The Bubblehead Showcase


Well-Known Member

so this the biggest colas of my four clones that were grown with (6)-65w CFLs 2700k from the start... the last two weeks had 12 65w CFLs... the light was always kept 8-10 above the tip of the plant... once they got a ft. tall.. these were vegged for 3 weeks flowered for 8 weeks

i started out using the stealth hydro nutes for grow and bloom...also, my plants did not start off well...I started really paying attention to the ph and my PPM(or strength) of the nutrients... these ended up at 2500ppm with no burn.I say ended up at because there in no garuntee that every plant can handle that... and some will grow more with less than that...

once i was monitoring everything well, things started to pick up... also i got good digital ph gauge and PPM meter... I have never added PH up/down after i adjusted it in my resevior..

i just use a 18 gal. resevior that is a plastic sotrage container from home depot for 5 bucks... I got a 1 gal water container and filled it up 6 times and poured it all into the container, now i have my water level, then i would add the nutes i wanted and adjust the ph...

i would always let my roots dry out for 10 minutes while i literally flushed the old res. water and cleaned it everytime(with just water) then i just pour in my pre-mis solution...

I soon realised that stealth hydro nutes are SHIT!... as they gave me HEAVY magnesium def. i very quickly got cal-mag+ from bonticare and added it every time by the measure of 200ppm or 25ml for me....i also switched to flora nova series nutes... these are the simplest you can imagine and they work great... I still added the cal-mag+ everytime...

I would never let my res water get older than 10 days and never less than 1/3 full.

I also got a ZERO water filtration system... this gave me 000PPM...

the lighting



Active Member
Outstanding C5!


Your's are looking great. Remember you are not a grower until you break something off! LOL!

Haha yeah I guess im still gonna try and dry it. the whole thing is covered in trichs but almost all the hairs are still white. This will be the first harvest ever for me, and I have six clones in tha cooker. Im doing some topping and that branch twisting method it seems to be working well :bigjoint:



New Member
It's all about the trichs before you cut. Do you have a micrscope? I have plants that stay white until almost the end so you really can;t judge ny that. Surprised me one time when by looking at the plant it looked like it had a week of two but the trich said cut me soon!

Nice work on the clones!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
THANKS! I actually have no idea what strain. These were grown from bagseed since this is my first grow and I didn't want to screw up with good genetics. Your girls are coming along very nicely as well!


New Member
That is some good bag seed! Do you remember how it smoked and the effect? Have anymore of those seeds in case you want to do it again after you smoke this batch?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you how it smoked because it was from a bag of over 300 seeds that I collected. It could be 2 years old for all I know. It did hermie on me so I will have some seeds that are the exact genetics of this one and I think I'm gonna grow them next time.


New Member
Why not! It worked for you this time and no need to buy seeds if you can make your own with something you like!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and may peace follow you wherever you go!


Elite Rolling Society
I hate to SHOWCASE this!

Well, I was just studying the very thick undergrowth and looking at all those popcorn buds I have when I found this!

So far, I can not find any other buds like this. The very little branch was blocking my entrance into an empty cup when I noticed, HEY, THERE ARE NO HAIRS ON THAT BUD! Then I realized, IT IS SEEDS!

It means I have a HERMIE somewhere that impregnated that bud, and that closet is so crowded, I dare not try to pull the tank out to search all of the growth. The walls of the closet are supporting some very long branches! I am fairly sure judging by the maturity of the seeds that the hermie has long since shot it's pollen and probably impregnated other buds. Well, on the bright side, I will probably find some more seeds at harvest.

If I was younger and did not have this bad back, I would pull that tank out and give it a good searching today.

I don't know what to do next!!

Well, this at least gives you an idea what a fertilized female bud looks like after it has made seeds.

I sugggest you look at every bud and make sure it still has pistals. (the hairs)


Well-Known Member
I had one plant that was budded out and never had any signs of male/hermie traits.. then once it was cured up, i smoked it and my buddy found ONE seed.... so throughout that whole plant, it had one seed.... crazy... it was burried deep in one of the colas