A grow journal, nuff said.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you'll not regret it man! but i saw recently on yourtube a guy basically made a honey to be out of a pop bottle so maybe save the £ till you've tried the oil stuff, its lairy to say the least


Well-Known Member
yeah i think the yeild from those JF's is gonna be good and from the scumping i've done its gonna be a nice bit of weed not super potent though but i'm more than happy with it, its more the genetics than my growing skills. I think if you start with good genetics you can't go wrong. I might get some more sensi jack herer coz thats the best i've grown/smoked but that barnsley jack is close coz it was very strong, you couldn't smoke it during the day if you had anything to do lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i think the yeild from those JF's is gonna be good and from the scumping i've done its gonna be a nice bit of weed not super potent though but i'm more than happy with it, its more the genetics than my growing skills. I think if you start with good genetics you can't go wrong. I might get some more sensi jack herer coz thats the best i've grown/smoked but that barnsley jack is close coz it was very strong, you couldn't smoke it during the day if you had anything to do lol
I've still got four Jack Herer beans left from last year. I didn't get on well with them. Really unruly and hard to get the feed right mine were. I was desperate for the illusive indica pheno, but alas, they were all fussy sativas. Might give 'em a go again next year in coco. I'm sure I could look after them properly in coco, and maybe I still have an indica pheno to find.


Well-Known Member
I had some trouble with mine but i did get one real nice one that i kept but then lost grrr (if you go to the 1st few pages of this journal you'll see what happened)
it was indica ish really fast flowering and smothered in resin and really fruity strawberry/apple/pear/pineapple everytime time i smelled it i noticed a new smell. The yeild wasn't as good as the jack flash but the buds were rock hard and so dense, an oz looked like half an oz lol. I was sooo gutted i lost that one, i could grow 50 beans and not get one like it but i could also get lucky and grow one and get it, thats why i like seeds


Well-Known Member
I had some trouble with mine but i did get one real nice one that i kept but then lost grrr (if you go to the 1st few pages of this journal you'll see what happened)
it was indica ish really fast flowering and smothered in resin and really fruity strawberry/apple/pear/pineapple everytime time i smelled it i noticed a new smell. The yeild wasn't as good as the jack flash but the buds were rock hard and so dense, an oz looked like half an oz lol. I was sooo gutted i lost that one, i could grow 50 beans and not get one like it but i could also get lucky and grow one and get it, thats why i like seeds
yeah man, seeds are well exciting, you never quite know what you're getting and I love that.

sounds like you had a real keeper there mate. I'll go look back and check it out. I do love Jack Herer. SSH is just greenhouses version of it though I guess, as the lineage is the same. Skunk#1, NL and Haze.

I'm sure there's some story about arjen robbing the genetics form sensi or vice versa.....whatever....IDK....who really cares as long as it's dank!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think i read something about a note book or something being left somewhere by one of them, who knows lol but the JH i grew seems to be in a different league to the SSH, so far anyway lol


Well-Known Member
I use soil plagron batmix. I was gutted too, i didn't lose that much but wanted to flower for a bit longer. does soil make your chances of getting budrot worse?


Well-Known Member
That was a beautiful grow man.....

loved this pic....so uniform and healthy looking.

my JH never looked that good.....glad I took the time to check it out. 'That bloke' came good for you eh! LOL.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Snowy thats easily my favourite/best grow so far. Hopefully i'll get something like that with the cheese coz i'm doing it the same way


Well-Known Member
I lobbed the mouldy bits away. I'll have to get a honey bee thingy
i made my own mate all in it cost under a £10 everythin from bnq apart from coffee filter paper i got that from tesco all u need is
pvc tubin
2 end caps
electrical tape
100% butane gas x 4

put several holes in 1 end cap n in the other a hole for the butane gas nozzel
the 1 with several holes cut a bit of coffee filter paper into it n tape it on 1 end of tubin fill it with dry n crushed trim n tape the other end on n off u go:bigjoint:
i got brilliant results first time round:mrgreen:
shame about the budrot mate hope i dont get it this time roundbongsmilie

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I use soil plagron batmix. I was gutted too, i didn't lose that much but wanted to flower for a bit longer. does soil make your chances of getting budrot worse?
Its venterlation mate not your medium is your extraction fan running 24/7 and a small fan to circulate air. :bigjoint:

You not pounding the mways today?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Snowy thats easily my favourite/best grow so far. Hopefully i'll get something like that with the cheese coz i'm doing it the same way
yeah, I'm aspiring to do the same thing with a room full of clones myself. Just not picked my strain for it yet. But I want to get a net up just like that and scrog it.


Well-Known Member
No i'm off sick (wink) my extraction fan and circulating fans are on 24/7 and i've got a heater on a thermostat at 20 degrees for the "night" so i guess it was bad luck.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
You can use a dehumidifier Iv had to put mine on as the humidity got to 65%, I would say it was due to the damp weather ideal for mmushrooms lol.