Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being


Well-Known Member
i'm certainly not going to damn him for playing a part that is true to his ideology.
so being true to an ideology is admirable even if the ideology is despicable?

you obviously are cool with the taliban. they are also true to an ideology. so was hitler. also the underwear bomber guy, he was playing a part that was true to his ideology.

Illegal Smile

Rush's little finger has more genuineness in it than Obama's entire body. It is Obama who is the trojan horse, a mere shell with no real interior. Not what he seems to be, a trick, a hoax. Rush has been riding high for over a quarter century. Obama is proving to be a failed experiment in voter manipulation and fraud.

jeff f

New Member
so being true to an ideology is admirable even if the ideology is despicable?

you obviously are cool with the taliban. they are also true to an ideology. so was hitler. also the underwear bomber guy, he was playing a part that was true to his ideology.

i am totally amazed that looking at the limbaugh quote you cannot see the satire. HARRY REID SAID IT, LIMBAUGH WAS MAKING A JOKE....HELLO...ANYBODY IN HERE?

one of his famous digs is "i can play the libs like a stradavarius". what an understatement :bigjoint:

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Rush's little finger has more genuineness in it than Obama's entire body. It is Obama who is the trojan horse, a mere shell with no real interior. Not what he seems to be, a trick, a hoax. Rush has been riding high for over a quarter century. Obama is proving to be a failed experiment in voter manipulation and fraud.
i don't know man, thin ice... it's easy to do what rush does. he just sits back and comments on what others are doing, while he actually does nothing. all the people that are complaining about our gov need to ask a single question. did i vote? if you didn't vote, then sit down and shut up! you have no say in political matters, unless you're part of the process......


Active Member

"I'm not going to listen to Rush and I'm not going to watch Palin on Fox. I'm not! Do you hear me! I'm not going to do it..notnotnotnotnotnot!!! I won't do it you can't make me! And I'm not afraid of either one of them. ARGH&^%$$$^&***(***!!!!!!"
your so wrong, i find these morons very amusing, the poeple who agree with them? not so much


Well-Known Member
so being true to an ideology is admirable even if the ideology is despicable?
is it despicable to desire the rights of every individual be upheld? is it despicable to be set against government intrusion into every facet of our lives? is it despicable to believe in the ability of the people to govern themselves? these are some of the core tenets of the conservatism you so abhor and a bit of bad taste doesn't diminish their importance. if you take off your blinders you might see that there is more to the conservative movement than religious nut jobs and three piece suits.


New Member
To quote Senator Al Franken, "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot". I think this sums it up. No need for further explanation.


Well-Known Member
all the people that are complaining about our gov need to ask a single question. did i vote? if you didn't vote, then sit down and shut up! you have no say in political matters, unless you're part of the process......
:finger:i've grown quite tired of this sort of crap, as if there is some virtue in being a part of a corrupt process. in the decades since i was first eligible to vote i have refused to engage in the lie of the ballot box. government's only means of action is force and i have refused to be a part of that violence. while you may choose to go about indulging your need to impose your own ideals on others, many of us prefer change the world by example instead of force. our charity is our own, a personal choice instead of state induced theft. our justice is a matter of morality, not the vengeance of the indignant mob. our security is our own responsibility, not dependent on the illusion of safety fed to those too indolent to care for themselves. our fates are in our own hands, we rely on no half-assed social programs or government hand-outs to ease us through our inevitable failures.

we remember that the enemy is not the banker or the industrialist, the enemy is created when the state conspires with such people to cheat the people out of their birthright. we remember that the fight was always against being forced to conform and only the state has the power to force conformity through its use of violence. we remember that it was never about money, it was always about liberty and that sort of freedom can never be attained by justifying the abuses of government with a meaningless ballot and chaining yourself to the state.


New Member
Med relying on Stu Smalley as an authority on anything.

