Big thanks to RIU and those who dwell here

Let me know how that does for a cure. I love the idea of stainless as a container but heard things about Boveda.
I've always just used jars for the cure, then I can see the hygrometer easy that's in each one. I've been using Boveda's for awhile now, and haven't decided if they kill any smell. I think they might a little, but when you bust open a bud it still smells pretty strong. I'm trying both with and without now as a test. I always make sure I have some though when I'm getting close to harvest.
HAHAHA!!! Damn straight! lol I work on computers in my spare time as well when someone needs it. Virus removal & corrupt registry files. The mind boggling things you find out about someone once you get your paws on their home computers LMAO
LOL, yeah. What's worse is seeing the stuff bank executives tried to delete before giving over their laptops because it just runs so slow. Always keep hand sanitizer handy before and after you touch them.
Like I tell all those who's computers I work on, free porn isn't free, lol.
My mom just paid $170 to get her computer fixed. She didn't mention anything until yesterday when she said she got it back and didn't need to buy a new one. I wasn't like WTF, why didn't you say something. She told me it wasn't something I could fix. I laughed. I laughed even harder when she told me she brought the flash drive that I put Windows 10 on with her. I could've fixed in a couple minutes, besides the reinstall time.

Basically she fucked up her OS. All he had to do was insert the flash drive that I already made, turn on the computer, and click "Install Windows", lol. She must be losing it, because I'm the one who installed her Windows 10 originally. She should've just given me the money. She also took it to a shop, and didn't have a computer for a week. It could've been fixed right away, lol.