1st Grow (lowryder)


in addition to the lowryders i have decided to bring on more to life. I germed and now planted a Purple Widow seed from de sjamaan.
im hoping for the best. its going to veg in a different room under some cfls until the LRs are harvested. Ill keep posted and update pix later.


well now to get back up to date...
im completely sure my little one is a little girl! and sadly it looks as though my larger plant may be a male after all! :(
damn that pisses me off when i ordered female lowryder seeds and get a damn male?!! GRRR!
other than that the purple widow never sprouted out of the soil so now its on to the next try...5 seeds this time: 1 White KC, 1 Feminised Lemon Skunk, 2 Purple Widow, and 1 Green Crack.
all 5 are in Germ. right now and will be moved into a seperate veg room once sprouted
wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Damn man, sorry to hear about the male. Next week my crop of 3 bagseed should start to show sex, I'm scared shittless lol. If I have a boy I'll be fucking devastated :cry:


Damn man, sorry to hear about the male. Next week my crop of 3 bagseed should start to show sex, I'm scared shittless lol. If I have a boy I'll be fucking devastated :cry:
yea it turned out a male...and yea definetely. im so bummed! it was doin so damn good too! My female however is doing better but still a tiny little thing. she has started flowering though. i wish you the best brotha!
and hoping for the best with my next try...as of now, 4 seeds have popped...so far so good. however there are 7 seeds in germination now. 4 purple widow, 1 lemon skunk, 1 white kc, and 1 green crack. :D


Active Member
good luck with the grow. Sorry to hear about the big one being a male. can't wait to hear about the harvest. Was thinking about using auto lowryder 2 for my first time.


yea a real shame...well thanx i appreciate it ill definetely keep updated as best i can and include pix along the way :)