Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Active Member
I Know what you mean, but I am talking only about transition from veg to flower. I give my blueberry clones 24 hrs of dark after 3 1/2 week veg. Then 13 hrs of light for 8 week. I use a 600w hps + drip irrigation. 4 plants generally yeald 25 to 31 oz, consistant over 3 year with this strain.

The proof is in the pudding mate.


New Member
I Know what you mean, but I am talking only about transition from veg to flower. I give my blueberry clones 24 hrs of dark after 3 1/2 week veg. Then 13 hrs of light for 8 week. I use a 600w hps + drip irrigation. 4 plants generally yeald 25 to 31 oz, consistant over 3 year with this strain.

The proof is in the pudding mate.
The transition from veg to flower takes no time at all when the plant is properly matured. Which your clones would be. So you're saying what? You're talking about transition from veg to flower and....????????????

At the same time, I know you'll agree (from the 13 hour light period) that photosynthesis is the most important factor in bud growth.


New Member
Actually, i've just figured you out... you're still saying that the hormone responsible to keep a plant flowering is important in the bud development of the plant? I don't understand what you're saying.

You need to be more precise, make a statement, then back it up with LOGIC. I realise that may be slightly difficult for you but i'm sure if you took a few hours you might be able to figure something out.


New Member
Here is an answer you gave to a simple ph problem in another thread...

looks like it could be due to excessive humidity in propogation. give it time im sure they'll come good mate.

Good job the person in question didn't take your advice... mate.

I honestly feel that you don't know much about growing weed. You may have been doing it for 3.5 years but you have no way of explaining your reasoning behind anything. You have changed conversation on me, twisted it to mean something else. You also just happen to flower with 13 hours light. I smell bullshit, and you're the cause. mate. also you go off line a lot... then come back. You doing reading just so that you can try and argue with me?


Well-Known Member
ahhh...the pleasures of procreation....some serious fun...and in so many ways, and then there is procreation in nature....well...actually it can be downright hilarious....if you ever have the chance....you have to see mountain goat billies making absolute fools out of themselves with the nannies....its really quite embarassing to be male! hahahahahaha :blsmoke:
The sole function of flowering is REPRODUCTION....something we all like to participate in. Smile.


Well-Known Member
What I ment to ask was, could thinking it's going to die induce flowering? Might not make very potent buds, but could it allow enough hormones to build up to force the plant into flowering?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so...I do not believe that an immature plant can be forced into maturity.......but I could be wrong?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so...I do not believe that an immature plant can be forced into maturity.......but I could be wrong?

Just curios if there is some kind of scientific fact to back up the theory! That cutting out the lights for 24-36 hours will Force your plants into flowering. I think someone said they produce the hormones in the dark, and the light diminishes the hormones. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
earlier in this thread (page 4) I listened/read what Skunkushybrid had to say, and it made sense to me based on my other breeding experience....but as I have said before, I am certainly no horticultural specialist, and will leave it to those that have the experience to make definitive statements...kitty says it can be done - but its difficult.


Well-Known Member
ive heard you can give them as much as 23 hours of light at a time during the last month of flowering as long as those are followed by 12 hours of dark. forgot where i seen this but someone should try it out. supposed to increase yield by 40% or something ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I can see it being possible IF it will keep producing hormones in it's dark period. If it stops producing these hormones once a certain level is achieved, then it may do more harm then good.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so...I do not believe that an immature plant can be forced into maturity.......but I could be wrong?

I have some bagseed seedlings I started just to mess around with and throw away.

They have been 12/12 the whole time so I dunno if that screws the expirement, but they're DEFINATELY not showing any signs of maturity.

I just might take pics of one, then put it in darkness, wait a couple days, and see if it will do anything besides suffer.


New Member
I can see it being possible IF it will keep producing hormones in it's dark period. If it stops producing these hormones once a certain level is achieved, then it may do more harm then good.
The main hormone responsible for photosynthesis is cytokinin. This is what processes the light and turns it into sugars for use by the plant in growth and maturity.

Below a certain low amount of light, cannabis will not grow as big nor mature as fast in veg'. as the cytokinin hormone (which responds to light) is less active.

A study was done, I haven't got the link, where a seed was germinated in the dark and allowed to veg for a short time after being heavily dosed with cytokinin. It grew in complete darkness, and it was noted that it's cotelydons were of a much shorter, or more abrupt stature than normal when in the presence of light. So this suggests to me that light also contributes in the build-up of this hormone, and that the more of it there is, the more of this hormone will be available. The experiment went no further, maybe they ran out of hormones, i dunno.

I hope I have that right, maybe someone could check... don't take my word for it please. We need to learn together, and it is easy to get tiny points mixed up. Science is still learning too.


New Member
The best thing you can do for cannabis is to harness the intensity (lumen capability) of the sun, and then use it 24/0 (in veg' of course).


Well-Known Member
Hey Skunk,
I thought the best thing to do was to smoke it. Dam I have to go back to the drawling board...