Wasps !



Not so much a question about my plants but about whats in my grow room.

I'm currently growing in my attic, I've been doing so for the past month or so. But today when I went to check on my babies there was a wasp buzzing about.

Now I don't know what its like where you are from but here those b*stards should've died at least 2 months ago so I'm hoping the new found heat in my attic hasn't revived a nest or something.

My question is can or will wasps do any harm to my plants ?



Well-Known Member
No they won't do your plants any harm, they just chill with em really. Go up there when the lights come on, they're usually stupefied around then from the cold nights and you can grab them off your plants without too much fuss.


Well-Known Member
that sucks, if you own the house, I'd be looking for ways to seal that, even if you're not growing, that's just not good.


Well-Known Member
They are a real pain to clean as well once established. I had some start a nest within piles of paper and toilet roll I had stored in my garage - not nice at all. Even for not having plants, you don't want wasps flying around....


The thing is its never going to be that cold up there as I have a small fan heater which is timed to come on when the light go off then turn off when the light comes back on.

The other thing is I'm shit scared of the little b*stards, their evil I tell ya !

Just hope theres not a nest up there cause I'll need to call an exterminator and try to explain my 'exotic' plants to him.

I'm dreading getting home tonight and going up, does anyone know if insect repelent will harm my plants if its sprayed close to them ?


Well-Known Member
Just capture them, used to get dozens of bees a day workin in a doughnut shop, can capture them in a plastic cup and lid lol.



Not so much a question about my plants but about whats in my grow room.

I'm currently growing in my attic, I've been doing so for the past month or so. But today when I went to check on my babies there was a wasp buzzing about.

Now I don't know what its like where you are from but here those b*stards should've died at least 2 months ago so I'm hoping the new found heat in my attic hasn't revived a nest or something.

My question is can or will wasps do any harm to my plants ?


Get a wasp trap it looks like this...

http://www.realgoods.com/product/home-outdoor/household/pest+control/recycled+glass+wasp+catcher.do?campaign=adwords&gcid=S31185x001&keyword=wasp trap

I don't know anything about the site i just googled wasp trap and thats what first came up LOL Then fill it with a bit of sugar water and they will fly in and then drown in the sugar water. Good Luck...


Active Member
im assuming you are talking about the wasps that make the paper nests that hang by a little piece. they are usually dark brownish red or blackish? some wasps are good for your garden because they are predatory to thrips and other such pests but dont know about the paper wasps. i did see one swoop down into a spider web, act like it was hurt and then sting the spider and take off with the spider in its mouth. it was pretty cool.


Just capture them, used to get dozens of bees a day workin in a doughnut shop, can capture them in a plastic cup and lid lol.
Bees I don't mind, alot slower and less likely to sting you. Wasps I hate !

Get a wasp trap it looks like this...

http://www.realgoods.com/product/home-outdoor/household/pest+control/recycled+glass+wasp+catcher.do?campaign=adwords&gcid=S31185x001&keyword=wasp trap

I don't know anything about the site i just googled wasp trap and thats what first came up LOL Then fill it with a bit of sugar water and they will fly in and then drown in the sugar water. Good Luck...
Never thought of searching for something like that, thanks for the idea man.

im assuming you are talking about the wasps that make the paper nests that hang by a little piece. they are usually dark brownish red or blackish? some wasps are good for your garden because they are predatory to thrips and other such pests but dont know about the paper wasps. i did see one swoop down into a spider web, act like it was hurt and then sting the spider and take off with the spider in its mouth. it was pretty cool.
Unsure of the kind of wasps you're talking about. Here (scotland) they are yellow and black fuckers and make huge nests with 1000's of the bastards.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I had wasps once in my indoor closet grow. I couldn't figure out where they came from and it was around November also. I caught them and released them back outside and never saw them again. It was like they got lost, ended up in my grow room and were happy to be free.


