Have any stats that state the opposite...
Didn't think so...
Seriously... what is with the cognitive dissonance of conservative weed smokers? Could some of you conservatives bring this up at your next meeting... you guys are really bringing the cause down!
It's very similar to the cognitive dissonance to which Democratic smokers cling, only
less intense. You see, Conservative smokers foster
no illusion regarding any chances the Republican Party plans to re-legalize cannabis.
I should also remind you that
Ron Paul is a Republican. Isn't it
But for some reason, Progressive smokers seem to believe Democrats are an ally in the re-legalization struggle.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. When Bill Clinton said he did not inhale, that was the sound of him throwing smokers under the bus.
Little has changed since.
I realize that Obama halted DEA raids in MMJ states. Fantastic. Stopping raids which should not have ever happened in the first place.
But it's also true that Obama is on record saying that re-legalization is
off the table as a means of reviving the economy. I'm sure that will change once the 2012 primary campaign revs up. He'll throw out enough ambiguous signals to convince smokers like yourself that he is on
your side. He'll dummy up after the convention, and if re-elected you will hear him say something akin to, "
Let me be clear. I've
always maintained that re-legalization is
off the table."
Jim Webb said everything should be on the table. Dennis Kucinich has come out in favor of re-legalization. But those two are in the minority in your party.
There are only a handful of political parties which include re-legalization as part of their platforms, and the Democratic Party ain't one of them.
The Democrats are using you.
A Progressive who supports re-legalization would find a more suitable home in the
Green Party. Just as a Conservative favoring re-legalization would be more comfortable in the
Libertarian Party.