SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Elite Rolling Society
There, just finished a drain and replenish with same water. They drank a gallon so I replaced that gallon with ~1/6 dose of nutes.

I've got to remember to call SH and order more nutes!


Remember the 10% discount! Ask me if ya need to know more.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Wow! I say one wrong thing and I get it from 2 people. I am just going to shut up and read.

P.S. Fryingpanflyer: I work on cell phone towers.
Haha don't worry about it. Everyone loves getting input and people have different opinions on things. The worst mistake you can make is giving advice without the experience to back it up. It's not like your advice could have harmed his plants in any way.


Active Member
Haha don't worry about it. Everyone loves getting input and people have different opinions on things. The worst mistake you can make is giving advice without the experience to back it up. It's not like your advice could have harmed his plants in any way.
He's right Dog, I really appreciate you're input, love ya man. This is the way we all learn, one asks a question and we all discuss it. Plato used to do it that way.

I'm betting there's more than a few Platos here in these forums. But we'll Never know if you don't speak up.

You gotta get real loud man.



Fryingpanflyer and Lt. shiny sides: Thank you for your kindness. I am on here to learn everything I possibly can. My situation is far from ideal right now. I do not smoke but my fiance's mother does for health reasons. She just got a M.M. card and my fiance is her caregiver. I am not in this for money. I just want to grow quality marijuana for her so she does not have to get ripped off anymore. I work out of state and i am only home a few days a month. I have to walk my fiance through things over the phone. Hopefully this will change, I have a job interview on the 25th. Wish me luck! I can tell both of you guys are very intelligent and I am looking forward to learning from you. Once my fiance gets her card and all the proper paperwork from the state I will be starting a journal. Hope to see you there. Goodnight.




Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:In my research mode before first grow using this. Have a space of this. and i have been researching for about 20 hours. total. not straight but just reading on all these sites. I need to get my reccomendation renewed then i will order everything. Can anyone of u genius bubble heads as u like to call ur selfs, give me any advice.?
Looks like it will be tight but it will work. What are you doing for light?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:In my research mode before first grow using this. Have a space of this. and i have been researching for about 20 hours. total. not straight but just reading on all these sites. I need to get my reccomendation renewed then i will order everything. Can anyone of u genius bubble heads as u like to call ur selfs, give me any advice.?
Let me start by saying that I have been researching for about 2 years and I am only on my first grow. Anyway, that space should work. You can make that system for a fraction of the cost easily. What are the temps and humidity like in that closet?


Thank you for your input. i have been looking though your bubble heads posts and saw you guys know what your doing. i want to just start and learn by trial and error. Im located here in southern california so the humidity should not be an issue. but it is winter here and it does get pretty chilly at night. should i coat the walls with some sort of reflective material? and the light i am going to use is the one that comes with the kit i think it is:

The 315 watt Multi Spectrum Lighting System provides an unbelieveable 17,000* LUMENS!!. Available in three different spectrum combinations; vegetative, flowering or multi spectrum.

or should i get the next one above i think the lighting system on that one is :

A 400 Watt HPS lighting system. Produces 45,000 lumens of light. Kit includes one 400W HPS bulb, an EcoStar reflector, remote ballast and a hanging kit.

I dont think i have the time to sit and make one from scratch unless i had exactly what to buy and how to put it together. this kit just seems like it would fit the closet pretty well.


Active Member
Thank you for your input. i have been looking though...
Hey Guys,

I don't mean to be a party pooper, but this is not the thread to discuss your questions.

hamzaq, I'd suggest you either start your own thread or go to one of the tutorial threads and ask your questions.

Sorry, don't mean to be a dick, but I really don't want this thread highjacked.



Active Member
Well, this weekend was rather interesting for my journal here. Time to get it back on track with my grow.

Things are still looking great, the plants are growing an inch a day and just looking bigger and better every day. I'm kind of surprised, the two strains I have in the bucket seem to be very compatible and are growing very well together. I will admit to wondering if I really did get two different strains, all of the plants look so similar in size and growth I can't tell the difference.

I'm reaching kind of a decision point today. I've got the three 5 gallons buckets ready for my plants, just waiting for the 5" air disks I ordered. But as Roseman mentioned this weekend by putting them in three separate buckets I will then be dealing with three separate reservoirs thus tripling my work when it come to watering and water changes. He forwarded pics of a grow in the SH 8 gal tote as mine are currently and they were bushes! Not to mention I don't have the nutes to start up three new res's!