Active Member
I had wasps once in my indoor closet grow. I couldn't figure out where they came from and it was around November also. I caught them and released them back outside and never saw them again. It was like they got lost, ended up in my grow room and were happy to be free.

if its these guys , they are yellowjackets , and man do they hurt when they sting. if you dont want to hurt your garden you could always make the soapy water and spray the nest. i used some insecticide that would destroy there wings and slowly kill them, i found this works best so that after being agitated , they will slowly start to fall then die.
Im startin a grow and i fear the same problem. Someone help!!! Their sposed to be good for the plants in that they actually eat bugs that may wanna eat my plants but they deffinately aint good for me!!!

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I've found that using an aerosol and a lighter like a flame thrower to be extremely effective on wasps nests. You only need one quick squirt to get them as the flames instantly melt their wings. Insect spray just seems to piss them off. I usually try to get them at dusk when they are all home in their waspy beds. After you've taken care of the wasps I usually take the nest down and incinerate it too to kill all of the little baby wasplings.

:fire: Fire cleanses all! :fire:


Well-Known Member
I was attacked by a hive of bees when I was a kid, over 30 stings. Fucking honey bees. I'm not allergic, lucky, or I'd been dead.

Naturally I'm scared shitless around them now. I know getting stung doesn't hurt that bad at all, but being attacked as an 7 year old kid, it kinda fucked with my head I guess, lol.

But seriously, my heart POUNDS when a bee or wasp or the like is around and my natural reactions is to swat randomly like a girl into mid air while running for my life, lol.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Years ago when I was driving trucks, on my first day a wasp mud wasp flew in the window straight up the leg of my "shit kicker's" shorts and bit him square on the nuts. I almost run my Isuzu GIGA up the back of a bus because I was crying from laughter. Wasps are funny bastards.



New Member
So much phobias out there.

Here is how you handle wasps.

You be calm...they will be calm. Identify their nest but don't intrude. They will not harm ur plants, they are zipping outside and coming back in somewhere nearby.
When you locate the nest, be aware that they usually have a "guardian" who is not on the nest but nearby...watching.

I had a nest right at my front door years ago.... next to the outside door frame. In the beginning, the guardian would "buzz" me when I stepped out. I knew NOT to react in any way (it takes nerve). Within a week, I was given the ALL CLEAR and the guardian would NOT move at all if I passed by. I could sit n the stoop there all day with NO problems.

You can too. Give trust, you will get trust. After all, they AREN'T HUMAN, which means they will give it EVERY time. No lie. You just have to approach the situation properly.

I now have a wild bee colony in my shed wall. Same situation.... I can sit next to that hive all day long now...they even land on me...no stings.


Well-Known Member
So much phobias out there.

Here is how you handle wasps.

You be calm...they will be calm. Identify their nest but don't intrude. They will not harm ur plants, they are zipping outside and coming back in somewhere nearby.
When you locate the nest, be aware that they usually have a "guardian" who is not on the nest but nearby...watching.

I had a nest right at my front door years ago.... next to the outside door frame. In the beginning, the guardian would "buzz" me when I stepped out. I knew NOT to react in any way (it takes nerve). Within a week, I was given the ALL CLEAR and the guardian would NOT move at all if I passed by. I could sit n the stoop there all day with NO problems.

You can too. Give trust, you will get trust. After all, they AREN'T HUMAN, which means they will give it EVERY time. No lie. You just have to approach the situation properly.

I now have a wild bee colony in my shed wall. Same situation.... I can sit next to that hive all day long now...they even land on me...no stings.
thats a shitload of discipline and posts


Well-Known Member
Wasps suck ass. we get 100's of nests. some the size of footballs. There great for plants eat tons of bugs.


New Member
thats a shitload of discipline and posts
I live in the country and have a bit of acraege and have learned over the years that if you are not on their "menu" (meaning it doesn't work with bears or sharks :lol:)....and you can show them (fill in the critter of ur choice) that THEY are not on YOUR "menu" ... they will get quite close to you.

Around most animals I simply go into "cow" mode. Slow and not making eye contact.... minding my own business. It doesn't happen overnight, but builds ... like any good relationship does.

Calmness begets calmness. Hysteria begets hysteria.


Well-Known Member
problem with wasps is, If you piss them off you on the menu. lol Opened my well house door and out come about a billion of the fuckers. I got hit 4 times and they chased me for a 100 yards or more. Frist time my old fat ass moved that fast in a long time.