Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow


Well-Known Member
moisten your fingertips, flick the perspiration into a ziplock bag put buds in it with bag slightly open..... smell won't change taste won't change, buds will moisten slightly..... start small..... once its sat for about an hour or so put the buds in a sealed container for another hour and the moisture will even out amongst the buds ;) make sure to pop open the sealed container to allow for any extra moisture to come out.... and do the whole process in a dark or very dimly lit place ;)


Well-Known Member
Jerry, i have a quick question for you about adding moisture to dry bud in mason jars, ive heard i can use orange peels, but i dont want my buds to smell like oranges, i want them to retain their unique smells, so my question is, how do i add moisture to the dry buds withought affecting the smells of the strains?
Cabbage and lettuce work well in my opinion.
yeah lettuce works too.... but I think he was trying to steer away from any food items....
well for me, i have a purple in my jar, a lavender, and a green crack, and i dont want them smelling like cabbage haha. i just want that perfect mositure, because as of now its a little 2 dry 4 my taste
i heard of using wet cotton ball in tinfoil with holes, any suggestions that would retain the strains smell, but give it a nice texture, woild be highly appreciated


Well-Known Member
well for me, i have a purple in my jar, a lavender, and a green crack, and i dont want them smelling like cabbage haha. i just want that perfect mositure, because as of now its a little 2 dry 4 my taste
i heard of using wet cotton ball in tinfoil with holes, any suggestions that would retain the strains smell, but give it a nice texture, woild be highly appreciated
Carrots work well, quickly and don't leave any taste or odor. Overnight with a carrot and you'll have that nice moisture.bongsmilie

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about strains I could take out and leave for a season on a drip from a natural full time spring....... sounds like it may work out :)

thank you for the input.....

I haven't been impressed by any TSS i have seen at all.... not in the least...... accept the first time I saw it..... was fantastic, and completely different than anything I have seen since....

its kind of funny because the strain I am actually most interested in that you are growing is PPP.... as I kind of have a mystery plant that I have been calling PPP but am not 100% sure... its in my 09 outdoor journal if you want to take a look and share your thoughts....
I haven't really been impressed by the TSS either, but it was free, so I had to try it out.

Regarding the PPP, I love my pheno. That was another freebie from my first order, and it has turned out better than I hoped. Very strong growing plant, has taken all the nutrients I've thrown at it and is really fast to flower. Babs is always saying how much she liked it, and I can see why now.

I'll swing by your journal and check out your "mystery PPP" in a bit...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Jerry, i have a quick question for you about adding moisture to dry bud in mason jars, ive heard i can use orange peels, but i dont want my buds to smell like oranges, i want them to retain their unique smells, so my question is, how do i add moisture to the dry buds withought affecting the smells of the strains?
I have found that using fresh plant material is the easiest way to keep the buds moist. Just snip a chunk of fresh stem with a few fresh leaves and toss it in with your buds. If you use plant material from the strain you are trying to cure I'm sure you'll have a more "pure" taste than using orange peels...throw some green crack leaves or stems in your jar of green crack and some purps in with your purps. I'm sure you could just use some green crack stems for all three if you had too...

I've never tried any carrots/lettuce or anything else though, so I can't say those aren't good alternatives too. I just like using plant material.
I have found that using fresh plant material is the easiest way to keep the buds moist. Just snip a chunk of fresh stem with a few fresh leaves and toss it in with your buds. If you use plant material from the strain you are trying to cure I'm sure you'll have a more "pure" taste than using orange peels...throw some green crack leaves or stems in your jar of green crack and some purps in with your purps. I'm sure you could just use some green crack stems for all three if you had too...

I've never tried any carrots/lettuce or anything else though, so I can't say those aren't good alternatives too. I just like using plant material.
since i dont have any of those available, i decided to use a small piece of moistened paper towel i figured this will affect the taste less any comments about it?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I don't know about using a paper towel...seems like it might invite mold...

I would try theloadeddragon's technique he described above if you don't have access to plant material or lettuce/carrots. I would just be careful to not sprinkle too much water into the bag. A little probably goes a long way in this situation...


Well-Known Member
OOH yeah.....

just dip two fingers in some water...... let excess water roll off your fingertips.... then flick fingers twice in the bag..... the secret is to keep the bag open for the first couple hours, and then TRANSFER into a dry sealable container to let the moisture even out...... popping it open to let excess humidity excape the container, :)

don't forget buds are just like sponges! think about it like that ;)..... bag should be three times the volume of the cannabis you put into it ;) and LEAVE IT OPEN

Absolutely 0 effect of the buds themselves accept the become remoisened... I do it if I need to sometimes, :)

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I had to pull the Thai Super Skunk out this morning and give it a water (I told you it just sucks right though it!), which meant I had to remove the other plants to get to the back...since I had everyone out I decided to snap a few pics.

First we've got the PPP. Every time I look at this plant it has grown fatter or more crystally. Should be one fat cola when all is said and done...

This is a top bud from one of the bagseed plants. Not great, but doing just fine. Probably another 4-5 days until I chop it.

Here's Blue Cheese B. Taller than A and filling in much faster than A. Starting to get that good blueberry smell that A has had for a week already...should grow into two nice sized spears.

I think this is a cola from Blue Cheese A, but I can't remember. It might be B.

Here's a top-down shot of A. Slow and steady I guess...

Finally, a group shot. Lot's of nice looking spears there!

That's it for my impromptu update. I'll hit the veg room later or tomorrow or sometime...



Well-Known Member
Very nice mister Garcia! very nice indeed.... I almost spilled my coffee..... maybe its time for me to just go hog wild ordering seeds..... I want 20 different strains going..... no 30! :) nice cheese.... :)

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Very nice mister Garcia! very nice indeed.... I almost spilled my coffee..... maybe its time for me to just go hog wild ordering seeds..... I want 20 different strains going..... no 30! :) nice cheese.... :)
Thanks TLD. I almost ordered MORE seeds the other day because attitude was giving away free pineapple express (again). I was going to grab another Chocolope and get a free LA Woman (totally my favorite Doors song by the way!), but I've already got more strains than I have space to grow them.



Well-Known Member
yes Jerry....very nice mate. That PPP is still looking amazing and I can't wait for my blue cheese to be like yours. How long have you had them on 12/12 for now?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
The thai, blue cheese, and PPP have all been on 12/12 for about 4.5 weeks or so. I'm not too sure exactly, but I just went back through the journal and that's about the best I could come up with. I think I've got about another month or so...should be a fun ride!