Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Now that I think about it, check into blackpower guns. They are not considered "firearms" when it comes to buying & shipping so possibly you could hunt with one legally?
BTW, don't scoff at them too quickly - a quality modern inline muzzle loader with a good scope is deadly accurate out to 200 yds and beyond.
Just a thought.
Peace, GWN.
very true black power is not conciderd a fire arm.
Whats up with the daily format change here? I can't find buttons, shit has moved - quite the pickle for a stoner cause I don't seem to be able to find anything now.
Is it just me?
Good evening Mygirls - any cool outdoors activities afoot?
How'd it go with your break-in troubles last month? Hope you got the goods on those thieves.

WTF, MYGIRLS GIVE ME A UPDATE, THIEVES WTF???????????? PM or on here i am all down for getting thieves!!!
nothing ever became of it. the fucking cops i dont think did or is doing anything about it. i have not seen the thieving punk around. you can bet when o do im gonna beat the fuck out of him.. i am over it for the most part as to the depression but to kick his ass is and will be on my mind till the day i die.. but other then that i have started the flower cycle yesterday for the indoor. this is making me happy. other then that ive been cutting and saleing firewood. been cutting in myhunting area and seen no fucking deer. its been freezing temps here also. any one put any thing down this hunting season.
A good day today, dropped a Buff with one round of 30/06 Ackley in the boiler room. 6 hours to butcher and pack out, damn big dude for sure.


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I caught this eating my squirell food.

I blazed a joint and I read this whole thread from page 1-17.... and it took a long time...
fuck nice kills everybody.... I've wanted to go hunting so bad.... but never been able to...

The only hunting I did was a couple years ago back in high school my buddy and I went down into the ravine(he lived on an acoracage, so it was his backyard) with pellet guns and shot seagulls.... cuz we hate thos fuckers they always made noise and woke us up (i lived there for awhile) but after a month or two they knew not to make noise
wow holy shit that thing putsthe elk around here to shame. right on man.good job and nice shot.
Dam just found this, wish i could say that was me, but its not :lol:

Cute little Texas Pig that was killed in the town of Cut-N-Shoot , TX. We call them Piney Wood Rooters.

Over 1,800 lb. this wild boar was shot and killed in Conroe, Texas near the county airport, east of I-45 and near the community of Cut and Shoot. Killed by a medical radiology worker.

What would you do if this beast was coming at you? Would you run for dear life? Climb a tree, or simply get run over????





Yep......only in Texas !
We were taught to stand still because their eye sight is poor.
By standing still they probably would not see you and walk right on by. And No, you can't out run them!!
Look at how tall the grass and weeds are. How fast do you think you would be running thru that?

Looking for some California hunters on here to talk with about hunts in california and other info. PM me if you want to talk about hunting.
hows the weather up there. heres what ive been shooting at. this is how i get r done tellhunting season. just having fun.
Damn, that looks to be an expensive sport. You shooting or filming?
Oh, and the weather is low 40's, foggy & misting. We had some snow about a month ago but its been warm since.
Damn, that looks to be an expensive sport. You shooting or filming?
Oh, and the weather is low 40's, foggy & misting. We had some snow about a month ago but its been warm since.
ya thats me shooting 1st. one arrow ain't that bad. now my friend has to buy more arrows hahahahahaha:-P
Very nice !!!!!!!! Is that on your land if so dam lucky, one day for me. Great show, teaching the youth the ways. :clap:
ain't it. ya we have the mentoringprogram here in oregon for our youth hunters. i can take out any youth up to the age of 13 i think. they can hunt under me and fill my tag. does not cost the kid any thing. its to teach them the rights and wrongs of hunting and handling weapons. also gets them away fromthe dreaded video game that teach then nothing.
no thats not my land wish it was though. its a 3/d target range in lakeside on privat property.. he has 3 ranged. an elk range with 13 3/d elk targets. a game trail with 28 3/d animals frome turkeys, deer, bear,hogs, owls,eagles, and elk. and he has a varmit trail. 28 3/d little targets from moths, bob cat, deer oposum.
there are shoots held there the next one is on APRIL 3rd and 4th. the place is called MOUNTAIN VIEW FARMS. he also has a haunted house during holloween, and xmas trees during xmas.
I got this pic in a e-mail recently, It says it taken in ont somewhere. I've seen big moose but not that big.


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That does indeed look like a monster (like there are any small ones). It also might be a perspective issue - looks like the photographer/camera is pretty close to ground level.
I'd shoot him !
The only way to know for sure eh. Shoot it. But yeah I was thinking the same thing with the camera, but I also thought maybe that is a quad trail, still a big moose.