Are you guys like a gang,do you like put your tude tshirts on and go rumble other seed sellers.that would be way cool.i guess you don't play the tune from west side story,their must be a rapp song relevant to rumbles today,no,no ACDC TNT,ya that,i always love the fights after the bruce lee movies or billy jack,heck even the local boxing matches,the scraps in the arena were where it was at,is that where you guys get it on.Besides saying the tude rocks,do you guys debate whether the creater created a people to kick Hagar to the curb to always have a nation against them,or when you look up at the Sistine chapel what goes through your minds when you see love death and destruction,with angels not far away,whats a bigger hassle taking your teeth out of your shit in hopes the dentist can save them,or picking seeds from a bud,do you ever debate the collapse of Russia and the new money of the oligarchs,do you think Oliver north was the fall guy,how much money have you saved so you can donate to Bushes efforts to find WMD.when you get put in the can do you fight the toughest dude to gain respect,or to go to the hole to avoid the other miserable sons of you think a true democracy can be had with a 2 party system with the same money changers running you question why the wolverine has a 2 year gestation period,well if you seen them you wouldn't wonder again,what are your thoughts on the cannons left out of the bible,whats up with that.whats more annoying working 7/12 with hypothermia and a constant weather of -40,or bad germ rate from the tude.Do you slobber more at pot pics,or seeing some BBQ when your down on your luck and haven't eaten for a week,when was your first feeling of love was it from a woman or putting dope in your arms.How close do you think the bay of pigs came to a flipper still living in Florida or is he dead from plastic from beer you think Geronimo was a sell out,or did he die with conviction untainted by greed.So when do you guys rumble next,hey if Ghanai can drink urine and gain strength,you can too,so go into battle with all options open.oh and can you please video tape your next rumble,and put breeder packs on your sleeves so we can validate the real deal,thanks trapper.PS,oh can i get tarp money interest free to lend to others at 13%,thats what i want for xmas.and speaking of xmas i wish you all a safe rumble and peaceful holiday season,what did old rodney say,cant we all just get along.naw we all love a good scrap no and then,even rodney.