Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Well-Known Member
cj because i don't believe the hole thing i am backing away? i have said before the government has more to do with it then they say they do. i still believe the had a hand in the collapse of the wtc's, i still believe this is a false war. what else do want from me cj? by your standards if you believe the government had anything to do with 9/11 you are a truther, now you are saying you have to believe all of it. which is it cj?


Well-Known Member
wyteboi glad to see i am not the only one. because we present another side to the story we are only half truthers i guess.


New Member
Yes exactly.... 9/11 truthers have a POLITICAL axe to grind...... it makes the idea of objectivity a joke!! The only science in 9/11 truthers is left wing political science..... soft and hypocritical.

Big P

Well-Known Member
maybe your an independent liberal, i see lots fo thosebongsmilie

I wouldnt wanna be piled in with that bunch either



New Member
It is the rabid believers in 9/11 who are the true fringe liberal element. The try and USE pseudo science to prove a political point, regardless of the harm their beliefs truly cause society.

Big P

Well-Known Member
It is the rabid believers in 9/11 who are the true fringe liberal element. The try and USE pseudo science to prove a political point, regardless of the harm their beliefs truly cause society.

very selfish of them I thinkbongsmilie if I had lost a brother on 9/11 and I had somone spewing this shit in my face I would have to start swingin


New Member
Heh... he can't.... thus the problem with rabbit hole thinking....eventually you can't turn around...you must proceed till ur stuck.


Well-Known Member
Why is it nobody ever addressed my post in which I flat busted the truthers for clearly trying to dupe the public?

They did this by creating their own on-line journals in order to make their junk science theories look like they are legitimately published. To all reasonable minded people who know how science is supposed to work this is a huge smoking gun that demonstrates just how untrustworthy their so called "findings" are.

Why don't we have more discussion on this? After all, this material has been posted numerous times in this post to prove everything from thermite being found, to the fire not being hot enough, etc. Then we see that they "published" this crap in fake journals. If that doesn't blow these theories out of the water I don't know what does.
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