A Pro Palin thread

The messiah fixed the economy!!!

jesus the ignorance is thick in that statement

Economic survey: Job losses to bottom out in 1Q
By EMILY FREDRIX (AP) – 14 hours ago
Economists expect the joblessness that has weighed down the nation's economic recovery will start to slowly abate in 2010

Those are keyensian economists, you know, the ones who follow failed equations, hoping someday.

Here's one from ... uhh .. the WHITE HOUSE. Dated 9/12/09
The president’s chief economic adviser warned Friday that the nation’s unemployment rate could stay “unacceptably high” for years to come — a situation that would seriously complicate Barack Obama’s ability to convince Americans that he’s beating back the recession.

“The level of unemployment is unacceptably high,” National Economic Council Director Larry Summers said Friday. “And will, by all forecasts, remain unacceptably high for a number of years.”
BTW, Palin is a dunce.
I gotta call BS again, here.:wall: Granted that you are working at a disadvantage, not having been to Alaska and not really knowing your posterior from a seal hole in the ice; therefore, let me say a few things about our Sarah.
She took on the corrupt old boy Republicans and kicked ass. She took on the oil companies and kicked ass. She took on the Alaska State Troopers and carved another notch in her lipstick case. She has a lot of bodies on her backtrail, and the tundra is littered with people who underestimated her. She took on the incumbent governor and cleaned his clock in the Primary. This is a man who had been Senator for Alaska for over 20 years. She got his Attorney General fired for corruption, got people thrown off the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, of which she was a board-member, and having won in the Republican Primary, beat the Democrat candidate, despite heavy investment from the DNC. When she took office with an 80% approval rating, she was the most popular governor ever and quite possibly the best liked current living politician. She may still be. It wasn't until the Republican National Convention that the Dems took notice of her. At that point the Obama team sispatched operatives to Alaska and started this whole firestorm. Just touching on some of her accomplishments kind of rebuts that whole dunce thing there doesn't it, Medi-Man? I mean, I dare say she has done more in the last five years than you or I will do in our entire lives, fellow traveler.
I hear today that initial book sales of 300,000 made Sarah's book the best selling initail day sales of any non-fiction book, ever. They have ordered another run of 300,000 books. Not bad for a "dunce", eh?.

I guess I didn't mention that I know Sarah, and saying this without knowing you, she would clean yer clock, too. We don't call her Sarah-Cuda cause she has pretty teeth...
I gotta call BS again, here.:wall: Granted that you are working at a disadvantage, not having been to Alaska and not really knowing your posterior from a seal hole in the ice; therefore, let me say a few things about our Sarah.
She took on the corrupt old boy Republicans and kicked ass. She took on the oil companies and kicked ass. She took on the Alaska State Troopers and carved another notch in her lipstick case. She has a lot of bodies on her backtrail, and the tundra is littered with people who underestimated her. She took on the incumbent governor and cleaned his clock in the Primary. This is a man who had been Senator for Alaska for over 20 years. She got his Attorney General fired for corruption, got people thrown off the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, of which she was a board-member, and having won in the Republican Primary, beat the Democrat candidate, despite heavy investment from the DNC. When she took office with an 80% approval rating, she was the most popular governor ever and quite possibly the best liked current living politician. She may still be. It wasn't until the Republican National Convention that the Dems took notice of her. At that point the Obama team sispatched operatives to Alaska and started this whole firestorm. Just touching on some of her accomplishments kind of rebuts that whole dunce thing there doesn't it, Medi-Man? I mean, I dare say she has done more in the last five years than you or I will do in our entire lives, fellow traveler.
I hear today that initial book sales of 300,000 made Sarah's book the best selling initail day sales of any non-fiction book, ever. They have ordered another run of 300,000 books. Not bad for a "dunce", eh?.

