3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)


Well-Known Member
nice setup should turn out great. ac mite not be that big an issue for fall/winter season indoor but alwyas depends on the insulation and if its upstairs and other factors. plus this is my first indoor grow as well and not experianced enough to speak intelligently on the temp factor yet. but goodluck stay tuned!
Yea, I don't think temps are going to be much of an issue but you may need a dehumidifier once they start budding. Winter grows have more humidity in the air. Just something to keep in mind.


Well-Known Member
ya even tho temps have been up and down here in socal (90s-55) ive seen so far his room temp is steady at 75 finally. humidity is at 35. but i will have to mention a dehumidfyer and see if its within budget for him. hopefuly we wont runinto much of an issue but u never know. pic update comign this week if i can take a break from midterms and get out to the pad for a checkup and show u guys wats up. plus we only got a couple more weeks of flowering left so should be gettin pretty 8)


Well-Known Member
lol i killed all my plants using a home made sulphur burner week 1 into flower.

I started a new grow. 28 Chronics under 1800w of light.

This pic is from this morning. hopefully this time it goes a bit smoother.



Well-Known Member
damn thats harsh sorry to hear bro goodluck with this one u got a link to ur thread u can give us to follow?


Well-Known Member
sorry for the lag guys last tues nite my outdoor crop got clipped again so i had to do an emergnecy chop all day wednesday and it took us 34 hours of trimming and a total of 4 full days morning til 2am to do all the setup clean up moving trimming and other bullshit with 4 peeps. so i didnt make it out for an update on the indoor room room but i should roll this week. its been long over due haha. but if u guys want check out the tread in my signature below and see the final updates and mini photoshoot we did.


Well-Known Member
k still been busy with my outdoor trimming drying shit about to maincure trim then cure for a few weeks gonna make it out to the grow house and get sum pix for u guys;

but talked to my buddy hes got the clones we took almost all rooted and ready to be transplanted. the ladies will be done flowering Oct. 26th so if i make it this week to take pix and check the trichomes u should b in for a huge surprise growth hopefully haha.
check out natural natural fertilizers, theyre cheap and effective. I grow hydro but i hear Lama shit works miracles, no joke, you just "tea bag" it in your water lke you said.


Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer, how did you handle those mites? I might have missed a page or something. Your set-up is awesome. If you find a way to harvest a pound per plant, I want to know how. My goal now is 2-3 oz per plant. I am a prop215 too, with my wife we can have 12 in flower.
I haven't seen many folks cloning under HID. Is there a big dif between floro/HID that early? I have still have to put my veg room together..will be watching this one..scribed


Well-Known Member
we just threw in a grip of ladybugs and they took care of the mites no problem.
with this setup we wouldnt harvest 1 pound per plant. basically were assuming well yield .5g/watt. more experianced growers can pull 1g/watt. we are growin mothers in veg under a 250mh lamp and the cuttings were put under a t5 flouro and about to be transplanted then we will put the clones under the 1000w mh lamp but at lower intenisty so it doesnt fry em.


Well-Known Member
we just threw in a grip of ladybugs and they took care of the mites no problem.
with this setup we wouldnt harvest 1 pound per plant. basically were assuming well yield .5g/watt. more experianced growers can pull 1g/watt. we are growin mothers in veg under a 250mh lamp and the cuttings were put under a t5 flouro and about to be transplanted then we will put the clones under the 1000w mh lamp but at lower intenisty so it doesnt fry em.
So what happens to the lady bugs when they eat all the mites? They don't munch on the plants at all?
Oh, I thought you were using an HID to clone lol I am using a t5 as well for cloning and then going to use a 400 MH for first veg stage.. how many plants are you vegging at a time? You can grow 12 total per your script right?
As for frying them when you transition to MH I hear ya..I put my new clones right under the 1000k's and they got a little yellow for a minute..I pulled the lights up and they greened back up.


Hey read this all sounds really good i went bought a 600 w led light costed me 800 got 8 plants growing under it not getting what i thought i would i do understand that i dont got that much light should only be 600 w under 4 plants lol but is my first grow and im feeling lil sick bc i bought that led light me and my buddy been talkin about but 2 more 600 w led under 8 plants but im worryed they ant going to do the job i want so my qestion is should we by 2 600 hps lights and where should i by these from what site dont want by lights that i dont need lookin at my plants they dont look like much but they look awesome to me bc its my frist grow need some help on what i should by thanks waiting for a reply