Moving to Cali? American Paradise


Well-Known Member
What up RIU community, I know a lot of you hail from Cali or live there currently. I live in Georgia, over here on the east coast if your not familiar with a map :mrgreen: and was wondering how different things are over there? I would like to move there and be safe from the pirates(U.S. Government) sinking my ship but everyone tells me its too expensive blah this blah that, so I figured I'd ask here and see what yalls input is. Is it worth it? Is it something a college student could reasonably do? If it isn't then where is, and I am looking for an area that has a college and a reasonable cost of living.. I would appreciate as much advice as I can get to help me get out of this politically backwards ass region!! And Canada is an option if anyone has any good input on that one.


Well-Known Member
What up RIU community, I know a lot of you hail from Cali or live there currently. I live in Georgia, over here on the east coast if your not familiar with a map :mrgreen: and was wondering how different things are over there? I would like to move there and be safe from the pirates(U.S. Government) sinking my ship but everyone tells me its too expensive blah this blah that, so I figured I'd ask here and see what yalls input is. Is it worth it? Is it something a college student could reasonably do? If it isn't then where is, and I am looking for an area that has a college and a reasonable cost of living.. I would appreciate as much advice as I can get to help me get out of this politically backwards ass region!! And Canada is an option if anyone has any good input on that one.
boy......why the fuck would you want to leave the great state of georgia

for california?


The west coast is an entirely different culture. Some would even consider it a different country...(though its still a part of our oh so "great" US of A).

They talk differently, there is different culture, different people, different standards...different everything...and from my experiences, georgia is listed in my top 10 worst places in the world list, gtfo of there bro :P.


Cali is expensive as fuck for housing, depending on where you move to. Other than that in 2010 weed is regulated the same as alcohol. 21+ carry up to an ounce I believe.

Far up NorCal is cheap, lake house 4 bed for under $100,000. But SoCal and the city life will get you a shit ass studio for $1,000 a month.


Well-Known Member
The west coast is an entirely different culture. Some would even consider it a different country...(though its still a part of our oh so "great" US of A).

They talk differently, there is different culture, different people, different standards...different everything...and from my experiences, georgia is listed in my top 10 worst places in the world list, gtfo of there bro :P.
where in georgia did you go?


Well-Known Member
What up RIU community, I know a lot of you hail from Cali or live there currently. I live in Georgia, over here on the east coast if your not familiar with a map :mrgreen: and was wondering how different things are over there? I would like to move there and be safe from the pirates(U.S. Government) sinking my ship but everyone tells me its too expensive blah this blah that, so I figured I'd ask here and see what yalls input is. Is it worth it? Is it something a college student could reasonably do? If it isn't then where is, and I am looking for an area that has a college and a reasonable cost of living.. I would appreciate as much advice as I can get to help me get out of this politically backwards ass region!! And Canada is an option if anyone has any good input on that one.
MEXICANS SIR MEXICANS enjoy all the white faces while you can cause ur gonna miss it. let me tell you something as a white boy raised in AZ racism will get you killed in the west coast.out here we are the minority.assuming ur a white dude like myself.


MEXICANS SIR MEXICANS enjoy all the white faces while you can cause ur gonna miss it. let me tell you something as a white boy raised in AZ racism will get you killed in the west coast.out here we are the minority.assuming ur a white dude like myself.
The man is always tryin' to bring us down.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that Benassi, so you would say that NorCal would be legit price wise? I mean I aint a broke fuck but I'm not exactly ballin either haha.. And Stale Biscuit, I don't exactly hate our state, but what the fuck do you see in it to be so defensive of it haha? I mean I get that different people have different prefrences but where else have you been to? Not to sound like a jackass. And Happyface, I'm sure you have more but don't worry man, in the ATL there are hispanics like crazy, not just mexicans, we have a pretty big manual labor market so its easy for them to sustain, legal or not. Anyways, keep the info comin I would love to hear more opinions and not just limited to California just somewhere where laws make since, starting with weed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that Benassi, so you would say that NorCal would be legit price wise? I mean I aint a broke fuck but I'm not exactly ballin either haha.. And Stale Biscuit, I don't exactly hate our state, but what the fuck do you see in it to be so defensive of it haha? I mean I get that different people have different prefrences but where else have you been to? Not to sound like a jackass. And Happyface, I'm sure you have more but don't worry man, in the ATL there are hispanics like crazy, not just mexicans, we have a pretty big manual labor market so its easy for them to sustain, legal or not. Anyways, keep the info comin I would love to hear more opinions and not just limited to California just somewhere where laws make since, starting with weed.
i have lived in georgia pretty much all my life, i hail from atlanta and valdosta (the two great towns i spend most of my time)

the traffic aint bad, i like how the city is designed, the bitches are in rare form and weed is cheap and readily available. crime isnt to bad here, our political situation isnt totally retarded, we aint taxed out of our minds and its cheaper.

