Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway


Well-Known Member
i use miracle gro with no problems , i think the problem for some people is that they want to start adding nutes too quickly and they burn the shit out of there plants. i never fed my plant for around 4 weeks. im 7 weeks into flower and my smallest plant is 3.5' and my tallest is almost 5' so i guess that just shows that mg can and does work.


i just started my grow and one of the plants is in miracle grow and the other are in some organic from calloways and man does the miracle grow plant smell sooo good and other ones barly have a stench


Active Member
ok i'm fairly new to growing
what i mean by that is i have grown mj before but smothing came up and had to get rid of it.
i use mg all the time now and don't have any problems with the stuff.

you just have to read the directions, it doesn't take a rocket scientist
just don't feed any nutes for like a month and then go 1/4 str. with the nutes

here is the life (PICS) of one of my Northern Light girls, which she is alittle over 3 weeks in flower

Tell me you can't grow in MG!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
fuck miracle grow its garbage
Its a poor craftsman that blames his tools.

If its SO bad, how come it did the best (in final yield) then a full FF and a promix with GH nutes? 3 plants all clones from the same mother? So many others have had great success with MG. You come in and say "its garbage" with absolutly no backing. What validity do *you* think your comment have?

Your comment is garbage.


Well-Known Member
well here is a couple of pics of my Northern Lights that i just harvested a week ago, and i grew it in MG

MG all the way baby!!!!!!!
Nice buds. but MG sucks and won't grow weed. Great for every other plant, but just can't grow this 'weed'

(sarcasm about the MG, Serious about the buds)


i use mg potting compost it feed my plats for me so i dont have to lol and it DUZ increse groth and yeald if used corect


Active Member
right on!!!!!!!!!!!

keep on using MG!!!!!!......:weed:

allways have used moisture control, but i'm thinking about using organic choice this time with some perlite

anyone ever used this stuff let me know what you thought of it?????????


Well-Known Member
Its clear mg gets good growing results. I never doubted that. I do question the quality of the taste in the final product.


Active Member
it's just soil in the end, all the nutes are used up in it.

except for the ones you put in it, which i use organic FF trio nutes

as long as you do a good flush, thats pretty goes for any soil!!!!