9/11 Bullsh!t


Well-Known Member
Here we go again!

Maybe you should read Ockham's Razor:
"All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the right one."


Well-Known Member
this is why metal experts and chemists in the metal industry say that the 9/11 commisioned report is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.


Actually there are a shitload of Engineers that refute the conspiracy. But, people choose not to listen to thier evidence. I feel that this is due in part to their political views. They don't like the regime so naturally everything falls back to the regime. People want this to be a government conspiracy so bad they overlook all logical explanation and immediately move toward illogical, irregardless of how unlikely the scenario is.


Well-Known Member
yea it looks like your on ALL THE TIME like your all alone and have nothing else to do. but i dont know just an opinion kindda like yours on me being an idiot except mine is a little more accurate and has some merit unlike your childish bullshit .
hey don't be disin' the fdd! or you will pay!


New Member
Just for conversation purposes, what if some irrefutable facts came out and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it WAS a government/world globalist/elitest conspiracy? What would the reaction be? What could be done? Would the American people just turn a blind eye and say "whatever" like they did toward Waco? Would they try to overthrow the government? Would millions march on Washington? What? What? What?




Well-Known Member

I would hope people would come out in masses and march on Washington demanding these war criminals be tried and sentence to prison for the rest of their lives. It boils down to it being up to the people to get justice.


Well-Known Member
Just for conversation purposes, what if some irrefutable facts came out and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it WAS a government/world globalist/elitest conspiracy? What would the reaction be? What could be done? Would the American people just turn a blind eye and say "whatever" like they did toward Waco? Would they try to overthrow the government? Would millions march on Washington? What? What? What?

I would excersise my right to a malitia. My MS stumblin' ass, I'd kick bush in the BALLS! hehe
I don't know Vi, what would you do?


New Member
I would excersise my right to a malitia. My MS stumblin' ass, I'd kick bush in the BALLS! hehe
I don't know Vi, what would you do?
I don't know, Man. I don't own an F-16 with rocket launchers ... let alone thousands of them. ~lol~

I think the only way to fight back would be an attempt to cut off their funding. In other words, stop sending in the tax monies. But then, they would retaliate by cutting off government perks of all types, and you know what that would mean, right? It would be citizen against citizen at that point and all the government would have to do is sit back, laugh and wait for the blood to stop flowing.

We've long passed the point where Americans love liberty more than security.



Well-Known Member
I don't know, Man. I don't own an F-16 with rocket launchers ... let alone thousands of them. ~lol~

I think the only way to fight back would be an attempt to cut off their funding. In other words, stop sending in the tax monies. But then, they would retaliate by cutting off government perks of all types, and you know what that would mean, right? It would be citizen against citizen at that point and all the government would have to do is sit back, laugh and wait for the blood to stop flowing.

We've long passed the point where Americans love liberty more than security.

And of course we all know what Benjamin Franklin said about that...


New Member
There already have been marches on Washington, in the 60s-70s, 100s of thousands filled the streets in protest of the Viet Nam war, and Nixon (Who was in residence in the White house at the time) wouldn't even come out on the balcony to address the crowd. I believe the criminal Bush is even more Chickenshit than Nixon, But he would probably clusterbomb the crowd or napalm them, and feel justified.


Well-Known Member
Just for conversation purposes, what if some irrefutable facts came out and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it WAS a government/world globalist/elitest conspiracy? What would the reaction be? What could be done? Would the American people just turn a blind eye and say "whatever" like they did toward Waco? Would they try to overthrow the government? Would millions march on Washington? What? What? What?

I don't think people understand the 2nd amendment VI. However, I do think if millions marched on Washington and shot Congress, people would remember the purpose of being a representative.


New Member
I don't think people understand the 2nd amendment VI. However, I do think if millions marched on Washington and shot Congress, people would remember the purpose of being a representative.[/quote]

Now THAT is a very cool comment! Geeze, ya got my patriotism juices flowing with that one, Silk. :)



Well-Known Member
im sory but your on my thread, and if you dont like my opinion thats fine but dont throw out childish comments answer me in an adult manor and we can have a discussion calmly but... now that were not, everyone needs to stop suckin fdd's dick k? hes not the only one who can grow weed, its just that he lives where the laws arnt insane so he can post pics if i lived in cali you bet your ass id have pics up, then youd be suckin my dick! so shut the fuck up about fdd, and lets try and talk about the thread since thats what this is! the thread title was 9/11 bullshit, not who like fdd's cock the most!


Well-Known Member
hey don't be disin' the fdd! or you will pay!

yeahhh!!! he is the ambassador of rollitup. plus he is the most laid back dude on here. he never judges or takes sides on anything, so to piss him off you gotta be a dick.:peace:
no hes actin immature cuz i disagreed with him about another topic, he cant handle someone whose more intelligent then him with an opposing view!!!


Well-Known Member

no hes actin immature cuz i disagreed with him about another topic, he cant handle someone whose more intelligent then him with an opposing view!!!
we have rules here. we respect each other. we don't flame and we don't attack. we act as adults. this is your thread but as a moderator it is now mine. you will receive no infraction at this time, but you have been warned.

we are open to mature discussions. thank you. :blsmoke:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Just for conversation purposes, what if some irrefutable facts came out and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it WAS a government/world globalist/elitest conspiracy? What would the reaction be? What could be done? Would the American people just turn a blind eye and say "whatever" like they did toward Waco? Would they try to overthrow the government? Would millions march on Washington? What? What? What?


clearly there was no blind eye turned towards waco.. you seem to be still looking at it.. correct...? or incorrect?
