question about moving from US to Canada with warrant

hi i have a warrant for supposedly trafficking marijuana. It was actually for my personal use for medical purposes and I want to leave the US. I plan to go to Canada can I get across the border without any trouble. Want As many answers as possible. Or I would like to stay in the US and just go out to the woods where there is noone and park my van with my brother and friend. and just set up a tent and camp out for a week or so. any ideas on places. Also please dont say anyhting about needing to turn myself in im not doing that so


Well-Known Member
Better to get a lawyer and have him take care of everything. Going across the border will only make things worse if they catch up with you. If its just a trumped up possession charge and you have no priors it should be not much more than a slap on the wrist.


Well-Known Member
Your going to jail fast if you try to go to Canada. It's a felony in Canada to do so. I got stopped crossing out of Detroit onto Windsor and the canuks went apeshit because my friend had a warrant. They searched our car searched us detained ur for like 3hrs and told ur to return to the us or go to Canadian jail. So we went back across the bridge to get hasseled by us customs who did the same shit. Needless to say but go to Mexico it's safer to cross


Well-Known Member
hi i have a warrant for supposedly trafficking marijuana. It was actually for my personal use for medical purposes and I want to leave the US. I plan to go to Canada can I get across the border without any trouble. Want As many answers as possible. Or I would like to stay in the US and just go out to the woods where there is noone and park my van with my brother and friend. and just set up a tent and camp out for a week or so. any ideas on places. Also please dont say anyhting about needing to turn myself in im not doing that so
how much were you caught with? Cuz if it was over an ounce you will more than likely do some time. Not alot.. maybe a few months max


Well-Known Member
hey bud
I'm canadian, and if you have a warrant for your arrest in the U.S and they catch you crossing the border you're doing some time.
Take the other users' advice and get a lawyer.


Well-Known Member
hey bud
I'm canadian, and if you have a warrant for your arrest in the U.S and they catch you crossing the border you're doing some time.
Take the other users' advice and get a lawyer.
I'm sorry to hear it bro; I hope things go well with you. If I wasn't going to turn myself in, I would probably rent a boat in Seattle and drive the mudderfucker up on some beach in Canada. I don't know. Consider stealing an ultralight, or buy one for a few thousand dollars; and fly over the border :shock:


Active Member
Might as well contact a lawyer and see what your options are. After that you can at least make a sound decision. How much would it suck if you found out that crossing the border and getting caught would make you do serious time, but if you had just talked to a lawyer they might have been able to get you off with just a slap of a wrist? It is at least worth talking to them. You can usually get a free consultation from lawyers to here how they feel about your case.


Well-Known Member
well no matter what you can go to mexico with or without a passport name or felony.

But than who the hell wants to live in mexico.....


Active Member
this aint the place to ask this question...people are just guessing...I would bet they would see your warrant crossing into canada by land (canada and USA share records and info on wanted persons=not good for you)....if you fly into canada you could be refused entry. Coming back to the states you gotta go thru customs and it can really go either way...contrary to what someone else just said, passports are NOT always flagged when a department issues a warrant...coming back into the usa with a warrant issued in the usa, not a good idea unless you're ready to get caught...