No need for further explanation. :lol:

Welcome back, Med!
Ya, I don't frequent this haunt as much as before, still some interesting "stuff" though, along with the mud slinging BS. I believe my blood pressure has subsided some since narrowing my viewing. After 3+ years, The main thing I've learned from this site is: can't change a conservative, "Teabagger" mind about anything. Makes the futility rather pointless, unless one has a propensity towards frustration, I don't. I have enough turmoil in my personal life to keep me frustrated. BTW, I seldom watch Saturday night Live, have not seen "Stu Smalley". I'm assuming he does a bit as Al Franken. No-one needs to do Rush, He pretty much does it all by himself. I don't believe anyone could act out a bigger idiot image, he has it wired, Pun intended.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
^^^dude, (under) that old 70's mindset is a thing of the past!^^^ although, i must admit, you almost convinced me it's o.k. to sit back and bitch, but make no contributions. it don't matter how you explain it, sitting on your hands only keeps them warm.......


Well-Known Member
Ya, I don't frequent this haunt as much as before, still some interesting "stuff" though, along with the mud slinging BS. I believe my blood pressure has subsided some since narrowing my viewing. After 3+ years, The main thing I've learned from this site is: can't change a conservative, "Teabagger" mind about anything. Makes the futility rather pointless, unless one has a propensity towards frustration, I don't. I have enough turmoil in my personal life to keep me frustrated. BTW, I seldom watch Saturday night Live, have not seen "Stu Smalley". I'm assuming he does a bit as Al Franken. No-one needs to do Rush, He pretty much does it all by himself. I don't believe anyone could act out a bigger idiot image, he has it wired, Pun intended.
Exactly right, these guys just fuel on this stuff. Hatred, being a asshole and conspiracies.


New Member
is it despicable to desire the rights of every individual be upheld? is it despicable to be set against government intrusion into every facet of our lives? is it despicable to believe in the ability of the people to govern themselves? these are some of the core tenets of the conservatism you so abhor and a bit of bad taste doesn't diminish their importance. if you take off your blinders you might see that there is more to the conservative movement than religious nut jobs and three piece suits.
Yeah, and many conservatives would love to throw your pot smoking ass in jail. :fire:

And as far as: "there is more to the conservative movement than religious nut jobs and three piece suits"

How ignorant of me. I forgot about the others: Rednecks, fat white men, southern white hicks, trailer trash, hillbillies, poorly educated people, and people who fear the unknown.

Also, when you say, "is it despicable to desire the rights of every individual be upheld? is it despicable to be set against government intrusion into every facet of our lives? is it despicable to believe in the ability of the people to govern themselves?"

Since when do conservatives have a lock on this philosophy? Hell, they didn't even invent the view. In fact, "The American Declaration of Independence proclaimed the liberal ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were instrumental in creating a country whose constitution was based on liberal principles."

What annoys me most about conservatives is their utter refusal to think that any view but their own might be correct. They refuse to believe there are vast injustices in our society. They would tell the people of Haiti to go shit in a hat. In their mind, greed is good. And that is about what got us into the worst economy since the Great Depression.

conservatives make me :spew:


Well-Known Member
that old 70's mindset is a thing of the past!
that mindset is a lot older than a mere few decades, but i'm afraid you're probably right. the concepts of personal responsibility and individual liberty are fast becoming obsolete. i guess i'm just too set in my ways to join you as an insignificant member of the bleating herd.


Well-Known Member
is it despicable to desire the rights of every individual be upheld?
You mean like the Patriot Act and Guantanamo? No.

is it despicable to be set against government intrusion into every facet of our lives?
You mean, like helping the underprivileged get basic health-care? Yes.
If you mean controlling our sex live or who our who we can marry, or what we can say, or what we can put into our body, then No.

is it despicable to believe in the ability of the people to govern themselves?
Um, no, not at all, that is what the whole government thing is about. It's called democracy if you're unfamiliar.

So what you mean is "do as they say, not as they do." Because on the first two I'd say the democrats have a better track record, and you're last point, seems to be redundant.