I was thinking I should split them up to allow for better growth in the lower branches that are just being shaded by the close proximity of the other plants. As a matter of fact, I wonder if the middle front plant is growing so tall just to try to get more light by rising above the others. Another one of those questions that probably don't make a terrible lot of difference growth wise and thus is probably better off being left as they are. The roots are extremely well established, I know I can cut them, but if I don't have to I'm probably better off not doing it.

If it ain't broke don't fix it right? I'm thinking that's the way I'll leave things. For now at least, I need to get the pups out for their walk, I'll be back later with more pictures, they are really getting big, 14" this morning, this is day 23. I plan to start 12/12 Dec. 1st.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
If it ain't broke don't fix it right?
That's my philosophy! Plus, there are ways to train the to grow outward if you want more light penetration. Dec. 1st sound like a good day to start 12/12 because thew will stretch A LOT during the first couple weeks of flower. My largest plant tripled in size in the first 4 weeks of flowering. Can't wait to see some updated pics!


Active Member
Here's today's line up.

Everything looks absolutely perfect! Grew another inch since I measured yesterday. My grow closet that used to look so big is starting to get smaller!

I added a couple picks with my hand under the leaves for perspective, they are bigger than my hand, and I'm not a little boy. These plants are very healthy!

Now to prep for this weekend. I'll be gone Wed. afternoon through Sunday, heading to Denver to spend the weekend with my girlfriend and my kids and grand daughter, yeah I'm an old fart. But as I always say, I may be old, but damn I'm good.

A neighbor will watch the girls for me. He's getting into the growing thing too. He just got his med. MJ card last week so he's real interested in what I'm doing. He's extremely into my grow, he's a smart guy that I trust to take care of the girls. I'll mix up the nutes before I leave. They're using a gallon of water a day so I'll just get several gallons mixed, label them and all he needs to do is pour them in. I want to get the water pump out of the res and clean it up to get it ready for my next grow.

That's it for now. Hope you're having a great day!



Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
They look super healthy. Great job. I am also going away for 4 days for Thanksgiving but I love this system because it is low-maintenance and you can get away with leaving it unattended for days at a time.


Active Member
They look super healthy. Great job. I am also going away for 4 days for Thanksgiving but I love this system because it is low-maintenance and you can get away with leaving it unattended for days at a time.
Thanks man, I'm having some fun here!

I'm a little concerned about the water because they are drinking a gallon a day and I'll be gone for 4 days. I'm betting things would be fine, but who's going to take a chance at this point in the game?

I am thinking about adding a reservoir for just that though. I'm planning to expand soon and a supply res. would be just the ticket.

Where you headed, family?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Sure man you deserve it! The water does get low after a couple days but you have your neighboor to take care of things while you're gone. I'm spending the holiday with my family at my uncle's house. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because of all the food! MMMMmmmmmm...


Active Member
Sure man you deserve it! The water does get low after a couple days but you have your neighboor to take care of things while you're gone. I'm spending the holiday with my family at my uncle's house. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because of all the food! MMMMmmmmmm...
Yeah, food, football, family, it doesn't get much better. I can't wait to see my granddaughter, it's been a month since I last saw her. And they've got my first grandson on the way too, due next January 9th! I'm psyched!

I just got off the phone with SH, ordered another 8 gal res, net pots, rockwool, hydroton, and nutes. As soon as I go to flower on the 1st I'm going to put another 6 clones in and get them going.

I'm beginning to think about nutes now. I've been seeing so many people using so many different brands I don't really know where to start. What kind do you use? What are the factors I should be looking at? I'll continue to use the SH for growing, but I'm wondering about the flowering cycle for now. I don't think I'll add any grow during the flowering cycle as Roseman is experimenting with. But I need to get up on my research on the nutes. I try to be very thorough in my research.



Active Member
Man they are looking fantastic Fry.

My seeds have been soaking for 12 hours and I just soaked my cubes in distilled water. I am gonna wait about an hour to put my seeds in the cubes so any excess water can drain from the cubes. Contrary to what some say you DO NOT want a soaking soggy rockwool cube, you want it evenly moist but still sturdy and that's not my experience it's Jorge Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal and countless other marijuana botanists not named Roseman.