Mysterious Spiral Over Norway


Well-Known Member
Still no proof it was a missile. Besides what russian government said.
I'd believe garfield over them.

And obviously it was stationary phx, It did not go futher or get closeer, nor did it go left or right(besides its circular movement).
you'd have to be blind not to see that. So what your saying is that this FAILED missile test, just happened to make pretty circles over the sky in perfect fashion without going anywhere? Cause obviously it was not.


Active Member

So you have seen the exact same thing that looks nothing like it? makes sense....lmfao its definatly a missle then...

"thats hat is exactly like mine!!! except mines blue, is a different style, and has different designs on it!, but its exact!"

teslas dead, his ideas and technologies are not.
haha dude, you said it looks like a worm hole. you've never seen anything that looks like a wormhole, have you? how do you know what a wormhole looks like? i've seen a launch at dusk that emits a blue trail and a large plume of white but with no spirals over my city. if it had failed by leaking from the side of a motor, it would have looked identical. when i saw this video first, it was linked to me in irc and i had my sound off, and with no context whatsoever my immediate assumption was "hmm that must be what icbms look like when they fail." y'know why? 'cause i'm not a nutjob.

see: all the other stuff i wrote. why don't you attempt to argue any of my other points?

which of tesla's ideas in particular apply to this missile launch?


Active Member
Still no proof it was a missile. Besides what russian government said.
I'd believe garfield over them.

And obviously it was stationary phx, It did not go futher or get closeer, nor did it go left or right(besides its circular movement).
you'd have to be blind not to see that. So what your saying is that this FAILED missile test, just happened to make pretty circles over the sky in perfect fashion without going anywhere? Cause obviously it was not.
you're fetishizing your silly wormhole idea and ignoring common sense. there's plenty of proof it was a missile test and like i said, THE BLUE TRAIL MARKS IT'S ASCENT. the youtube videos obviously do not capture the whole event, just the end of it. it slows down towards the end because the 3rd stage is running out of fuel and the 4th fails to ignite.


Active Member
and HOW THE FUCK do you know if it got further or closer? lmao... it's a grainy cell phone cam video of something happening OUTSIDE OF EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE.


Well-Known Member
Points you argued? and why dont I argue them? cause your points are shit brother. I meant black hole. And yes they do exist. Ive seen one. IT LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE THAT. compared to your "it would have looked like that if, santa had fucked me in the face and I got a real dick for christmas" Dont call me a nutjob buddy.

Which of tesla ideas apply to this missle? well If i dont beleive it was a missle. WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? nimrod.

and how the fuck do you know its moving away or to? you dont. It LOOKS stationary in the sky. It doesnt LOOK like it going futher away.

There are some pretty good arguements about this being a missle. and NONE of them came from you, so do yourself a favor and go back to just growing pot.


Active Member
oh, wow. you meant black hole, and you've seen one. those are some special eyes you have, to have witnessed something intrinsically unwitnessable because nothing, including light, can escape it.

smart fella you are.

it's a failed missile launch.


Well-Known Member
lmfao. give up loser. go eat some tube steak.

----------THREAD CLOSED---------
----------------------------------------for phx.


Well-Known Member
calm down guys, it was just a norway giraffe. they are known for gas leaks and whirling out of control before 8am. See how long his neck is? he can reach the atmosphere. you just cant see his stable legs cause of the trajectory of the sun. the big circle at the end is his GAPING asshole.


Well-Known Member
hahaha lmfao. Todays gonna be a good day. I can tell already. Anyway RIU, keep your eyes peeled for giraffes. Have a good day everyone.


Well-Known Member
I have not been defeated by no means. You sir are an idiot. with your thats exactly the same, except completely different theory. Good one bud. hahahha.


Well-Known Member
You can go back and edit it now. Just so you dont look so stupid to others who come in and read the thread. I may look stupid because I dont believe it was a missle, You just look plain stupid. Thanks for giving me such great material to work with.


Active Member
no editing required. you can't even spell "missile" right, even after reading the correct spelling in my posts many times over, and i look like stupid? why do you keep responding? i just picked up lunch, i've moved on to other things while you sat in your computer chair steaming and contemplating your next nonsensical response.