New Member
:finger:i've grown quite tired of this sort of crap, as if there is some virtue in being a part of a corrupt process. in the decades since i was first eligible to vote i have refused to engage in the lie of the ballot box. government's only means of action is force and i have refused to be a part of that violence. while you may choose to go about indulging your need to impose your own ideals on others, many of us prefer change the world by example instead of force. our charity is our own, a personal choice instead of state induced theft. our justice is a matter of morality, not the vengeance of the indignant mob. our security is our own responsibility, not dependent on the illusion of safety fed to those too indolent to care for themselves. our fates are in our own hands, we rely on no half-assed social programs or government hand-outs to ease us through our inevitable failures.

we remember that the enemy is not the banker or the industrialist, the enemy is created when the state conspires with such people to cheat the people out of their birthright. we remember that the fight was always against being forced to conform and only the state has the power to force conformity through its use of violence. we remember that it was never about money, it was always about liberty and that sort of freedom can never be attained by justifying the abuses of government with a meaningless ballot and chaining yourself to the state.
Where the fuck do you live, On a deserted island. There are 310+ million others that live in this country, with differing opinions. You are not the know-all/be-all of this site, or the country. I respect your opinion, but just like 310+ million other opinions, yours holds no pertinent sway, especially since you don't participate in the decision process. To sit back and proclaim yourself above the fray and superior in intellect because you wouldn't lower yourself to Vote is ludicrous. In a word, you could be a candidate for "asshood".
BTW it is always about money, always.


Well-Known Member
yes, i've decided to simply ignore both mismos and upnorth. one seems far too concerned with entitlements, the other is just much too angry and he can't seem to wrap his head around the changing meaning of the term liberalism. neither have yet figured out the difference between conservative and republican. so i find myself considering med as the only one worth replying to. what a world.:rolleyes:
To sit back and proclaim yourself above the fray and superior in intellect because you wouldn't lower yourself to Vote is ludicrous.
above the fray? no, i'm merely outside of it. every soul that heeds our example and joins us is another cog missing from the machine. should enough cogs go missing, the machine must surely break down. my intellect, though a bit above the norm, is by no means so superior that i could claim to have all the answers, but i do know that i have no right to force my way of life down anyone else's throat. that is what voting is all about, now isn't it, the use of governmental force to make everyone conform.

we have lost our way. individualism and voluntarism were the goals, but mob mentality has taken control and the small minds of the movement have become its leaders.

BTW it is always about money, always.
i realize that it is always about the money to the liberal mind. envy is what keeps the masses in line and under their masters' thumb. without a scapegoat they would wake up and see that their heroes are their worst enemies.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I don't frequent this haunt as much as before, still some interesting "stuff" though, along with the mud slinging BS. I believe my blood pressure has subsided some since narrowing my viewing. After 3+ years, The main thing I've learned from this site is: can't change a conservative, "Teabagger" mind about anything. Makes the futility rather pointless, unless one has a propensity towards frustration, I don't. I have enough turmoil in my personal life to keep me frustrated. BTW, I seldom watch Saturday night Live, have not seen "Stu Smalley". I'm assuming he does a bit as Al Franken. No-one needs to do Rush, He pretty much does it all by himself. I don't believe anyone could act out a bigger idiot image, he has it wired, Pun intended.
You are frustrated here because the pendulum swung your way last November, but the Hopey-Changey thingee didn't work out the way you assumed it would. Subsequently, you discovered it's much more fun to rail against the powers that be than be put in a position to defend them.

Never fear, it is more than apparent that the pendulum is swinging back again. Thanks to the unbelievable arrogance and tone deafness of the Messiah, you'll be pissing and moaning against the powers that be before you can say 'Cat in the Hat.' Just like old times. :-P

I think it's highly humorous that you choose to use anti-homosexual hate speech in an attempt to dismiss a legitimate movement protesting one-party domination.

'Teabagger' emphasizes the depth of desperation in the Progressive movement and a fundamental lack of understanding of exactly why common folks are angry.

Plus, it's highly hypocritical being that Progressives supposedly favor gay rights and all.

But I hear Chuckie Shumer use it, I hear Janine Garafolo use it, and I see you use it; among others here.