SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Active Member
Looking real good bro, I hope I can have similar success. I am almost ready to plant.
Hey ghostridermike, thanks for the note. It always feels like good karma when someone leaves me a nice note. Again, thanks.

I have to admit, I did kind of cheat starting with clones and all. But I didn't want to wait for seeds this time around.

One word of advice from me to you, don't put it off, get those seeds in the rockwool as soon as you can, it's too easy to put it off.

Take care man.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Looking good man. So I guess I was wrong about the burn. After taking a second look, it does look more like heat stress especially since it's confined to that little area. Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Looking good man. So I guess I was wrong about the burn. After taking a second look, it does look more like heat stress especially since it's confined to that little area. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the note man. No prob. with the misdiagnosis, we have to look at all possibilities all the time. Glad to see you're still looking in.


Active Member
I am going straight seed in a soaked and wrung out rockwool cube. I should start those now HUH
How do you mean "wrung out rockwool"? That stuff is pretty tender when wet.

I'm not sure how to start from seed, but I'm betting soak the seeds for a few days, then, after they have cracked the outer shell, place them in the rockwool. I'm not the person to give this advice though (but I bet it would work). I'm sure you can find a better reference somewhere in these forums.

Be Good!



Active Member
Basically wet but not soggy, I will soak the seeds for a few hours and just put them right in the cubes with a breather dome on top of it. I always feel rushing germination with paper towels and waiting for the sprout damages the integrity of the natural progression a seed makes when germin'. I may be wrong but I have used this technique so many times with a 100% germination rate (even bagseed) that I know it works. Patience Grasshopper Patience.


Active Member
Basically wet but not soggy, I will soak the seeds for a few hours and just put them right in the cubes with a breather dome on top of it. I always feel rushing germination with paper towels and waiting for the sprout damages the integrity of the natural progression a seed makes when germin'. I may be wrong but I have used this technique so many times with a 100% germination rate (even bagseed) that I know it works. Patience Grasshopper Patience.
Sounds good, I don't see why a person can't just start in the rockwool like you say, and there goes any problems from trying to pull sprouted seeds and their roots from the damn paper towels when you've let them go too long! I'm talking from experience here.

That used to be the way I did it, thankfully I had lots of seeds from the year I didn't get the male pulled in time, I was growing way up behind the cabin when I lived on the old ranch. I used to use the plastic containers the grocery store sells sushi in, black bottom and clear top. They fit together tight and I've got a bunch of 'em.

I'll do seeds again, I can't get exactly the strains I'd like so I'll need to get into them eventually.

Hell, it's time for dinner. Later.


Active Member
Soma's Rock Bud should do very well in your location.

White Widow 60/40 Indica dominant strain my favorite.
Soma's Rock Bud, sounds very interesting, do you know a place I could check it out? When you say "White Widow 60/40 Indica dominant" what does the 60/40 mean?

I haven't seen much White Widow around here, but it really has drawn my interest.


Active Member
Well, yesterday I drained and replenished with the same water. I increased the nute concentration to roughly a 3/4 dose (I'm using the SH nutes). Last night's growth was again fantastic. The way this is going I'm just going to drain and refill every day until I start flowering.

Right now my plan is to veg until the end of this month (Nov.) and then go to 12/12 on Dec. 1st.

I'll post some more pics tomorrow which will be my 21st day since I put the clones in the rockwool.

This is another great day, hope you're taking the time to enjoy it!


Active Member
Well, yesterday I drained and replenished with the same water. I increased the nute concentration to roughly a 3/4 dose (I'm using the SH nutes). Last night's growth was again fantastic. The way this is going I'm just going to drain and refill every day until I start flowering.

Right now my plan is to veg until the end of this month (Nov.) and then go to 12/12 on Dec. 1st.

I'll post some more pics tomorrow which will be my 21st day since I put the clones in the rockwool.

This is another great day, hope you're taking the time to enjoy it!
Well hell, this is going just plain nice. I looked in on them this afternoon and they are doing great! I decided to drain and replenish with the same nutes, 1 day after 3/4 dose. I saw they drank 1 gallon today so I topped it off with a gallon at 1/6 nute dosage.

I won't bore you with any pictures tonight, but wait until tomorrow! The Northern Light in the front middle is now 11" tall, just a few days ago it was 8" tall, it's definitely time to get them split up.

I drilled the holes in my 5 gal bucket lids today. Bought a circle cutter from Ace ($16.95) but it didn't cut the plastic too well. It did score the hole so I cleaned them up with my utility knife. Two to a bucket. I just need the air stones I ordered off the web. Living in the hills I depend on the UPS guy a lot. Though I am getting down to Denver next weekend.

So let's see what happens tomorrow. I ordered the air stones and paid for two day delivery, but that was Wednesday and I bet it didn't go out until yesterday (Thursday) so I'm betting it gets here Monday. I'll be ready to drop the girls in their new pots the day I get the air stones. I've decided on the pairing and as soon as I move them I'll fim them, hopefully I'll get a full week of growth before going to 12/12 Dec. 1st.



Fryingpanflyer Thank you for directing me to roseman's current journal. I read all 63 pages. I took lots of notes and now have a little grow guide. Everytime I look at your journal it gets me motivated to get my setup dialed in so that I can grow from clones and get a perpetual grow goin. If I could get home more then once a month, that would probly help. Now i'm rambling......anyways, thank you very much.


Active Member
I know you may be wanting a look at my girls, but all I have for now are the pups, these two keep me moving! Harley is a 9 year old male Golden Retriever/ Border Collie/ German Sheppard/ Chow mix, almost too damn smart for his own good. I let him balance the check book just to keep him occupied, but I'm beginning to think he's been skimming lately. Gotta have a word with that boy! Sadie is a three year old Golden Retriever, ain't she just about the prettiest thing you've ever seen, and heart just as pure, never met a thing she didn't love. she goes out of her way to meet every little kid she sees. The two of them are a pair!




Active Member
Fryingpanflyer Thank you for directing me to roseman's current journal. I read all 63 pages. I took lots of notes and now have a little grow guide. Everytime I look at your journal it gets me motivated to get my setup dialed in so that I can grow from clones and get a perpetual grow goin. If I could get home more then once a month, that would probly help. Now i'm rambling......anyways, thank you very much.
Hey man, thanks for the note. Glad to be of help, makes me feel good.

All I've done is read the notes and followed the rules. It's all spelled out pretty clear. This should be a pretty easy thing to do. Like it's been said, a smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from others mistakes. These guys have been there, listen and learn.

You look, you read, you learn. Put it all together and you'll be moving forward.

Hey, from you id and you're pic, do you work on high tension power lines?


Active Member
Okay, one more post, then I'll be quiet. I was just looking at the rating under my sobriquet, "Learning How To Roll". This is a real hoot! When I first moved to the Roaring Fork Valley in 1976 my buddies used to give me a hard time, telling people I used to work for Marlboro rolling cigarettes, I used to roll joints so straight and tight. It's pretty funny that now, 34 years later, being noted as "Learning How To Roll".

Life has it's funny twists doesn't it!