plus the weather rocks, and i dont know, i just love it here

to be fair im sure there are parts of cali that are nice, but as far as living there, i dont think i would. i plan on spending my last days here in georgia, its been real good to me


Well-Known Member
....You sure you live in the same Georgia haha? The same state that ran out of gas last year? The same state that was just suffering from a drought of epic proportion then went to flash flooding and broke the record for most rain in 100 years? Nice weather. The same georgia that got snow in April more then once in recent years but not during winter? Plus its so damn humid, a wet cold or wet heat is soo much worse.. 100 degrees with around like 80-90% humidity I think, thats sickening! I break sweats walking to my car in the middle of the day haha. You say your from Atlanta, how are you even going to dare say the traffic is not bad? Its fucking horrid bro, I mean it doesnt compare to some places like NY, but its definitley not your everyday traffic, its ridiculous.. Not too much crime, okay, you either live under a rock or have never really visted Atlanta, I live in the metro area but we still have stupid crazy shit going on ALL the time.. Within the city though shit gets nasty, go visit at night some time. We had to bring in Richard Pennington, the same dude they had workin as police chief in New Orleans, where shit is just nuts.. I dunno man, I understand opinions differ, but crime, traffic and weather are the worst arguements for our state.. And our government sucks, statewide you can't buy alcohol on sunday and you think our legislation isn't a little backwards? Sorry if my opinion seems strong, but your reasons for liking it are my reasons for hating it.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, mad props for the thought of picking up and heading to Cali. My brother and I are on our way out there too, we'll be tripping it from Michigan. Yeah I don't think it even needs to be stated how bad this state is doing, I hear rumors were going to sell it to the Jp. Anyway good luck dude, I was thinking Nor Cal too only because were 22-19 and I don't think So. Cal is in our price range. Again good luck~~~~Dude.


Well-Known Member
....You sure you live in the same Georgia haha? The same state that ran out of gas last year? The same state that was just suffering from a drought of epic proportion then went to flash flooding and broke the record for most rain in 100 years? Nice weather. The same georgia that got snow in April more then once in recent years but not during winter? Plus its so damn humid, a wet cold or wet heat is soo much worse.. 100 degrees with around like 80-90% humidity I think, thats sickening! I break sweats walking to my car in the middle of the day haha. You say your from Atlanta, how are you even going to dare say the traffic is not bad? Its fucking horrid bro, I mean it doesnt compare to some places like NY, but its definitley not your everyday traffic, its ridiculous.. Not too much crime, okay, you either live under a rock or have never really visted Atlanta, I live in the metro area but we still have stupid crazy shit going on ALL the time.. Within the city though shit gets nasty, go visit at night some time. We had to bring in Richard Pennington, the same dude they had workin as police chief in New Orleans, where shit is just nuts.. I dunno man, I understand opinions differ, but crime, traffic and weather are the worst arguements for our state.. And our government sucks, statewide you can't buy alcohol on sunday and you think our legislation isn't a little backwards? Sorry if my opinion seems strong, but your reasons for liking it are my reasons for hating it.
it ran out of gas during katrina, not last year

the weather can be a little weird sometimes but then again thats the whole fucking south

you want me to start listing all the god damn natural disasters cali has?


lets see, el nino (although thats not a natural disaster more like a climatic phenomenon expressed once every four or so years where the water temperature changes), mexicans

theres alot of problems with that places weather

i live in atlanta, i went o grady fucking high school, theres a reason i got a gun but the crime isnt super bad like LA's with fucking gangs and shit

the traffic sucks but i know so many back ways and when to go out so its ok with me, just stay away from 75/85 and 20 between 4 and 6

the buying alcohol on sundays is a minor inconvenience, our government aint as bad as calis though (remember we are comparing)

i like it for more reasons than that, but its a strong lived feeling of mine.


