1st Grow (lowryder)


hey everyone, this is my first post and my first time grow.
im using a closet about 3.5x2x6 and 2 feminised lowryder seeds.
I germinated them and have them planted already and so far everything seems to be doing very well. However, one seems to be growing alot faster and stronger than the other. Ill keep everyone updated as best i can.



It looks to me that one seedling fell deeper in the soil then the other one. What kind of lights are you using? This is my first grow also but I'm a lot further along then you. I'll help you out the best I can. Good luck with your grow.


oh ok thanx.
well ive been using a 150w hps and 40w plant flourescent seems to be doing good tho thanx again.


oh ok thanx.
well ive been using a 150w hps and 40w plant flourescent seems to be doing good tho thanx again.
I would suggest transplanting into plastic pots. The ceramic clay pots can suck out moisture and stuff and collect, forming a mold like substance. It happened to me. Good luck with your plants. I am currently about to induce flowering with my first grow. Fun stuff for sure!


Also, would a 150w hps and 40w flourescent be good enough to veg and flower? too much? too little?
it is only 2 plants
Also, would a 150w hps and 40w flourescent be good enough to veg and flower? too much? too little?
it is only 2 plants
That sounds sufficient to me for a couple of plants. I know someone who is growing 2 plants with only two 40 watt fluorescents, and from the pics I've seen, they are even flowering surprisingly well under just those two, contrary to what a lot of people seem to think about fluorescents on here (granted they would probably do better with better light, they seem to be doing fine).


oh....and what is the ideal humidity to be at?!
my humidity varies throughout the day but usually stays between 45-55%
is this ok?


well hitting day 6 today and 1 plant really seems to be growing, the other seems to be just dragging along...although it has shown some improvment over the past couple days.
any opinions...?!
here are some pix as well...



hey omensev, i took your advice...i ended up transplanting from the clay pot to a plastic one. Although it is just a home made pot. ha!
but that was sure a nerve wrecking experience, maybe should have waited a couple more weeks for the plant to get stronger tho huh?!
well shes still living and growing tho so success!:mrgreen:


no problems here! day 9 recovered from transplant perfectly and now healthier than ever.
however i have a question if anyone can help me out here...since my plants are autoflowering,
when should i start using my bloom nutes? as soon as i see the plants start to flower?!


ok, well i remembered that my lowryder plants are autoflowering and pretty much eliminates any veg state so about when should i start my nutrients with them?!
im going on day 13 and from what ive heard the flowering process can begin as early as 17-22 days.
when and how much nutrients?!


well the little ones seem to be doing good still..although there has been some slight burn on some tips. here is a pic as of day 21

...when can i expect to start seeing the autoflowering characteristics start to show?! what am i looking for here..please help.



little ones hit week four today. they are growing incredibly well now but do have slight burn on tips of some leaves. probably due to a ph problem..but plants have been flushed and noticeable improvement. here are some pix from day 27 and 28
opinions?!...suggestions?!...anything?! haha:bigjoint:



it sucks to see no one has the kindness to help or n e thing here! oh well, my plants are doing well and not even to week 5 yet.
yesterday i did notice that 1 has finally started to show sex!:grin:(the bigger one of coarse)the small one is not too far behind tho. they are both puttin out a nice smell too...smells so good i cant freakin wait now.
due to space and root problems tho ive decided to move one outside...also as kind of an experiment.
growin pretty good now i think. ill post pix in a few days for all to see.(or not?!)


Well-Known Member
The yellow on your leafs may be some nute burn...??? I over nuted one of my lr2 and it stunted and was yellow the rest of its grow, even still, at 7 weeks, but still growing a small amt of bud. I found that Lowryder are some tough little plants, even thriving on getting dry between waterings.
. I'm just finishing up some LR2 that have been a learning experience for this noob! All 9 of mine showed sex at 18-22 days.... the males are typically first...I got 5 fems out of 9 germs. Altho seemingly taking forever to grow, they are vicious when they start flowering and smell pretty strong. I've used floros 2x4' - 40w 24-0 until 6 weeks old, then moved 3 to hps....where they stretched to 30" tall. The one I kept under floros has become a bud monster...18" of bud with many satelites.....just smoked a early bud to check potency at this stage of trics......you are in for a treat! My first was better than some ak47 I've been using to get by till harvest!


The yellow on your leafs may be some nute burn...??? I over nuted one of my lr2 and it stunted and was yellow the rest of its grow, even still, at 7 weeks, but still growing a small amt of bud. I found that Lowryder are some tough little plants, even thriving on getting dry between waterings.
. I'm just finishing up some LR2 that have been a learning experience for this noob! All 9 of mine showed sex at 18-22 days.... the males are typically first...I got 5 fems out of 9 germs. Altho seemingly taking forever to grow, they are vicious when they start flowering and smell pretty strong. I've used floros 2x4' - 40w 24-0 until 6 weeks old, then moved 3 to hps....where they stretched to 30" tall. The one I kept under floros has become a bud monster...18" of bud with many satelites.....just smoked a early bud to check potency at this stage of trics......you are in for a treat! My first was better than some ak47 I've been using to get by till harvest!
yeah!..i noticed that the smaller one turned out real yellowish but its improved quite a bit now tho.
i believe i had overfed that one as well as my ph being too far off.
all is better now tho and im almost positive the bigger one is a girl now. so stoked!