

Well-Known Member
Talk about a blatant lie. :o I am incapable of giving -rep.
See below.....I took it back. Look, people need to grow up.
Just because you disagree or someone actually shows to have a point doesn't mean you play like you're in kindergarten.......good grief.


Well-Known Member
One word, just one word, FAITH......that made you just can't even be joked around with.
It's truly sad.


Well-Known Member
This thread is officially dead. I tried, didn't I? I guess my hugs weren't as effective as I would have liked them to be...

I'm going to go DJ myself to sleep *sniffles*


Active Member
Nope, you are a liar.....proof in the pudding....

I totally agree with you! Theres even a guy on here who says he is an ignoramus, but has enough information to conclude God doesn't exists. It's all a very slipery slope of self deceit.

The heart of Atheism is destruction. They love death. Complete annihilation of all things spiritual. Very respectable.


Well-Known Member
I looooove death, it just gets me off. Quite hard actually.

Why, I spend all my waking moments, much like every other atheist I'm sure, pondering the innate pleasures of carnage and self mutilation.
It's what I live for, it's what we live for. What do you expect? We've renounced Jesus, our 'true' lord and savior and in such condemned our souls to damnation!
We turned our backs on the great one, and therein cast our souls to the undercarriage of the abyss. How can you possibly expect let alone fathom the minds of
these soulless obtuse cretins? Us tainted dark.

All that aside, my friend, Your ignorance honestly sickens me, disgusts me truly to my core, surprisingly with such little said. Yet, you said many out of little by that infantile 'reasoning' and fractal fortitude behind that which you believe. So, go hide behind your holy scriptures you minds child. You confused and ignorant one. You have no place amongst even the most bare bone intellectual, for your kind is that of ignorance and self deceit. moreso then practice, your kind of deceit is a way of life, a pattern in habit, unchanging be it from lack of notice or lack of caring. You aren't even of the kind that represents the true dogma you attempt at spouting. I've met wonderful christens, much more grand and elegant then yourself. Ones who although, I feel are truly living a lie, understand the inherent meaning to life and how it should be lived by the teachings true meanings by this 'lord and savior' you so love. If you can even call it love. I don't. One of my best and dearest friends is one of the most devout Christians I have ever met, the closest thing to Jesus and his teachings I have ever personally seen. Truly that greater then even say, a bishop, whom I have had a lucky enough chance to meet and talk with on several occasions. Via family ties. You do those whom practice truly and actually get this 'message' of your holy ghost no justice, I'm sure even THEY would be embarrassed of you. You're the kind that harps behind false words and misconceived stigma, ritual and superstition. You totally misunderstand the point of it all my friend, and because of this, ALL of this; your ignorance is stomach churning. Get with the program and grow up, or go home. You're the first person in quite a while who I have actually felt pity for. You're quite pathetic, you poor poor isolated creature. I cannot hate you, for to hate you would be to hate myself, and to harm myself. I love you, because I love myself and due to that I feel instead, sorrow for this supreme ignorance, you're living the real life 'fools play.' And, my friend. The last joke? It's on you.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with you! Theres even a guy on here who says he is an ignoramus, but has enough information to conclude God doesn't exists. It's all a very slipery slope of self deceit.

The heart of Atheism is destruction. They love death. Complete annihilation of all things spiritual. Very respectable.
Not true. You said agnostic means ignoramus.
Argue and debate the lack of God's existence, then state that you are ignorant of the matter (Agnostic means ignoramus).

If you were really ignorant, you would have no right to hold an opinion.

Which is it? Are you an ignoramus, or not?
To which I responded:
If those are my only two options, I'll take ignoramus.
FYI: Ignorant beats stupid any day of the week. Ignorance can be corrected. Stupid is just stupid.

By the way, you never answered my question: Between sanctimonious blowhard and pompous narrow-minded fool, which are you?


Well-Known Member
10-20-2009, 10:44 PM
420 TIME

Join Date: Feb 2009

Posts: 614


My name is suicide.

I want above qoute under my name......says it all.
LOL. I have to agree with an atheist, shocking as it may be. Neg-rep is nothing more than those with small e-penises.
On that note, I counteract that neg-rep and likely ask openly to receive tenfold from the atheist force....for the very simple reason that I exist or dare to form any logical conclusion.
:::shrugging my shoulders:::: Thank God I have a life. :peace::peace::peace:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. JO neg repped me. Some folks are bent on hatred. They point to all there unbearable sufferings as evidence God is non-existent.
I'm not suffering I'm enjoying life and thinking for myself no hate going on with me :peace:you should try it some time


Well-Known Member
The heart of Atheism is destruction. They love death. Complete annihilation of all things spiritual. Very respectable.
Yes, we love death so much we created this god, and called him Yahweh/Jehovah. And then we made him completely insane, so that he does things like create a perfect world where if you eat this one fruit, then you bring down disease and suffering and pain upon it. We did it as a parable to explain that if you ever question the rule of our atheist religion, you will be punished in our atheist hellfire.

We then sent the people out into the world alone, where their children mated with each other, brothers and sisters all. After a while they did some things that pissed off our Atheist God and he slaughtered the whole bunch except for one family again. He killed kittens, and bunnies, and unicorns, dinosaurs, and giant dragonflies, and all kinds of creatures for this perceived slight. And it was good.

Of course this family had to resort to inbreeding again (we love to include inbreeding in our religion. it keeps us close) to populate the earth.

Eventually there were enough descendants of this family that they were able to divide into tribes and then take slaves or wipe each other out. Our proud atheist god also made a bunch of proclamations that could get you killed at the drop of a hat, because he loved death so much.

Work on a weekend? Death!

Eat seafood? This one has a shell! Death!

Sex outside of marriage? Death! Oh, wait, wait, this one was a cleric. We can't kill him for that. Plus the girl was 12. It's totally okay for a priest to have sex with an 12 year old girl. It's like instant marriage! Now if he wasn't a cleric it would be different. He'd have to pay us a fee, and then we'd look the other way.

Oh look some more people moved into our holy atheist desert land and really want to hang around our holy pile of atheist rocks. Our atheist god say "Kill them all and leave none alive. Not even the kids or the pets."

Okay! Let's do this thing!

Shit, we've killed off most of our believers, and most of the outsiders hate us. Let's make our atheist god nicer. We'll make up some guy wandering around a hundred years ago doing great things, and meet here in Nicea where we'll edit together a bunch of random articles. We don't need eyewitness testimony or historical records. We'll just make shit up. We're athiests, we don't need evidence or rationality.

We'll also make sure the majority of our followers believe that our new and improved athiest god is a white guy from from the middle east. I know, it's hardly believeable, but we roll like that.

Onward and upward, new atheist religion!
Please send money.