Well-Known Member
Very good arguement indeed my friend. While we did run out of gas during katrina, we also ran out of gas last year for no reason what so ever, I typically pay 40 bucks for a full tank of premium but during those few weeks I paid $80!! Gas was around 5 dollars a gallon, and there were lines recorded at more then 2 miles outside of the few gas stations that had gas at the time waiting to get gas. The majority of people who kept constant gas that I knew were going at around 2-3 AM when the trucks brought gas to the stations. This was an entirely seperate incident from the katrina shortage and had a much bigger impact, theres no way you missed it if you live here or don't remember it after me vividly describing it haha.I really just want my herb to be legal and the humidity to go away, if that were the case then I fuckin love this state too haha. The crime doesn't bother me much, and isn't nearly as bad as L.A. , but is definitley up there with some of the worst in my opinon.


Well-Known Member
Cali is expensive as fuck for housing, depending on where you move to. Other than that in 2010 weed is regulated the same as alcohol. 21+ carry up to an ounce I believe.

Far up NorCal is cheap, lake house 4 bed for under $100,000. But SoCal and the city life will get you a shit ass studio for $1,000 a month.
I would kill for a house under 100,000, with lake privalages.

Up where I live 100k won't even buy you a trailer.

100k will buy you the lot.


Active Member
Very good arguement indeed my friend. While we did run out of gas during katrina, we also ran out of gas last year for no reason what so ever, I typically pay 40 bucks for a full tank of premium but during those few weeks I paid $80!! Gas was around 5 dollars a gallon, and there were lines recorded at more then 2 miles outside of the few gas stations that had gas at the time waiting to get gas. The majority of people who kept constant gas that I knew were going at around 2-3 AM when the trucks brought gas to the stations. This was an entirely seperate incident from the katrina shortage and had a much bigger impact, theres no way you missed it if you live here or don't remember it after me vividly describing it haha.I really just want my herb to be legal and the humidity to go away, if that were the case then I fuckin love this state too haha. The crime doesn't bother me much, and isn't nearly as bad as L.A. , but is definitley up there with some of the worst in my opinon.
I went into Atlanta one night last year to pick up some weed at like 10 at night. On the way back I was almost empty on gas. So I pull off of 75 N and there are 3 gas stations, 2 were closed because of no gas and one had a line of like 30 cars. I barely made it home. I was really confused and it was the first night of those ridiculous prices. I don't think I drove anywhere for the next 5 or 6 days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah peu4000 shit got crazy for a little bit haha, and ignorance on my part for saying it happened for no reason, I believe it was the same reason as katrina, a hurricane hitting the refineries, not %100 on that though.


Thanks for that Benassi, so you would say that NorCal would be legit price wise? I mean I aint a broke fuck but I'm not exactly ballin either haha.. And Stale Biscuit, I don't exactly hate our state, but what the fuck do you see in it to be so defensive of it haha? I mean I get that different people have different prefrences but where else have you been to? Not to sound like a jackass. And Happyface, I'm sure you have more but don't worry man, in the ATL there are hispanics like crazy, not just mexicans, we have a pretty big manual labor market so its easy for them to sustain, legal or not. Anyways, keep the info comin I would love to hear more opinions and not just limited to California just somewhere where laws make since, starting with weed.
The thing is, NorCal is cheap but also has no jobs what so ever. Except for the usual minimum wage U-Haul, K Mart, Gas Station, etc. Everyone grows pot for their money lol.

But yeah you can get lucky and you may have a skill that is needed out there for work... whatever that may be... maybe an AA counselor :lol:

... or teach Drinking 101. :eyesmoke:

I would kill for a house under 100,000, with lake privalages.

Up where I live 100k won't even buy you a trailer.

100k will buy you the lot.
Yeah, Nice had a cheap house that had its own dock on the lake. Was like, 3 bed something for $73,000.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've never been to Georgia, so I don't know what its like. California is a nice place to live though, Great weather, beaches, weed. The best part is of course the marijuana laws. And not all of CA has gang and crime problems...only if your live near a big city like Oakland, SF, LA etc. Real estate is pretty expensive, prices have dropped due to the economy though...a 3 bedroom house in my area is upwards of $300,000...they were going for about half a mil at the peak of the bubble. My parents own some property that they rent out, in a small beach town on the central coast, right up the street from the beach. Its a 2 bed/2bath duplex, with a great view of the beach...only $1200 a month...I thought that was pretty damn cheap. The trade off is, in the more rural parts of Cali work is more scarce.