-Known Member
Obama seems to not be inclined to make it easier for legitimate scientific studies on medicinal uses of marijuana.
I wonder why?:leaf:

Researchers Find Study of Medical Marijuana Discouraged
Published: January 18, 2010
Despite the Obama administration’s tacit support of more liberal state medical marijuana laws, the federal government still discourages research into the medicinal uses of smoked marijuana. That may be one reason that — even though some patients swear by it — there is no good scientific evidence that legalizing marijuana’s use provides any benefits over current therapies.

I already read that, and if you were familiar with the subject you'd know the DEA has complete control over all that, not Obama.


Well-Known Member
But no one here is seriously confronting the question of why conservatives are so much more likely to be anti-legalization than liberals.

(and obviously I'm not talking about conservatives on this site)


Well-Known Member
it would cut into their oil profits!
Because they are older and were probably in office during the Reagan, George Bush years of the war on drugs. They still believe only stoners and hippies smoke pot.

That and lobbyists


Well-Known Member
Because they are older and were probably in office during the Reagan, George Bush years of the war on drugs. They still believe only stoners and hippies smoke pot.

That and lobbyists
Well, it is definitely true that older people (70+) are very against legalization and decriminalization... but is it true that conservatives are generally older? I'm not so sure of that.

Illegal Smile

But know one here is seriously confronting the question of why conservatives are so much more likely to be anti-legalization than liberals.

(and obviously I'm not talking about conservatives on this site)
The group you call conservatives are a multi-segment group. It contains the christian right segment which is uniformly close-minded. I think if it were possible to measure say, conservatives with college educations and liberals with college educations, you would not see much difference between the two.

Also, don't call indifference anti-legalization. many conservatives are indifferent (like me) because I'm not convinces legalization would do much more than bring government into it. I'd rather just see law enforcement ignore small growers and personal users than make it legal. So it's like.... legalization? meh. And as I said earlier it's not an issue worth voting over. I think attitudes will have to evolve rather than be legislated.

Illegal Smile

At least half the lawyers, architects, college professors and business people I know smoke weed. And age is definitely not a factor. Nor is political ideology. People with kids are less likely to though.


Well-Known Member
The group you call conservatives are a multi-segment group. It contains the christian right segment which is uniformly close-minded. I think if it were possible to measure say, conservatives with college educations and liberals with college educations, you would not see much difference between the two.

Also, don't call indifference anti-legalization. many conservatives are indifferent (like me) because I'm not convinces legalization would do much more than bring government into it. I'd rather just see law enforcement ignore small growers and personal users than make it legal. So it's like.... legalization? meh. And as I said earlier it's not an issue worth voting over. I think attitudes will have to evolve rather than be legislated.
That's a valid point... both with regards to the religious right and the indifference not that same as anti-legalization. You are simply stating that the effort to legalize is too great for the pay-off, it sounds like.

I personally don't like the fact that I am considered a criminal, and that the law has the right to incarcerate me if they wanted to... despite the fact that they may look the other way. I also don't like the fact that the government comes off as hypocritically (not that they aren't on a host of other issues), when the facts clearly points to them being on the wrong side of this issue.
I am sure if you were to find yourself in different circumstances, legalization could be your number one concern.

I can't think of much I hate more than injustice and bad laws... and the combination of the two makes it a strong issue for me... (I can't think of any other law that affects me more than this one).


Well-Known Member
At least half the lawyers, architects, college professors and business people I know smoke weed. And age is definitely not a factor. Nor is political ideology. People with kids are less likely to though.
I think anyone that went to college is at a higher likelihood to smoke MJ.

Maybe political ideology isn't a factor (I would maybe disagree), but it cannot be denied that there is a strong correlation.

Age is a factor, only if it is to color certain age groups perceptions of MJ because of the time period when they grew up (ie. Reefer Madness)


Well-Known Member
I can get a pretty good idea of where conservatives and progressives stand on issues just from my experience with real people. I have no doubt that conservatives are a lot less likely to approve of legalization.

So, you're saying the polls are not valid because (in your opinion) conservatives didn't answer their phones?! Come on, you're going to need a better way to keep yourself in denial than that.

Another phone poll...:lol:

ring ring, ring ring, ring r...

conservative- unknown number. fuck that. (presses silence)

ring ri...

liberal- Hello?

pollster- Can you take 20 minutes to answer some questions I have?

liberal- I was just baking a cake, but, I don't have to be to my appointmenet until 3, so if I just put this stuff away...hmmm...

pollster- So you have 20 minutes?

liberal- You bet! I like sharing my input, so, anyway I can help...ohhh, it's gonna be such a nice cake. Do you like chocolate cake?

pollster- Yeah. It's one of my favorites.

liberal- (squeals) Me too!


Well-Known Member
If your STATE doesn't make it legal, then it shouldn't be legal. Like prostitution, gambling, shoplifting, driving drunk, showing your cock in public, etc. If you want to legally smoke, vote with your feet, and move to Alaska! :bigjoint:

Or start a referendum, lazy....