Do you use nutes every time you water? I only feed once a week and add water in between but they seem like they could take more.
Do you use any cloning gel or root starter on your clones?
I had been feeding once and watering once in between, but with the recent spotting that's appeared on the Blue Widow and a few of the Blue Cheeses I decided to step it up and give them a second consecutive feeding last night.
I just try to go based on plant response. If they seem like they can take more than gradually give them a little more each feeding until you notice a little burning of the leaf tips. Back it off a bit and then you've found where your plants like it.
The LSD has been quite strange in that one of the colas has some noticeable clawing action going on, while the other 3 look fine. I'm more concerned though with one of the supercropped branches...I may have over-supercropped it! Hopefully if I just leave it alone it will strengthen up enough to support itself but I may have overdone it a bit with one of the colas.
About the rooting hormone...I use some "green light" brand powdered stuff from lowes or home depot or somewhere like that. So far I've had close to 100% for all clones that weren't tops, but I've had a handful of tops root too. I think it's more about how you clone than the rooting hormone though, whether it's gel or powder. Keep it in a high humidity environment (mine often hit 99% under my dome and 2 24" t5's) and constant lighting with an occasional misting and it will almost always root.
I just snapped a few shots of the clone chamber. The two unmarked ones on the left are LSD, then PPP, Blue Widow and Chiesel. The Chiesel has yet to show roots, but in the last couple days it has really perked up, so I'm thinking it has finally rooted and just not reached the sides of the cup yet.
What's interesting about these clones is the LSD were started way before the other three, but the PPP and BW have just taken off. I'm probably going to top them both and root their tops as clones (in fact, I'm going to do it as soon as I finish this post). These tops I think should have no trouble rooting, as they are very young and tender. It's the damn woody stemmed established tops that really have a hard time rooting.
I thought I'd take a shot of this LSD clone though because it did something interesting as well. The leaves of the clone began yellowing and browning and crisping up pretty good right around the time the clone was rooting. I though it wasn't going to make it because even the top was showing signs of necrosis. I was right, the top of the clone had already started to die off, so the plant shot out 2 new growth tips! It's like it topped itself!
Clones are so much fun! I wish I lived in Cali so I could pick them up from my neighborhood dispensary...oh wait, that would be me!
Sorry if this post was a little all over the place. I got unusually baked this morning off a few hits of Blue Cheese...