things you do high that you not think other people do??


ok so stating new thread hope its good...

so i was thinkin bout shit i do when im high... and everytime i get high i always have to make a pb and j there jus so damn good.

so wat do you guys do???


Active Member
ok so stating new thread hope its good...

so i was thinkin bout shit i do when im high... and everytime i get high i always have to make a pb and j there jus so damn good.?
Ha ha i totally make a pb&j too, I toast the bread first and add maple syrup to the concoction. Sometimes i use ego waffles instead of bread :bigjoint:

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Sadly, I became Pavlov's dog... every time I smoke now I throw in a pinch. Wish I wouldn't have started that shit in college... :cuss: oh well, slowly weening myself off.


well i got to tok and talk and on the right near the top of the page it will say new thread... plus there are probly some good likens on this site


Well-Known Member
I like to smoke more weed when I'm high. Just woke up after 9-10 bowls of grenbuds last night. My homeboy has the same problem. He'll come over to my place with a fresh 1/4 and he'll smoke that shit all in one sitting. Don't know why just love being mega-baked-shit-fuck-ripped. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Also love fishbowling tiny cars lol

Nah but for real I love skateboarding a shit ton when I get high. Me and my buddy call them "safety meetings" between skate sesh's. I can't skate as good sober as I can high god damn state dependent learning. lol:blsmoke::mrgreen:


yea dude smoking is amazing witch rele sux cuz i jus ran out today.... and no money right now. but workin high makes workin alot better lol


Well-Known Member
I always shower before I smoke and crank the a/c.

I can't smoke unless I am showered and in clean, fresh smelling, comfy clothes.


Well-Known Member
whoah shit.

I thought I was the only one in LOVE with a toasted pb & j sandwhich.
I usually top it off with nice glass of milk.

For some reason, mexican food is the BEST when baked to high heaven.


i dont kno about u guys but ive been smoking for a while lately I have bean getting high while smokin on a hookah its a nice extra head rush if u like smokin shisha as far as pbj's... fuck yeah do it up personal favrite weed snack tho would probably have to be double stuffed oreos with a big ass glas of milk and some peanut butter and another joint... kno what im sayin


Well-Known Member
hell yeah a toasted pb and j is good with some ice cold milk, haha.. I like to clone when I am high, I just start and dont stop.. its like there is always something to do