Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
JERRY! lookin good man! that ppp does look delicious! how is that blue cheese smellin?
The blue cheese so far smells like hardcore blueberries. I haven't really gotten that "cheesy" smell yet...or maybe I have and I don't know what I'm looking for...regardless they smell delicious. Every time I touch them or even just brush my hand against a bud it leaves the behind the best smell. Every day they look/smell better! They are way more pungent than the PPP, though the PPP is far more trichome-laden than the BC...


Well-Known Member
Hi Jerry, Good to hear that the BC girls are wearing lotsa perfume!! Your pictures make me drool (gotta clean the keyboard). I've been giving early season trick or treat bags of Blue Cheese bud to friends and even double zip lock bagged the dank smell escapes and makes the room a nice place to be in (unless there are cops around). What are you doing for odor control?? Maybe it's not an issue for you. We have a lot of straight people in and out of the house and odor was a problem for me - even with a carbon filter. My daughter had friends over to watch a bunch of movies. "Damn it smells like dank weed in here..." LOL! "Whadya mean?? I don't smell anything"

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
LOL, Trick or treat bags...I wish my friends were half as cool as you!

At the moment I'm not really doing anything for the odor control. I've got a big portable air filter that has both a hepa and a carbon filter. I haven't really needed to fire it up just yet, as the smell has been staying under control. My last grow I had people walk into the house and say "It smells like some g-13 shit in here," which sucks. But this go around has been a little pungent, at least thus far.

But I smoke in my house and spend a lot of time here, so it's hard for me to tell how bad the smell is unless I've been away for a while. I try to keep the visitors to a minimum as well.


Well-Known Member
Nice work working your girls. I recently lost my PPP mother after growing it for 2 cycles. Seeds were from Nirvana, feminized, had a horrible germ rate, but the plants turned out pretty fantastic. Weird though, mine were done in 8 weeks, one was less! They were the fastest budder out of the handful of strains I had.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks MoppinSauce. I don't how the Nirvana PPP compares to my G-13 PPP, but like you said it is the fastest budding plant I've grown in my limited experience. I'm gonna try and keep it around for as long as possible...


wow nice grow man. i just started growing the thai. looks like ill be going on a long ride. haha keep the pics coming ive yet to find enough finished grows of this so im curious.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks naorb. Make sure you've got the space for the needs it! And don't be afraid to flower it early!


Well-Known Member
If they are the same as mine then the smoke has a citrusy flavor and it's pretty smooth. Definitely more Sativa than Indica on the high, which is not a bad thing. I'll keep my eye out for your final product. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
I am just gunna throw 12 TSS outside after they show sex..... and whatever happens to them happens to them.... should be an interesting experiment for where I want to put them ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks naorb. Make sure you've got the space for the needs it! And don't be afraid to flower it early!
..speaking of which---how tall was that Thai when you started 12/12?
I SWEAR I was thinking Dr. Suess the moment I laid eyes on that picture, LOL....glad to see I wasn't alone in my thoughts there.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't know how tall it was. Well over a foot...prob 1.5? Maybe 2? I should have flowered it way sooner, but my Dr. Seuss plant is fun!


Well-Known Member
TSS always comes out like that.... I have seen people try all kinds of things...... but she send her spider like legs out every where none the less, and people usually end up watching her grow up walls..... part of why I just want to throw a bunch outside and walk away ;)

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Finally took some veg pics...let's take a look.


OG. Growing wonky at first, but seems to be ok now.


Another shot


Blue Widow

LSD. Topped yesterday. Top is currently rooting in the clone chamber.

You can see the top location in this pic...


PPP again...topped...

Blue Cheese A clones. Right is fimmed, left is natural.


Blue Cheese B clones. Both fimmed.


Flower room...

Another view...

Here's a good one of the Thai Super Skunk in the back and on the sides...

That beautiful PPP...

Enjoy bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
bongsmilieThat PPP clone is the bushiest clone I've seen yet......kuddos to ya!!! I could clone off that clone a few times around.
I swear we should all have a Dr. Suess plant to play with. :bigjoint:
...looking like you're giving them lots of TLC......:peace:


Well-Known Member
Man, awesome job wrapping that TSS around the room like that. Next time you should try to LST it in to a complete 360 degree circle around the room like a!


thanks for the reply jerry. yea i understand this plant grows tall but i cant control it since im growing outdoors. what size is the container its in?

EDIT: just cuz i know that its annoying when ppl just say theyre growing something and dont share their grow but want help heres a link to the latest pic of mine. it has another leaf set more than in this one but yea its still a baby