Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of replies all, I've been away for the last few days. Things are doing well...still some funky growth from the OG, and the Chiesel is still twisting it's leaves a little, but otherwise things are chugging along.

Definitely gunna have to grow some PPP indoors!
I highly recommend it! They're gonna get watered tonight, so I'll post up more pics once I get them out (after 8pm). It's getting nice and sugary...

bongsmilieThat PPP clone is the bushiest clone I've seen yet......kuddos to ya!!! I could clone off that clone a few times around.
I swear we should all have a Dr. Suess plant to play with. :bigjoint:
...looking like you're giving them lots of TLC......:peace:
Yeah, all I did was top it. Seems to have responded well.

I sure do give them a ton of TLC...

Nice FIM Jerry!

so beautiful!!!
Thanks Snow. The FIM really did the same as topping...though I think it has a different effect on plants with alternating nodes vs. opposing nodes. Plants fimmed with alternating nodes seem to be better suited to produce multiple "main" tops than plants fimmed with opposing nodes. Maybe not. Just an observation.

thanks for the reply jerry. yea i understand this plant grows tall but i cant control it since im growing outdoors. what size is the container its in?

EDIT: just cuz i know that its annoying when ppl just say theyre growing something and dont share their grow but want help heres a link to the latest pic of mine. it has another leaf set more than in this one but yea its still a baby
My plants are in square containers...I don't know their volume exactly. They are at least 1 gallon, probably more like 1.5 or 2. I like this size because I can fit 8 of them in my flower's tight, but it works.

The Thai Super Skunk seems like a prime candidate for outdoor growing. If started early enough I bet it could get to 7+ feet tall no problem. I do not recommend it for indoor growing however. I've got 3 regular seeds of it left that I'll save for my future someday outdoor garden...

clones look nice and strong jerry! that ppp is sick gonna be some good smoke!
Thanks war. The clones are really doing well. They all have well developed root systems, which will really help them mature once I get them in larger pots (which will happen soon, I hope).

As for the PPP, it is easily the most crystalline plant I've grown to date. Not nearly as pungent as the Blue Cheeses, but WAY more trichomes. I'm digging the all-organic grow so far...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
and the trich gonna keep packin on wit that mind bendin shit:bigjoint:

Sorry for the lack of replies all, I've been away for the last few days.

Thanks war. The clones are really doing well. They all have well developed root systems, which will really help them mature once I get them in larger pots (which will happen soon, I hope).

As for the PPP, it is easily the most crystalline plant I've grown to date. Not nearly as pungent as the Blue Cheeses, but WAY more trichomes. I'm digging the all-organic grow so far...:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So here are some pics I took yesterday while watering. They are kinda shitty...I was in a hurry and didn't take the time I normally do. Maybe later tonight I'll get some better ones...

Here's Blue Cheese A. Smells like some funky blueberry pancakes. I finally staked it up a little to keep it from leaning too far.

Blue Cheese B. The leaves protruding from the buds have been dying off rather rapidly of late. It's usually just one blade of a fan leaf or a single leaf that start to brown up and die. I've tried removing the affected ones, as I don't want the dead plant material creating a pathway for mold. Hopefully it won't be a problem going forward, but it's getting worse.

PPP hiding in the back.

Another PPP shot.

Here's another closer shot...not much frosting on the leaves but the buds are nice and crystally.

The Thai Super Skunk. Still unruly. Lots of yellowing going on here, mostly of the fan leaves. Not too worried, though it still has a while left before harvest.

Finally, a top down shot showing the leaf necrosis going on, mostly on Blue Cheese B (center). BCA is on the left, PPP on the right.

Things are going fine in the overcrowded veg room. I topped the struggling OG Kush and am rooting the top as a clone. Hopefully the move will help straighten out some of the funky growth the OG has been experiencing. I'm still getting a little leaf twisting on the Chiesel, but nothing too severe.

I'll try and get some better pics later...



Well-Known Member
its all lookn damn good jerry.just chopped my sativa checkout new picts. cats are hott. go ochocinco!! its ap here baby go vikes


Well-Known Member
It looks like you are flushing them all in that tub Jerry.
Are you done with the nutes on them all, minus the Thai?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
its all lookn damn good jerry.just chopped my sativa checkout new picts. cats are hott. go ochocinco!! its ap here baby go vikes
Thanks Jeb...Bengals looked pretty bad in the second half yesterday. Hopefully they'll rebound next week.

I'm headed to check out your pics in a few...

hell yea jerry! for quick pix u sure get the point! And as long as there are crystals on the bud u good :mrgreen:
They could've been better, but yeah I just wanted to put something up. Gotta share the progress...

It looks like you are flushing them all in that tub Jerry.
Are you done with the nutes on them all, minus the Thai?
Well, they all received nutes with their last watering a few days ago, and now it's on to flush city. Checked out the trichs the other day, and the PPP is mostly milky with a few clear, while both Blue Cheese are starting to show their first little amber trichs. They're all done with nutrients for the remainder of the grow (except the 14 week thai...and PPP Jr which is only a couple weeks into flower). So I'm thinking in about a week+ of flushing they'll be ready for the chopping block :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
Hi Jerry,

Thanks for posting all the pics - you have some beautiful plants. Regarding the necrosis with the Blue Cheese, I experienced that as well. It would be really fun to sit down with some Barney's Farm people and hear more about the strain and how it grows for them. My buds have been curing for almost a month. That's all I grew so I'll be smokin it for a while. Good high from very few hits and the flavor is developing nicely. Enjoy !

