What exactly is "handled your way" jeff? I'm curious...
According to Rick, "the radicals" make up 10% (a statistic he still hasn't sourced..) which comes out to about 120 million people. You're advocating "KILLING" ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE? (anyone reading along, realize these are the people claiming moral superiority in this country, people like Jeff here advocating murdering whole nations of people because they are on a level of mental capability parallel with mental retardation. Welcome to TEXAS!)
I'd call it consequences of American foreign policy, and I would add that those of us who had enough foresight to see it coming, and still see the future consequences of our current actions abroad, constantly and continue to warn the ones here who are on the same level of mental retardation, who only see violence as the solution, who don't care to look back and realize that we've tried violence the entire history of human existence, and it still hasn't worked. You guys simply don't realize education and free thought and expression are the key to progression. Worldwide progression. Is Islam a threat? Of course. All religion is.
I'd of been smart enough not to get myself in this mess in the first place. 
according to my calculations just about every country advanced enough to have a seven-eleven has been hit by extremeist jihadist.
so by your logic, nobody has a successful foreign policy with the barbarian muslim jihadists. yet you continue to say its OUR problem. what foreign govt has figured out your brilliant foreign policy that you want the US to emulate? spain, england, russia, japan, phillipines, bali, germany?
no pad, its not our problem, its their problem. and we should see to it that their problems get a lot worse until they either die, or change their ways to be civilized. i am fine with either decision they make and i dont have a problem exterminating jihadists. the choice is theirs, not mine.
if i had my way our president would say, "yo shitbags who pack your underwear with explosives, we know where you are and we will do everything in our power to kill you until you stop killing our citizens. if you want to play nice, we will play nice too. if you want to play nasty, we will be nastier." and he would mean it. we would have agents in every country fereting out these scumbags and we would be droning them into the stoneage until they cry uncle. pretty simple really.
seriously, this latest shitbags dad, his own father, said "hey, my son is a nutjob who is working with alqueda and you better watch out for him". what did we do? nothing. if you wont even listen to the guys own father, how do you expect to stop these phsyco fuckers?