3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)


Well-Known Member
JDweed what the hell are you saying bro?

To sum things up, LED's are only good for veg, they wont produce big fat flowers like HPS.


Well-Known Member
sorry for the lag guys ive been so busy and stressed out with school and work fultime that other problems in my life have escalated also and now i have the fukn shingles on my face and head. only the right side looks like i got fuckd up in a fight. crazy to think u can get so stressed out ur body turns against its self and makes u this sick and in pain. i was able to make a quick trip out to the grow house cuz its week 8 in flowering and the trichs are clear to mostly milky white. he wanted to chop em i recommended he wait another week and the flowers arent as filled out as id like but i think im comparing them to my outdoor grow nugs lol. whihc isnt exactly fair i guess. but its coming along good we transplanted the clones into the veg room and we have decided since we fukd up the rotation that once we chop the ladies in flower next week that we will move the two large mother plants in the flowering room and flower them out and let the clones we just took veg for a while and then flower them out and start with a new strain for the next rotation. but anyways heres pix with the lights off enjoy.

oh yea check out my outdoor thread in my signature below i got them all in gallon jars curing and the total yield was

6.8 pounds

off the 6 plants and thats even after gettin jacked for about a pound



Well-Known Member
holy crap, i got some catching up to do... 11 pages isn't too bad. i just spotted ur outdoor grow and have to do a lot more necromancy on that one :D


Well-Known Member
haha ya i know but thats cuz it was 6 months in the makin and this growroom is an hour away from me so its hard to monitor and take pix to keep convos goin. glad u could join DG


Well-Known Member
Hey read this all sounds really good i went bought a 600 w led light costed me 800 got 8 plants growing under it not getting what i thought i would i do understand that i dont got that much light should only be 600 w under 4 plants lol but is my first grow and im feeling lil sick bc i bought that led light me and my buddy been talkin about but 2 more 600 w led under 8 plants but im worryed they ant going to do the job i want so my qestion is should we by 2 600 hps lights and where should i by these from what site dont want by lights that i dont need lookin at my plants they dont look like much but they look awesome to me bc its my frist grow need some help on what i should by thanks waiting for a reply
Hey JD speed kills. Through a period or two in that run bro.


Well-Known Member
looooks chronnnnniiiiccc haha...ive got 40 pineapple punch X bubble gum clones, and once those are done im moving myself out to santa cruz to enjoy the lonnnnggg outdoor period...6.8lbs definately nice. good work


Well-Known Member
thanks guys again sorry for the lag on the pix but at least i finally got them up haha.
ill keep u posted if were choppin em this week or next and get sum more final pix and weight


Well-Known Member
Shit, I suggest you give them one last feeding and flush for 2 weeks. Those things are looking GREAT but still got some growing to do!

If its TRUE og kush they will go ATLEAST 72 days. I suggest anywhere between 70-80. Thats a MINIMUM if 10 weeks.



Well-Known Member
oh shit thats right bterz haha thanks thats wat ive been meaniong to ask u if u kenw the real flwoering time cuz i looked at the trichs and they dont look ready to me but he said its week 8 and thats wat his grower buddy said to pull em at. ive learned to read the plant not follow theories and rumors lol. but i forgot uve been doin OG. thanks id rep u again but RUI is s tingy rep nazi lol so HIGH FIVEeee!


Well-Known Member
HIGH fives are better then rep anyway :)

I took mine about 73, wish I would've let her go longer, too.



Well-Known Member
haha ya i just called my buddy and let him kno. he was gettin ready to start flushin with molasses anyways so i told him just add the nutes from the rez.


Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer, they look great Bro. Sorry to here about the shingles man..that sucks. Good news is, it looks like the FIM gone wrong worked out after all.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer, they look great Bro. Sorry to here about the shingles man..that sucks. Good news is, it looks like the FIM gone wrong worked out after all.:weed:

thanks raiderfan ya im almost recovered now just got the scabs on my face and shit. goin as two face for halloween haha.
but ya watever the topping or just straight cut method he did wasnt good for us and we had to veg two more weeks to make up for it and now the canopy is way uneven and thats bad for light distribution and of course can burn the top colas.


Well-Known Member
Hey Boomer, thats funny, I actually lost about 4 TOPS (main colas) from supercropping in the wrong area (I supercropped all of my girls like 4+ times, so, 4 aint toooo bad).

I was wondering how it was gonna effect the flower production being my strain is top cola dominant but only time will tell.

Looks like you did great with all of the ones that got there body chopped in half, considering.