Well-Known Member
there are the frozen methane deposits on the ocean flooor that are 3 times what the world has in oil!
yes indeed, Antarctica is gaining second year ice at amazing rates right now!!!There's a lot of glacial melt, but then Antarctica is *gaining* ice at an amazing rate.
Antarctic Glaciers Melting Rapidly | LiveScience
Survey finds 84 percent of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers have retreated over the past 50 years. ... Front of a melting glacier. Credit: NOAA/Giuseppe Zibordi ... - Cached
I do not agree with the politics of carbon either.Besides....cap and tax will NOT work!!! It's not hard to understand. Wake's a manipulation.
Oh I am not worried about the climate getting messed up or changed by Chemtrails...I am worried about us! I want to know what and why.I know it's all the fad now, but really, try to understand... the climate is very very very very very very big.
I know it's fashionable to say man does this to the planet and man does that....but the degree is miniscule.... truly.
No grids here...I think they are trying to make it look more natural. The ones that were done before dawn and just off shore are very parallel. These look very natural as they drift inland with the daily heating/uplift many very long trails and at a different angle (to the off shore) vaguely towards Tuscon and Catalina back and forth and fairly parallel. Also the narrow "X".Chemtrails everywhere (indiana) Monday, looked like a grid... shoulda took a pic![]()
Dude...if conditions were favorable for it to be would be cloudy!It's amazing that the millions of pilots and flight support staff are involved in this conspiracy and keeping their mouths shut.
It's also amazing how insane it is that water vapor might hang around in the sky for hours. I mean, clouds must be optical illusions right?
I'm just glad that since bigfoot's numbers have been going down, they'll be less able to spread chemtrails to wipe out humanity.
how big did you say it was?I know it's all the fad now, but really, try to understand... the climate is very very very very very very big.
I know it's fashionable to say man does this to the planet and man does that....but the degree is miniscule.... truly.