For one the SS were out killing Jews senselessly, and two; CIA are seasoned individuals that have excelled too become what they are.
...SS weren't "seasoned individuals that had excelled to become what they were"? Fail.
Loosing guys like this is bad news for all of us. Terrorism is real, and that is what people need to wake up to. There are actually people that feel they need to spread their idealization and hate you and me because we are westerners. They feel that we are heathens and are against what they stand for.
Obviously these people are confused and misinformed. I don't really know what to tell a person who feels it neccessary to murder people for misunderstanding the situation and then forming an opinion based on what they know, what they've learned with the limited resources they have had available to them their entire life, but most importantly, what they've been raised to believe. They don't have the luxuries of libraries and the internet, all they have is what their father told them, their grandfather, etc. PROPAGANDA. They've been fed it their entire lives. Take a look around, realize how hard it is for an American with the shit I just mentioned to break free from indoctrination and realize almost everything they've ever been told about our way of life is a lie... I don't blame them one bit, it's almost an impossible task to ask a person.
Essentially, you support murdering innocent people simply for an equally as gullible position that most Americans claim to hold because their specific belief can sometimes result in violence.
I have seen these people first hand and the shit I would hear I still have bad dreams about.
Relax. It's just stupidity talking.
So you can go about talking your Anti-American propagandist bull shit and be blind to the real world, and continue to preach your Google educated information to all the other 17 year olds on the site, but trust me if one of them hand to ass whipping sand niggers ever got a hold of you they would cut your head right the fuck off in the name of Muhammad and than what would your sorry ass have to say?
Again man, how could you possibly think that murdering these people is the appropriate thing to do? Instead of find some way to educate them, provide opportunity for change... There are millions of ways to do it. One off hand I can think of is what we're doing in North Korea right now with "pro-democracy" propaganda, to encourage the citizens to listen to other sources of media instead of NKRadio or other state sponsored outlets. It's illegal to throw anything away with KJI's picture on it, or his father, these guys are considered gods in NK, so they type shit up in North Korean with his picture on it that is pro-democracy... so the citizens are confused, on the one hand it's illegal to throw it away because it's got his pic on it, but it's also illegal to keep it because of it's content... Brilliant right? Systematic killing is only going to prolong the conflict. You could kill all the men who are fighting, all of them. But their sons are going to grow up in 10-15 years and it's going to be another wave of terrorism. This pattern repeats throughout history.
It’s not the whole bunch of Muslims, but a very small sect of the religion, but that is what makes this whole situation hard. We don’t know who is good and who is bad. The middle east has needed help for a long time and it’s about time big brother stepped in.
...big brother is the fucking problem.
...SS weren't "seasoned individuals that had excelled to become what they were"? Fail.
Loosing guys like this is bad news for all of us. Terrorism is real, and that is what people need to wake up to. There are actually people that feel they need to spread their idealization and hate you and me because we are westerners. They feel that we are heathens and are against what they stand for.
Obviously these people are confused and misinformed. I don't really know what to tell a person who feels it neccessary to murder people for misunderstanding the situation and then forming an opinion based on what they know, what they've learned with the limited resources they have had available to them their entire life, but most importantly, what they've been raised to believe. They don't have the luxuries of libraries and the internet, all they have is what their father told them, their grandfather, etc. PROPAGANDA. They've been fed it their entire lives. Take a look around, realize how hard it is for an American with the shit I just mentioned to break free from indoctrination and realize almost everything they've ever been told about our way of life is a lie... I don't blame them one bit, it's almost an impossible task to ask a person.
Essentially, you support murdering innocent people simply for an equally as gullible position that most Americans claim to hold because their specific belief can sometimes result in violence.

I have seen these people first hand and the shit I would hear I still have bad dreams about.
Relax. It's just stupidity talking.
So you can go about talking your Anti-American propagandist bull shit and be blind to the real world, and continue to preach your Google educated information to all the other 17 year olds on the site, but trust me if one of them hand to ass whipping sand niggers ever got a hold of you they would cut your head right the fuck off in the name of Muhammad and than what would your sorry ass have to say?
Again man, how could you possibly think that murdering these people is the appropriate thing to do? Instead of find some way to educate them, provide opportunity for change... There are millions of ways to do it. One off hand I can think of is what we're doing in North Korea right now with "pro-democracy" propaganda, to encourage the citizens to listen to other sources of media instead of NKRadio or other state sponsored outlets. It's illegal to throw anything away with KJI's picture on it, or his father, these guys are considered gods in NK, so they type shit up in North Korean with his picture on it that is pro-democracy... so the citizens are confused, on the one hand it's illegal to throw it away because it's got his pic on it, but it's also illegal to keep it because of it's content... Brilliant right? Systematic killing is only going to prolong the conflict. You could kill all the men who are fighting, all of them. But their sons are going to grow up in 10-15 years and it's going to be another wave of terrorism. This pattern repeats throughout history.
It’s not the whole bunch of Muslims, but a very small sect of the religion, but that is what makes this whole situation hard. We don’t know who is good and who is bad. The middle east has needed help for a long time and it’s about time big brother stepped in.
...big brother is the fucking problem.