I have had to deal with the frustration of a strain of "super-mites" that could live thru a "bunker-buster" bomb, even.... I am sure! Here are some things we have done to get rid of these things: neem oil, (that smells good, and fries my plants, really well, and yes, we shut off the lights, first) completely dipping clones in neem oil, and then pyrithens mixture, Dr. Doom spray, safer soap, so many pyrithens bombs... like at least 30, over the last 8 years, safer soap, lady bugs.... they all died... preymathises, a few times... once they hatched in my kitchen, and we had thousands of preymathises all up my vaulted ceilings... predator mites.... growing enough to vacuum seal herb and freeze, and smoke on that for 5 years,

while completely replacing all hydro equipment... bombing and spraying with every kind of nasty pesticide, before moving anything at all, in.... going to the bay area and buying new clones.... being so careful, when coming in from outside... something like going in for surgery.... with the hand washing... and all... (yes we are plagued, outside, with these lil bastards, too...) Like so over the top, careful.... guess what? WE HAVE SPIDER MITES AGAIN!!!!! In the room and outside! They devastated our veggie garden, this summer... we used preymanthises, lady bugs, predator mites, with no luck... then we used seven, and other chemies that were ok for the veggie garden.... it wasn't like we were getting any veggies off it anyway.... I just want some kind of revenge, by now! We bought our tomatoes so I could can salsa... forget about growing them! I went to college and majored in ornamental horticulture.... and I am thinking about saving myself a whole lot of headaches and buying my herb.... or maybe selling my dream house, and moving, just to get away from these mites, and enjoy gardening again! Did you ever win the war against the lilt bastards?