Led Users Unite!

all i can say is i was worried at first but a good friend told me to trust him as he has gne totally led already. so i said ok and bout a 630-660/460 panel off ebay. around 160$. so i did notice a ton of difference in the way the plant was growing under it compared to the rest of the clones under 450hps. a whole bunch of leaf growing and no stretch at all. a few weeks in i was concerned of the way the led plant looked BUD wise compared to the others under hps. my guy told me "ignore it for now. and one day during the grow ull say to yourself hmmm i judged it too soon" well ill tell u since i started flushing this plant (a bit earlier then i usually do, also advice of the guy who talked me into led use) the buds have blown up like crazy. i can tell u 100% that im going to get about the same off this one plant under said 90 watt ufo. then i did per plant under the 450 hps. and im positive it could do more then 1 plant as well. since a friend of mine uses the same panels x3 over 10 plants in a 4x8x8 closet. and hes pulling around a half p per. which is roughly the same as our ovg on this strain under the hps lighting (600watts)
when i get home and get my pc up and running again ill gladly share some pics tho. and theres so many different variables that effect the way these plants grow and produce its not funny. ya just gotta keep doing it and make tweaks and see what works for you and your situation...
all i can say is i was worried at first but a good friend told me to trust him as he has gne totally led already. so i said ok and bout a 630-660/460 panel off ebay. around 160$. so i did notice a ton of difference in the way the plant was growing under it compared to the rest of the clones under 450hps. a whole bunch of leaf growing and no stretch at all. a few weeks in i was concerned of the way the led plant looked BUD wise compared to the others under hps. my guy told me "ignore it for now. and one day during the grow ull say to yourself hmmm i judged it too soon" well ill tell u since i started flushing this plant (a bit earlier then i usually do, also advice of the guy who talked me into led use) the buds have blown up like crazy. i can tell u 100% that im going to get about the same off this one plant under said 90 watt ufo. then i did per plant under the 450 hps. and im positive it could do more then 1 plant as well. since a friend of mine uses the same panels x3 over 10 plants in a 4x8x8 closet. and hes pulling around a half p per. which is roughly the same as our ovg on this strain under the hps lighting (450watts)
Sorry man, but once again this is all talk.I'm not joking when I say that I pray for the day that these things work.But I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm happy with the results I got-and shit man, I tried.I'll post some more pics of my current 400w hps grow, and then I was to see parity results with led.Not to start shit, but maybe to expose a little truth.
when i get home and get my pc up and running again ill gladly share some pics tho. and theres so many different variables that effect the way these plants grow and produce its not funny. ya just gotta keep doing it and make tweaks and see what works for you and your situation...
Thats cool man.But isnt that a problem in itself?Particularly with novice growers?They arent handing out special instructions with these lights.They're just overcharging the fuck out of them and making bogus promises.HPS= plug it in, follow some basic grow methods-voila. But to overcharge, lie, and omit pertinent data-as in how to use the product...dosent that strike you as being a little fucked up?What about the med grower that NEEDS his or her meds? Would you recommend this tek to that person, knowing full well that failure was possible because they didnt know how to "tweak" their led grows.
what panels did u use? what wavelengths were used in those panels? it all makes big differences
the proswource models we're the tri-bands, 660nm red/ 613(or 614) orange-(I forget the blue specs) the panels we're the 45 watt glow panels-when I called the rep-he told me that the red specs were 660nm(probably a lie) I also added 24-and eventually 48 watts of warm, and cool white 1 watt diodes.These were small plants-and you can see the buds on them right?But I'm an old hid dude, and I know the difference.For the amount of light I had in a 2x2 homebox, and based on "testimonials", this set-up should have produced far more weight.Oh I tweaked, and read, and tried everything I could-I tweaked the cab for a year.These observations arent from one incomplete grow...these observations came from my time, and money.A years worth.
yea it does suck that people out there are ripping people off. but the real problem is mj just needs different things then other plants do. i some how knew ud bring up a panel with orange in it. they suck certain red/blue and a lil white for heat and to fill out the spectrum is all thats needed. maybe if mj was legal they would sell these things specifically made and advertised for that purpose. but hey if u wanna grow other plants those other panels work very well as well. thats what they are being made and sold for...
u really want a led panel that does 630-660 reds and 440-470 blues. a few cfl for a lil white light (or add white in the panel) and possibly some ir. led use is not where it needs to be yet. i will agree with this. but its much better then it was a year ago. and it can and will be much better and cheaper in the future. with this grow im trying to compare it to my last in the same area under 150hps. 90 led ufo beats the 150hps hands down. but im also directly comparing it to the same strain and such under 3x150hps but theres 5 plants in there
<3 leds

ppl talk shit about them so others wont use'em lol
What the fuck does that mean?Are you implying thats theres a conspiracy here?Do you think I take pleasure in admitting that I wasted a year on this shit? Put up or shut up man.Lets see your results.And for the record, I dont give a fuck what you use in your grow-room, but dont tell everyone here that it's doing something for you that it isnt.Lets see those pics.
orange doesnt do dick. its all about the Red White and Blue baby!! im about to start up the "LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge"... should be very interesting. i also will not be holding back on the nutes. gonna Bush these bitches HARD. they always like it HARD.
no matter what, the good thing is that we can all get some kind of harvest off of any kind of light you may use. may it be HPS, LED whatever, let's compare growing it outdoors under the sun. which is better? we already know how to grow it fast. now the question is what is the best light? there are pros and cons to all methods, no need to get all upset. we all just want good weed!
:blsmoke:i know that it is all a great big learning process and we all have our own ways of achieving the best quality smoke, and once you got it, you got it.. and that is the best reward of all. i just got my new bubbleponics set up, so now i can have 4 clone and 4 veg and 4 flowering all at the same time... legally baby.
Your not an LED user Beeker, get off of my thread. I don't want you here. You are not reading the introduction to this thread. Go away please.

Go Lumigrow!!!!!!!
first time growing & i'm using a glowpanel45 led.1st girl i put in was a 5"platinum kush clone 4wks ago.over 15" today.also put a northern lights clone & have two i sprouted from seeds in there and they also seem 2 b doing very good.then again what do i know i am just a newbie experimenting.i am using fox farm soil & water only.
I just read this entire thread and I have 2 questions. Firstly, Fuoro, why are you being such a baby? Secondly, what are the grams per watt ratios that all you LED growers ended up with after harvest?
This thread is a waste, and if the mods would have shut it down pages ago, it wouldn't be an issue anymore.

I am unsubscribing. I am a baby because this site is full of a bunch of bullshit. period.

peace dudes. Catch ya on the flip.