JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Well-Known Member
Thanks Wikid...IDK what the flip happened the first time I posted it???
Did the hash spark all this conversation? Damn I'm stoned! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey...does anyone know what happened to Brevity...or Peter Parker? I just realized I haven't seen either of them post in a while, so I looked up Brevity, and he's been online, but he hasn't posted since the first. Same with Peter Parker...
Good question.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
woo, i've got a date with my wife tonight still get just a little nervous i hope that never goes away, we have been married five years


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and Gals! Just stopping in. I've driven past this place dozens of times on my journeys but never managed to stop by. Nice Place! Warm and cozy. I can be a :dunce: at times but I do :wall: and have learnt alot about alot around here not just this coffee shop.

JohnnyO Do you have a cup o joe to go? If so that would be awesome. I'd like to stay but all that shoveling to get in here has made me a little :sleep:. Here is a :joint: for the passing. If it's not enough to go around I can leave a little more :weed: and my spare bongsmilie. I'll put all that snow back infront of the door on my way out.:-(. :peace:


New Member
Cracker cruises in, hits A6 on the jukebox and takes a booth with his back to the wall. Coffee, hot & black ... like Pam Grier.



Damn this place looks nice, lotta cool people in here too. Lemme just spark up this :joint:

Here all, I brought more for everyone-:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:

Hey Johnny, you got cinnamon rolls here? Love em when i'm :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Woomeister gets out his chocolate.....dunk, puff....ahhhhhhh!
Hazlenut and belgian chocolate cookie anyone? pipe?


Woomeister gets out his chocolate.....dunk, puff....ahhhhhhh!
Hazlenut and belgian chocolate cookie anyone? pipe?
Ill take a puff at that pipe woo (no gay joke intended), what strain ya got in it? would you like a :joint:


mmmm good shit woo, never had Charis. In that :joint: there's mostly maui wowie, but there's also some labrador in there ;-)


Well-Known Member
When you've smoked freshly hand rolled Charis you wont want any other hash, believe me. I get a nice lump every xmas from my traveling friend. Never had your strains either...
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