Just Ordered JWH-018......

JUST SO THAT EVERYONE KNOWS, "blabla" is what i used to sensor out the real website name as i dont give out RC sources on public forums. There is no real "blahblah.net" i made it up to use as a code for the real one you clowns. I cant believe u guys actually faught over this shit rofl.
lol i totally was thinking blablah was the site, but it sounded so irreputable i never checked. now i gotta go look for a crazy asian guy to find this source :p
Mo'fo changed it to...

Mo'fo changed it to...

Go back and refresh a few times. It's actually a pretty interesting slide show. Each picture is more out of context than the previous one. And what the fuck is a bla bla kid? There's hundreds. Of course, I didn't realize that, I mean I grabbed the first pic I saw.


Sorry, just had to put this one in: I imagine Brevity is the upper right dude, but there's nothing wrong with that because he's porking the hot teacher.
thats alotta of kids to be hanging out at a rc site. that one black girl on the left looks like shes did a line of coke on acid and the white kid next to her looks like hes smoked weed everyday of his life. the one missing a tooth is obviously a drinker


Sorry, just had to put this one in: I imagine Brevity is the upper right dude, but there's nothing wrong with that because he's porking the hot teacher.[/QUOTE]
thats alotta of kids to be hanging out at a rc site. that one black girl on the left looks like shes did a line of coke on acid and the white kid next to her looks like hes smoked weed everyday of his life. the one missing a tooth is obviously a drinker


Yeah it's one big fucked up family getting fucked up! The white girl on the the right got hungry though and went 'nom nom nom' on the dude behind the alcoholic green sweatshirt kid. and I disagree, it looks like the black chick is on acid and just got done with a balloon of nitrous. "There's some INTENSE visuals." she says. And I know it's a picture but when I just looked at it I swear the dude behind the green sweatshirt dude winked, [even though he didn't] and I'm dead sober.
I just found out from a site that there going to make jwh-018 illegal. i guess that means im going to have to get cp 47,497
oh actually its all synthetic cannabinoids, but I also think its in the U.K so im good :)
Ok everyone, i said i would keep you all updated on the ordering process. as i previously stated, the guy who emailed me from the RC site said to expect it on my miami doorstep today however nothing has shown up yet. They have also been ignoring my emails for the last 24 hrs.

http://wwwDOTjwh018DOTnet is the name of the reall site:wall::fire:

someone please tell me if this is a reliable source.