i have some glass to give away

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Well-Known Member
I could definatley use a pieace of art i have gone through several of your threads with your art and it amazes me i wish that i had the mad skillz to make some of these beautiful pieaces of art. I havent smoked in quite a while due to work issuse but finally have that nailed down am about to smoke and it would be an honor to smoke out of one of your works or even have a beauty pieace of glass to stare at i can go and buy a pipe of course but think it would be super dope to smoke out of one of your crazy pipes no hard feelings either way

happy x mas

o btw i really do believe when your tag says your the guy you always wanted to be must be sweet


New Member
hey bro ahahaha so many rats will hit u up about this glass thing
they need to chill an have a cone
peace man hit me up if u have anygrow setups ay help would be appriciated


Well-Known Member
dude thats awsome. I would love a piece and posted on your "a case full of glass" thread. You told me you had no idea what to do with your "thirds." I guess youfigured it out. Dude let me start by saying that I haven't owned a piece in literally years. Unfortunetly I usually smoke foiliers cause I have nothing else :( ...I've always wanted to learn how to blow glass and would love one to toke out of a nice bowl. This is my first grow in my first apartment and I really think I would appreciate smoking the bud I have tended to out of glass rather than foil... I really have put a ton of effort into this grow and can tell you that I amhooked on growing and will continue for many years. I love RIU and the community and always try to help people. Man it would really mean a ton to me.. Thanks for the consideration and Merry Xmas!


Well-Known Member
Loving the X-Mas spirit. Here's why i think i deserve a free piece...

Hi, I'm a 22 year old college drop-out. I still live with my mom b/c I'm a loser. I live way out in the sticks here in Nor Cal. So, obviously, I have no job. I can't afford to buy myself a new pipe. So, If I could get one for free, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

^^Sadly this all true. I'm not even joking.

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
How people can waste so much is beyond me....

mhmm, thats true aswell, we use to go there to get bread, because its still fresh, nothing wrong with them, and its tied in a plastic bag so it was definatly fine to eat lol

im working casual at a supermarket and the shit they waste is ridiculous, the staff cant even get it. say if the box of a box of chocolates is broken its thrown in a bin with the chocolates inside, and they keep the bin inside the building so nobody can get to it haha.. anyway back to the subject lol


Well-Known Member
Not trying to pull the pity card at all but i had a shity semester in school too. Plus I just moved and have no job and live in the ghetto of the city and know no one out here...


Well-Known Member
Loving the X-Mas spirit. Here's why i think i deserve a free piece...

Hi, I'm a 22 year old college drop-out. I still live with my mom b/c I'm a loser. I live way out in the sticks here in Nor Cal. So, obviously, I have no job. I can't afford to buy myself a new pipe. So, If I could get one for free, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

^^Sadly this all true. I'm not even joking.
lol Is he making fun of me?


Well-Known Member
this one year me my bro and his girlfriend at the time were driving around getting high as fuck in my old 1990 ram in a blizzard no less, we end up in the middle of nowhere on this shitty dirt road that was nearly covered in its entirety with snow drifts and had about 2 feet of snow on each side, anyway we get about a mile or so down this road and some jackass in a Geo metro is stuck in the middle of the road he already has help so theres only one thing to do and that's back up. Only thing is, is that my rear window is completely frozen over cant see shit for any thing so I say fuck it and throw er in reverse and start backing up bout a 1/4 later my buddy is like dude are you even looking at your mirrors, I wasn't I was looking straight ahead and had been the whole time any way we all start busting up laughing because the whole situation is so ridiculous and because at the point he asked I had forgotten we were even moving we were really really baked but we ended up making it all the way back to the main road with no problem. the end
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