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks HH. Nice to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. A month of curing and I'm sure you've got some tasty stuff! Have you noticed a difference between phenotypes? My BCA has been growing much shorter/slower than the BCB, but it smells more pungent. I know you grew out a bunch of your seeds at once, so I was wondering if you experienced a wide range of phenotypic expression or if they were mostly the same.


Well-Known Member
There seemed to be two types. One really lengthened in flower and the main colas took longer to bulk up than the others which didn't stretch much during flower. Those shorter, denser ones seemed to mature sooner. But the tall girls did finally fill out and produced nice fat long colas. Of course I was using T5's with lots of CFL side lighting and I'd guess that HPS should give you prolific buds. The BB also seems to produce good buds on all the side branches.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I gave the flower room a water-only feeding today, as they are on pace to finish within the week. I've been checking trichs on all three, and the amber is just starting to poke through on both blue cheeses, while the PPP remains all cloudy. The scent of the plants has really started to come out, with the Blue Cheeses both smelling very blueberry-ish and the PPP with a crisp citrus like scent...a very nice combination I must say.

Anyway, the day of reckoning is nearly upon us, and honestly I'm getting anxious. Let's look at pics and smoke a bowl...I'll wait for you to pack it...and hit it...and we're off!

First out of the gate is Blue Cheese B. I removed some of the dying leaves, but left some that didn't seem like a threat to the buds.

Here's a closer shot of BCB after I trimmed a little...

Next, Blue Cheese A. The right cola has gotten way bigger than the left cola. Lots of nice little buds forming on this girl, probably because the damn colas are so heavy they've been leaning apart, allowing more light to the lower part of plant. Awesome problem to have though.

Here's a closer shot of that big cola...

Some lower BCA buds...

Some more lower I took a lot of pics of this plant...

One more bud shot...just for fun...

Next, PPP. A little blurry because the damn camera focused on the leaf instead of the buds.

Here's a non-blurry pic. Nights have started to get cold here, and I think it's making the leaves turn a nice color (along with the flushing and all).

A little closer now...

PPP, Jr. A couple weeks into flower and quickly forming some nice buds, just like mom. My PPP, III clone in veg is already pushing out preflowers on a side note...this strain just WANTS to flower.

Finally, Il Monstro Thai Super Skunk. Leaves are yellowing but the buds are beginning to tighten up ever so slightly. Is quite a pain in the ass to remove from my grow room. I whack buds against the walls and reflector glass with regularity.

Another view...

And the other branch. I highly recommend supercropping or LST'ing this strain! It has responded very well to the supercropping and I can only imagine it would do so for the LST as well.

That's it for now. I'll hit the veg room another time...




Active Member
Hi - just wandered into your journal this morning. I'm a newbie, and just finishing up my second outdoor grow. I am surprised at the size of your plants - are those 4" pots they are in? I was under the impression that what grows above the soil reflects the root structure - but seeing your plants blows that theory. Can you comment on that?
The buds look tasty and wonderful. Looking like a way big success!!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hi - just wandered into your journal this morning. I'm a newbie, and just finishing up my second outdoor grow. I am surprised at the size of your plants - are those 4" pots they are in? I was under the impression that what grows above the soil reflects the root structure - but seeing your plants blows that theory. Can you comment on that?
The buds look tasty and wonderful. Looking like a way big success!!
Thanks for stopping by. The pots are 7" square and 9" deep. Probably hold 1.5 gallons of soil...maybe 2. I like them because I can fit 8 of them in grow room.

The plants usually start life in 24oz clear plastic cups (4" deep) and then move to 5" square pots that are also about 4" deep.

I've heard what you've said about root structure indicating plant size, and all I can say is maybe they have good root structure? The thai is known to grow big, so I'm not too surprised that it's as crazy as it is.

I suppose as long as the roots are healthy and happy they plant can get as big as you let it. I'm sure there is a point when they become rootbound, but I've not had that issue and my plants are about 3+ feet.


Active Member
Thanks for stopping by. The pots are 7" square and 9" deep. Probably hold 1.5 gallons of soil...maybe 2. I like them because I can fit 8 of them in grow room.

The plants usually start life in 24oz clear plastic cups (4" deep) and then move to 5" square pots that are also about 4" deep.

I've heard what you've said about root structure indicating plant size, and all I can say is maybe they have good root structure? The thai is known to grow big, so I'm not too surprised that it's as crazy as it is.

I suppose as long as the roots are healthy and happy they plant can get as big as you let it. I'm sure there is a point when they become rootbound, but I've not had that issue and my plants are about 3+ feet.
Thanks for the info bro. You sure are right about your happily rooted plants - 3+ feet and gorgeous! Will be following, and rep!


great update garcia! thanks for all the great info and tips on the thai. mightve said but what seed bank is the PPP from? Nirvana?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
great update garcia! thanks for all the great info and tips on the thai. mightve said but what seed bank is the PPP from? Nirvana?
Thanks man, I'm just trying to share my experience so it helps others.

The PPP is from G13 Labs and I received it as a freebie from The Attitude when I ordered the Blue Cheese.