things you do high that you not think other people do??


Well-Known Member
i dont kno about u guys but ive been smoking for a while lately I have bean getting high while smokin on a hookah its a nice extra head rush if u like smokin shisha as far as pbj's... fuck yeah do it up personal favrite weed snack tho would probably have to be double stuffed oreos with a big ass glas of milk and some peanut butter and another joint... kno what im sayin
I got so freaking baked one time I ate a whole pack of oreos
to myself...with 2 cups of milk.

HAHA. My boyfriend was like share. I was like here....2 cookies.
I ate the other 20.


And then ate some more.


Well-Known Member
smoke a cig and look at my plants I love doin that.Or when im high i always get the urge to throw on some Sublime


Active Member
i make the weirdest food sometimes....

toast up two Eggo Waffles then butter them up. Take a banana slice it up then put an equal amount of banana on each waffle (when im high making food everything has to be perfect....thats another thing that happens to me when i puff) then you take a fork and mush the sliced bananas onto the waffle and then sprinkle some cinnamon & sugar on top.

Now i know when i tell most people this they say "eww" but i tell them dont knock it until you try it because every person who has tried this loves it

also if i want this on the go i make the waffles into a sandwich yumm!


haha yea dude i do the same thing.... its got to look perfect i think of such weird shit when im high but it always turns out so good lol


shit i could just sit with my plants for hours wen im baked but i try to get gardening done so i dont feel useless


Well-Known Member
I exercise, Running, urban freeclimbing, biking, weight lifting. I only do it when High. Ever watch Pumping iron - Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Working out high, he used to do it all the time, says great things. Makes your body feel fantastic from using your muscles, producing all those delicious things you do without the nasty muscular pain.

"It's as satisfying to me as, uh, cumming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and cumming. And so can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of cumming in a gym, I'm getting the feeling of cumming at home, I'm getting the feeling of cumming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am cumming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right? So you know, I am in heaven." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

"He is shown celebrating his victory by smoking marijuana, eating fried chicken and birthday cake; potentially the most taboo combination in bodybuilding. The documentary ends with all who took part leaving for the airport on a bus."

It's the best thing ever btw lmao.


Well-Known Member
"it's as satisfying to me as, uh, cumming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and cumming. And so can you believe how much i am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of cumming in a gym, i'm getting the feeling of cumming at home, i'm getting the feeling of cumming backstage when i pump up, when i pose in front of 5,000 people, i get the same feeling, so i am cumming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right? So you know, i am in heaven." - arnold schwarzenegger



Well-Known Member
Yup. It's true in a sense though, endorphins, or to get technical: an endogenous opioid polypeptide compound. and other things that are produced from those types of exercise when you have a reasonable amount of muscle causes a sense of euphoria. I can imagine the pleasure, I've experienced it while sprinting.


Well-Known Member
PB&Js are dank but i usually try to avoid peanut butter when i have hella cottonmouth. I usually get stoned then chill with my plants, and smokesome more weed and if i run out of pizza pockets then i hitup tacobell, half pound nacho cruch burrito, apple empenada, and a fruity freeze drink to the dome!!!! Right?bongsmilie :mrgreen: :sleep:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
see my signature
fuckin right, that made me chuckle and then some :D


i like to climb up things, usually the type of thing that then becomes wonderfully dangerous an dificult to come down from once you're up high and high :D

i like to climb chimneys :) i got a whole riw if tgat style on top of my roof, it's great to get up there and spark it up in the summer with some music (hifi in the attic so i can listen to music through the tiles :D)


Well-Known Member
I also usually bring my sneak and blaze while im waiting in the drive thru. Especially at Jack in the box they take forever.


Well-Known Member
fuckin right, that made me chuckle and then some :D


i like to climb up things, usually the type of thing that then becomes wonderfully dangerous an dificult to come down from once you're up high and high :D

i like to climb chimneys :) i got a whole riw if tgat style on top of my roof, it's great to get up there and spark it up in the summer with some music (hifi in the attic so i can listen to music through the tiles :D)
That sounds pretty exciting, however im more of a carpenter. But if we ever kicked we could get stoned and you could climb on all the fancy shit i build.
see my signature
haha!! lol. I love the signature and your post. FUnny!

When I am high I get a kick outta singing naked while dancing around the house like a crazy person. I dunno what it is....I guess I just like to let lose?!?!

Sometimes I end up baking some triple chocolate brownies and eating a them while I enjoy a hot bath.

Then there are times when i get in super horny mode and masturbate:-?

I guess it all depends on where I am.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty exciting, however im more of a carpenter. But if we ever kicked we could get stoned and you could climb on all the fancy shit i build.
haha, deal! i'm your structual integrity motivator. "it collapsed again mate!"

i love woodwork and such myself, but i tend to do it prior to smoking, for smoking, like a cinemary kina thing in the attic and such :D


Well-Known Member
i think a pinch is a wee bit a long cut
which is the first thing i reach for when i'm baked
go baked!


haha yea illput in a pinch every once in a while... get a lil buzzz...

and hookah is good when ur wit people blazin and you got like a 3 hoser. jus pass it around listin to some good music...