RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

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Well-Known Member
I believe he said and I quote " The sheriff is near " Or something along those lines...
No that was the edited version for ABC's Family Channel....He actually uses the dreaded "N" word. The town was all out for a big welcoming for the new sheriff...until they found out he was black...which was not until he walked down Main St....The grizzled old prospector tried to warn them!

More beans Mr Taggert?!?!?


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
The sad part is the people you are trying to make out to be stupid stoners can write (and apparently think) a lot more intelligently than you. You obviously know nothing about growing or anything else you talk about. Every time you post you look more and more stupid so please continue.


Active Member
No that was the edited version for ABC's Family Channel....He actually uses the dreaded "N" word. The town was all out for a big welcoming for the new sheriff...until they found out he was black...which was not until he walked down Main St....The grizzled old prospector tried to warn them!

More beans Mr Taggert?!?!?

Ya I know. I was being sarcastic.. " I think you all have had enough " Best part of the movie... I miss mongo. Mongo like candy...


Well-Known Member
I doesnt!! But I do like it that no one else was so quick as you to point it out. I think a taco should win if it was in a fight with a muchaco what do you think? What like I think I misread that dude. Hey where is the car man, oh I am on the couch, cool..... bongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::roll::roll::roll:
so weak..
really bad save after proving you are a moron once again.
possibly consider spellcheck before you post as well.


Well-Known Member
Wait so this guy is an attorney working for our second amendment- the freedom of speech? Riiight buddy, I think its time for you to give it a rest now.. I can understand disagreeing with people but if your an attorney then your also an adult, so I ask you, why do indulge in such childish methods?


wow this lawyer is sharp i need to get him on retainer.......lmmfao


Well-Known Member
The problem with constant abuse of any substance is just that. Any substance, if abused, will create people like the children like ones that watch this thread. When used infrequently it is a nice fun experiance. You must understand you all have serious addiction issues that create a ceribral cortex adnormality. You are all close to being clinically diagnosed with mental disorders due to your habitual abuse of cannabis.. It changes the brain patterns and causes you to act the way you have with this silly thread. I am your master and you should just submit to my reason, my skill and my obvious higher intelligence... I understand you can't help it but you must seek help now!! Get off the couch and the computer and go out into the big scary world. Try it sober!! You can't stop smoking for one week I bet. That shows you are weak, addicted, sad, helpless, out of control, junkie type losers that will never make it in the real "adult" world.... I must now push to make pot more illegal since I have seen the damage it actually does to the weak minded that don't know any better.... TaTa.....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Make pot more illegal. Good luck with that.

The tide has turned. Re-legalization may not be progressing as rapidly as most of us would prefer, but it is progressing.

If your political organizational skills are on par with your trolling skills then by all means, work for the oppressors. They need all the incompetence they can muster.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by buttmansmamma Now that I have cleared that up let me also remind you of the 2nd amendment right to free speech.[/QUOTE]

That was from the "attorney."

"Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Like I said, if that guy is an attorney then I am Ozzy Osbourne.


Well-Known Member
Obviously he skipped the first day of Constitutional Law - and every day afterward.

I doubt this clown could even spell LSAT much less figure out where the exam was being held.

Too bad for the non-profit, but good for us. Very entertaining!


Well-Known Member
I love it when the children come out to play on here.
Like anyone would hire this whinny ass, non profit sounds more like unemployed or maybe just got fired on his day off at McDonalds... hahahaha
You go on there little guy you try and show RIU who is boss.

Great to have gotten rid of another immature little person.


Active Member
i think that it should be kinda like a dont ask dont tell type thing ya know... Like if we dont know they under 18 than its not really our problem? they agreed to say they over 18 ya know...


Active Member
i read that thread and laughed at this guy then as i will now. all his "facts" were him showing us how utterly inept he is at reading comprehension. people pointed it out to him and he didn't get it i guess. what an idiot.


Well-Known Member
i think that it should be kinda like a dont ask dont tell type thing ya know... Like if we dont know they under 18 than its not really our problem? they agreed to say they over 18 ya know...
Actually we do care about underage, see I don't condone underage use and I don't want to be on here discussing something illegal with a kid, so I think anyone underage should be removed from here, it is a rule and all.

i read that thread and laughed at this guy then as i will now. all his "facts" were him showing us how utterly inept he is at reading comprehension. people pointed it out to him and he didn't get it i guess. what an idiot.
Yup, there are some out there, if ya walk outside it doesn't take long to spot one.bongsmilie
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