How many watts should you keep your grow under to avoid detection (uk)


Well-Known Member
Just curious to know whats a safe amount to keep your grow under without drawing any attention to yourself?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well I guess it depends on where you live. I'd say at least a few 1000 no problem. In my house I have electric everything. I have 6 baseboard heaters ( 1500 watts a piece ), my water heater is almost 8000 watts between the 2 elements, my stove etc..... My point is that without a grow my electric bill in the winter is like 400 MAX about 150-175 in the summer. I see no reason to be worried unless your being watched.


Well-Known Member
Damn there goes my plans for the 6 x 1000 watters!!!

I guess to be "safe" maybe 4 x 400watters would be ok?


Well-Known Member
id say go with the six if you can manage the bill. Just keep you bill paid and in no circumstances try to steal electricity,


Well-Known Member
Im definitely not planning on stealing any electricity and paying my bill on time... how many watts do you think i would be ok with max?


Well-Known Member
I run six 400 watt lights (2 running 24 hours for veg, and 4 running 12/12 for flower), and I don't worry about detection problems what so ever. You have to remember a couple things: One, you are one person in MANY using electricity (and I don't mean growing, I'm talking general population)! two, the electric company doesn't give a shit how you use your electricity, just so long as you ARE using electricity and paying the bill. Like someone else said, unless you are being watched for some reason, then don't worry about it.

Remember the #1 rule. Don't tell anyone you grow, and you will never have to worry about being busted...For the most part. I realize there are other reasons you could be. but loose lips sink the most ships... Also, if you have company over often, then you better make sure that you have a good ventilation system with excellent filtration. That's another biggie... I've walked in to houses and knew they grew the second I walked in. Fresh growing pot smells different then "smoked" pot... to some one with a bit of experience, it's hard to use the excuse of, "oh yeah, we just smoked out before you got here.." that won't fly for some one who can tell the difference..



northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Damn there goes my plans for the 6 x 1000 watters!!!

I guess to be "safe" maybe 4 x 400watters would be ok?

I think 6 is fine. Just pay your bill. I've only seen grows busted because cops already knew the grow was going on and they look into the electric bill just for more evidence. My advice, stay unde the radar and you'll be fine,:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im choosing a tent and working out how many lights i would need etc etc... just dont want to cause suspicion with a big electric bill

Obviously the more watts i use - the better the yield, would just like to know whats a "safe" amount?


Try using a light rail 6 foot long you can cut down on the number of lights you need and you won't burn your plants so easy. 1000watt hps on a rail will grow 30 plants in a 4x8 foot area no problem :bigjoint:


1000 watts for 1 hour @ .10 per kilo watt = .10 cents... 10 hours = $1.00 24 hours = $2.40 a day. 30 days = $72.00
Times 6 lights = $432.00 :wall:


Well-Known Member
1000 watts for 1 hour @ .10 per kilo watt = .10 cents... 10 hours = $1.00 24 hours = $2.40 a day. 30 days = $72.00
Times 6 lights = $432.00 :wall:
Good idea dav but my lights will have to be fixed as im planning on using air cooled hoods and several ice boxes to keep the temp down plus it will be a completely sealed room :)


Well-Known Member
Good idea dav but my lights will have to be fixed as im planning on using air cooled hoods and several ice boxes to keep the temp down plus it will be a completely sealed room :)
I have my aircooled hood on a light mover. I understand why you are paranoid about this but at some point you're gonna have to take the leap.............or not. Nobody can give you the answer you seek because there is no magic number of lights to stay under to avoid detection. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Lol it would make it so much easier if i had a figure i could work with...

At the moment im thinking 4 x 600watts - im basically scared to go any higher as i know ill have to use watts for the ac, dehumidifier and chiller

You think this would be ok?


Well-Known Member
Lol it would make it so much easier if i had a figure i could work with...

At the moment im thinking 4 x 600watts - im basically scared to go any higher as i know ill have to use watts for the ac, dehumidifier and chiller

You think this would be ok?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Lol it would make it so much easier if i had a figure i could work with...

At the moment im thinking 4 x 600watts - im basically scared to go any higher as i know ill have to use watts for the ac, dehumidifier and chiller

You think this would be ok?

If your good you can do a LB per light. I love my 600's.:leaf:

brett silva

Active Member
ya man, thats JUST the lights. You will also have a vent fan, OS fan's on 24/7. Then pretty soon you will have to run an AC. Then you have all the other non pot shit in your house.


Well-Known Member
If your good you can do a LB per light. I love my 600's.:leaf:
A LB per light!!! - Id be happy with that

Doc... are you just using the one 1000watter?

People say the 600w is more efficient as it has the best lumen to watt ratio ive heard, ive also heard that the 600 will cover an area of about 120cm by 120cm - does this sound about right - and how important is it to get it exact?