Just Ordered JWH-018......

ignoring emails for 24 hrs is not a good sign epically for a site that is supposed to be "reliable" but i hope it works out for you becasue i would love to get my hands on some jhw!
iv seen sites that look very similar to that one selling 2ci and another with 2cb but i never worked up the balls to try em
Ok everyone, i said i would keep you all updated on the ordering process. as i previously stated, the guy who emailed me from the RC site said to expect it on my miami doorstep today however nothing has shown up yet. They have also been ignoring my emails for the last 24 hrs.

http://wwwDOTjwh018DOTnet is the name of the reall site:wall::fire:

someone please tell me if this is a reliable source.

We can accept:
Direct bank transfer
UK Postal order
Western Union
Alert pay

^^What else were you expecting?
I was looking into that same site and decided not to. But there are plenty of legit sites that Accept all of those things. =\

Caution flag atmost with other shady aspects of the site.
^^What else were you expecting?
I was looking into that same site and decided not to. But there are plenty of legit sites that Accept all of those things. =\

Caution flag atmost with other shady aspects of the site.

Yes, many sites accept these forms of payment, but the fact that they do not accept credit cards is because when people realize they have been jacked is that they can recover lost funds and expose the thief. With these forms of payment as the only options, they are gone, you are fucked...
Indeed but previously and currently ordered and did/am recieving a package from a company that only accepts those above and an email is required just to find out shipping methods =D. But I know what you meen. Its very easy to be skeptical when your risking your money.
I ordered some JWH-018 and JWH-073 from a person selling on ebay. The seller I got it from only sells the -073 on ebay now though cause he/she said ebay wont allow them to sell the -018 anymore. But he/she does put some listings on for the -018 but under its true chemical name. Or I can just email them to buy it. When I got it it came in chunks and I put ALITTLE bit in a cigarette and it definetly fucked me up. I dont think I can put the sellers name in here but if you search on ebay for JWH-073 they will come up. They have a bunch of listings for it and the sellers name is kinda like the name of what they are selling
Indeed but previously and currently ordered and did/am recieving a package from a company that only accepts those above and an email is required just to find out shipping methods =D. But I know what you meen. Its very easy to be skeptical when your risking your money.

I think it's actually to protect both you and them from Officers Of The Law. ;-)

Huh. Never looked at it that way. Well then, I'm very confused by some new information I found out. Any discuss?
If used properly with a vape pipe jwh-018 is very nice substance. As are 073, 200, and 250. To burn in a cigarette or weed pipe seems wasteful.
JWH's get me stoned, give me the munchies, help me sleep.
If there is a report that says it doesn't work, they weren't doing it right.
018 is best bang for the buck.
As previously stated by one popular vendor they're have been impostor or knock-off websites that claim they sell legitimate jwh-018 when in fact they are scammers. www.jwh-018.net is one of them so beware!

...and with the whole response to your email, be a little more patient... sometimes these people are busy and cant answer all emails in one day. Sit back and see what the week brings. If nothing arrives in the next few days then I would raise my eyebrow and ask some questions. Dont email with spite or malice but alwasys have a calm demeanor, you dont never want to piss off a vendor especially if they're legit!