You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .


Well-Known Member
I don't get my knife out unless I'm going to use it, except once. I grabbed some motherfucker by the wrist and made him think I was going to cut his little finger off. I did slice it, not too deep, [well yeah a little deep, but not to the bone, just enough until I saw that it was bleeding good] and I was telling him how slow it would be... Then I let go of his hand and punched him in the jaw. It was the loudest punch I'd ever heard. Like on TV "POP!" Last time that idiot ever spoke to me. Hear this: The idiot tried to light my hair on fire, because he thought it was a joke...

I was cool with him after all this happened, but I guess he wasn't cool with me.
You can always count on peter to tell some crazy ass rambo story.......

full of purple

Well-Known Member
when they give the tip of the blunt a shower,or drop it 3 times in a row:finger:
my boy use to fuck with the coke, i got him to stop kinda and smoke weed instead, the other day i rolled up a 1 gram blunt and a .4 joint and not 2 minutes went by he has me at the pizza place, next thing i know he come out with 2 boxs of pizza and a 2liter and is laughing at every thing he sees:bigjoint: i rember those days when i did the same shit thow:lol:

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
You can always count on peter to tell some crazy ass rambo story.......
But thats why were here of course :bigjoint:

Ive never pulled a knife on anyone before, i dont carry mine with me (We get majory busted if caught with knives) which is good i suppose! but ive gotten pissed off with some lads who i thought were alright, they came round whilst me and a mate were gettin high and we blazed with them for an hour or so. Then one of them keeps laughin directly at me so i asked him what he was laughing at. He said "wtf size are your plugs, like 1mm or summat" Even though they were clearly over 10mm. I got pissed off instantly and told him it wasnt my fault i cant afford any new ones. He laughs and tries to put me down saying that my parents are poor and im a sad little twat. I didnt see the need in any of this (my rents have a fair bit of dough an all! not that i see any of it lmao) So i stood up and asked him 'nicely' to get outside so i could shitkick him. He was all like awww no man i was only joking. I flipped my chair he was sitting on, his beer, and him went all over the floor. I stood on his leg and got right in his face telling him that if he didnt leave i was gonna take one of the swords off the wall and drive it straight through his face. He soon left :bigjoint: his mates stayed, they were alright though bongsmilie

And i get told i have anger issues? LOL:bigjoint:


I like to apply peer pressure by telling the pups what is and is not cool. For example, "if you were cool you would take another hit and STFU". Or the classic "Cool people supply the dope".


Well-Known Member
WTF? That's some crazy shit. Around here I'm legally allowed to carry a 9 mm semi auto handgun to church. :)


Well-Known Member
anyone who refers to their weed as "hydro" or "kush" when its neither.

hay man i got some hydro!

fucking hate that for some reason. i swear im gunna make my own cross and call it hydro and give it to that guy so he can actually be selling "hydro"


anyone who refers to their weed as "hydro" or "kush" when its neither.

hay man i got some hydro!

fucking hate that for some reason. i swear im gunna make my own cross and call it hydro and give it to that guy so he can actually be selling "hydro"

thats all you get around here... "that dro" "that kush" and "that purp" .... morons:lol:


Well-Known Member
Without getting a permit? It's just straight legal?
Of course you have to have a permit. I could also walk to the gun store down the road with a couple hundred dollars, and walk back with an AR15 rifle. Then again I live in one of the most gun friendly places in the nation. Now if only they will pick up on the decrim bandwagon I'll be shittin' in high cotton.

You can tell someone's a rookie smoker when they take a rip from the bong and cough back into it, shooting water and weed everywhere.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Of course you have to have a permit. I could also walk to the gun store down the road with a couple hundred dollars, and walk back with an AR15 rifle. Then again I live in one of the most gun friendly places in the nation. Now if only they will pick up on the decrim bandwagon I'll be shittin' in high cotton.

You can tell someone's a rookie smoker when they take a rip from the bong and cough back into it, shooting water and weed everywhere.
Yeah man, guns rule. And I'm no rambo... I just used to think I was some type of badass and acted accordingly. I like to think I'm more settled out.... I haven't punched anyone or anything for about 6 months now.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few...

When someone barely makes the bong bubble and struggles to fill the chamber for close to 2 minutes, then clears a small hit and dies. There was puke all over the bushes!

When chilling with someone and you pull out a 10g nugget of Sour Diesel, then they try to convince you that it's worth 65-80/g.

When someone talks a lot of shit about smoking "all day every day" then needs you to hold the bong and pull the slide because they don't know how. Only to be retarded high off that one hit forever.

Oh, and here's a rookie drinker moment.

This girl tried to get me to drink with her for years. We drank some wine and a little beer a few times and she proved to be a lightweight, but always had excuses for her lack of fortitude. So, one night, I finally gave in and gave her two shots of Soco. 10 minutes later she's laying on my floor going between giggling and half-passed out falling all over the place. She then proceeded to puke all over my bed instead of the trash can I had just gotten her. I went to the kitchen and come back to her passed out on the bathroom floor, so I tie her hair back, give her the trash can, and go to get her some water. She says she needs a few after trying to get her to talk for a bit and I give it to her. I come back to her passed out on the toilet, pants around her ankles like she was trying to pee and at this point just gave up. Closed the door and let her sleep it off.


Well-Known Member
No, that doesn't make shit for me... My main thing is pissing clean... I'm just naturally matured out of fighting...

Good thing. Once in awhile i like to throw a fist but, then again i would like to slap people with a big ass pickle dip in dog shit.. aggression is in your genetics and eventually someone will cross you that just deserves it.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Good thing. Once in awhile i like to throw a fist but, then again i would like to slap people with a big ass pickle dip in dog shit.. aggression is in your genetics and eventually someone will cross you that just deserves it.
Oh yeah, I have definitely during high school been able to tap into a rage that really scares me ha ha but seriously, serious shit goes down when I get mad for real. I mean I'll get mad, pretty fucking pissed, but there's a definite black and white line between me having some control and then a total [completely sober, superlatively pissed] out of body experience... had to do that on the wrestling mat though.