I guess I didn't mention that I know Sarah, and saying this without knowing you, she would clean yer clock, too. We don't call her Sarah-Cuda cause she has pretty teeth...
I have been to Alaska numerous times when I was in the USAF had to spend three 2 month tdy there alone not to count the times I had to go ATTF tour back and fourth..No offence..but Alaska does not have the brightest bunch up there...kinda reminds me of being in a very very cold and dark (yet still white) Alabama or Mississippi...Very pretty virgin land though and the fishing OMG...You could catch the prettiest salmon one ever laid eyes on..Darn fish so pretty made you feel bad eating it... Seem like a lot of inbreeding going on , but on that one not really sure.. Oh I almost forgot...Why did she quit again ????
I have been to Alaska numerous times when I was in the USAF had to spend three 2 month tdy there alone not to count the times I had to go ATTF tour back and fourth..No offence..but Alaska does not have the brightest bunch up there...kinda reminds me of being in a very very cold and dark (yet still white) Alabama or Mississippi...Very pretty virgin land though and the fishing OMG...You could catch the prettiest salmon one ever laid eyes on..Darn fish so pretty made you feel bad eating it... Seem like a lot of inbreeding going on , but on that one not really sure.. Oh I almost forgot...Why did she quit again ????
Aw, Foggy, now you had to make it personal, didn't you.:finger: Just like always, you make personal attacks here.:finger: Can't leave it at knocking Sarah, now you had to knock my state and, by proxy, me? Anytime someone says no offense, they follow it with something offensive, just like you did.
Awright sweet-cheeks, let's open the ball.:fire: I think I remember you. You were that punk-ass airman hanging on the parking meter on The Avenue puking your guts out while that one toothed girl from Dillingham was begging for another Oly pop? That was you wasn't it? Maybe it was 2 Street (you know what that means don't you? Makes yer leg tingle, huh?)Anyway I thought it was you. Cause it sure was some no account Pansie First Class that couldn't cut it. And no that's not Private First Class, airman. The boys down the road at Fort Rich are actually standup guys, Hoooah!
Maybe you were one of those TDY schmucks that shot a bunch of moose on the reservation and wasted all that meat. Was that your sorry ass, Foggy? I know that we have a pretty big problem with pussy airmen that can't hack the Great Land.
Don't feel bad, city boy, this place ain't for the faint at heart. Not many can really make it here, cheechako. You see that's what we call your miserable kind up here, you know, the ones that catch the first flight out, as soon as they can, because, let's face it Barbie, you can't make it without your broadband, and your Blackberry, and your Water parks and all the trapping of the Great Society. Stay down there and live the life that you are more suited for. Stay on the pavement, or I forget flyboy, you just soar above it all don't you?

Now why did she quit? It started with the Obama treams digging into every little thing that she did. It continued with over 24 frivolous lawsuits filed by liberal activists. It was concurrent with countless, in the thousands, of FOIA requests for every piece of paperwork, e-mail, or anything else they could think of. Make no mistake. This was a coordinated effort involving activist web sites, the DNC, and Alaska Legislators. With all this to deal with, Sarah had no time left for affairs of state. It was the death of a thousand cuts, and rather stay in piss away the rest of her savings, she thought it best to step down, and let the state get back to the business of running the state and work on gas pipeline issues, among many others. Perhaps, this is a side of ethics you are unfamiliar with, LF. Rather than just show up and take a check without any hope of doing any work, she did the right thing and realized that with her gone, these problems would go away also. At least as far as state business was concerned. The problems followed Sarah right out of the Mansion, right out of Juneau, right onto this very website, where libs continue their assault on freedom, liberty and personal prosperity.

Just one ole cowboys opinion...Hooo-Ah!:bigjoint:
Notice how London wasn't actually able to address any actual problems.....

I can see why he didn't like Alaska. That's a place filled with NO NONSENSE ppl.

London sure wouldn't fit in up there.
Sarah Palin? She quits her job as governor, wrote a book in which can only be described as petty and meaningless with lies to boot. she always blames liberals for her resignation. But she said that court costs came from alligations from a fellow republican. She'll never win anything as long as she staight the true americans in the heartland and alaska, begging the question "are the other 95% not true americans" She says she's a Reagan conservative Reagan is the worst anti-legalization propagandist liar of his day.
Hahahah, the libs are scared witless by her. It's a hoot!!

Keep looking at Palin. Keep ur eye on her.

Meanwhile, the true soon to be political champion is waiting out of sight in the wings. :wink:
She'll be gone in 2 years anyway and nobody will remember her name or care what she thought about anything. Fuck her. But watch the GOP fail like they always do, they'll probably throw some equally as special of a politician into the ring, like Jindal or Bachmann...
LOL nobody is scared by Sarah Palin, at least not educated adults, its like being afraid of the boogy man, she not even real.