RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

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Brick Top

New Member
Just so you newbies know this site, if they don't like what you say about one of the threads that are their boys like sticky or fuck you guy, they will delete you and never let you back on. I pointed out some of the bs in the lb every two weeks and they did not like facts!! so now the assholes keep me off with new registration. They say they want freedom but they cancel you when you point out that the bs they post is not possible. Delete me all you like I could care less. My friend grows and I am an attorney for a nonprofit so in the end I just find in amusing you funny little pot head...

If you are an attorney then I am Ozzy Osbourne.

Brick Top

New Member
riu is full of people who love to gobble each others balls up.......they live here....look..if you say something they all get defensive and start calling you names like it's the best things that's ever happened in their lives.....theyre all pathetic...you cant say wut you want here ..or you will get banned....thats fucked up....fuck all you ppl that suck fdd's cock....faggits

Don’t you have some homework to do or some chores your parents told you to do around the house that you can fill your time with instead of crying your eyes out here like some little bitch with a skinned knee?

Fine, you don’t like fdd. Well I don’t care much for him either but don’t you think it is about time to give it a rest? What do you think you will gain or win in the end? Satisfaction from venting about fdd maybe, because that is the most you will get in the end.
Do you really need that miniscule of a victory over fdd so very badly that it is worth mucking up the place for everyone else?

What does the "attorney" have to say? I am sure you can get that sock puppet up and yammering fast enough if needed.


Well-Known Member
Just so you newbies know this site, if they don't like what you say about one of the threads that are their boys like sticky or fuck you guy, they will delete you and never let you back on. I pointed out some of the bs in the lb every two weeks and they did not like facts!! so now the assholes keep me off with new registration. They say they want freedom but they cancel you when you point out that the bs they post is not possible. Delete me all you like I could care less. My friend grows and I am an attorney for a nonprofit so in the end I just find in amusing you funny little pot head...
Delicious tears. Give us more, it fuels the great hate machine, so more, we hunger.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
riu is full of people who love to gobble each others balls up.......they live here....look..if you say something they all get defensive and start calling you names like it's the best things that's ever happened in their lives.....theyre all pathetic...you cant say wut you want here ..or you will get banned....thats fucked up....fuck all you ppl that suck fdd's cock....faggits
That was some pretty funny shit dude!!:hump: I almost plus repped ya:lol:

the RIU rulez! Suck b*lls:mrgreen: enjoy the forums


Well-Known Member
Emo faceplant rawr techno tear filled fireball!!!! BOOM!
wow i missed you. it would be hard for one 3 week old clone to do that but 16 is more than 1. 16>1. i didn't know lawyers had this much free time. specially ones who work so hard they skip 6th through 12th grade and went straight to law school like you claim to have done. have you looked at al b's pictures yet like i told you? are you saying that is fake weed?


Well-Known Member
Everyone should just forget this Thread!
This guy obviously has never grown, let alone grown in a manner to keep a constant supply.....

I personally do a 3 week rotation, and only because it's less work! And i still produce a Minimum of 1 1/2lbs per 3 weeks..... (and that wuz under heat stress!)

People have the right to have there own opion,
And all us people who don't wish to Bother reading Crap threads like this just gotta Stop posting on it!

I Personally got learnings thro here and have put them to Very productive and Tasteful use,
To say there is NO Knoledge or Exsperience is just out right Pathetic!

And if that is what you say.......

I got some Land down in florida i wanna sell ya.....

If you Don't like the post's or threads here, or the opions, then just head on down the road!

Straight up G

New Member
Just so you newbies know this site, if they don't like what you say about one of the threads that are their boys like sticky or fuck you guy, they will delete you and never let you back on. I pointed out some of the bs in the lb every two weeks and they did not like facts!! so now the assholes keep me off with new registration. They say they want freedom but they cancel you when you point out that the bs they post is not possible. Delete me all you like I could care less. My friend grows and I am an attorney for a nonprofit so in the end I just find in amusing you funny little pot head...
Just so you know this little bitch is a previous troll in a different form notice how he replicates posts/threads etc all the time you give it attention it will return lawyer or not im certain hes a cunt.


Well-Known Member
I love how there are 8 pages responding to one dumb ass post. Mostly making fun of the douche. Internet free speech is pretty bad ass must say.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the laughs. I have not had this much fun since I saw all your moms do that train thing on each other... HaHa. I know with your sick little minds you will understand that. Lets review. I don't grow dope, I know someone who does, I have seen his work, he laughs at the lb every two weeks with the 9 week finish from a 3 week old clone. Now on to your ideas that a lawyer would not be one this silly dope growers site. I want to stop this country from putting people in a cage for 15 years for a plant. That and I love to mess with petulant dope heads that can hardly read. I see people get out of jail in 4 years for abduction and rape then kill and we spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ keeping people from smoking pot so they can buy whiskey. Now that I have cleared that up let me also remind you of the 2nd amendment right to free speech. The people who run this site don't want free speech so why should they get legal dope??? They are no different that the idiots that oppress the people of this country with anti drug laws. They want to control it all. Kiss to you and wow look at all the people that say all this shit but can't leave it alone. Hmmmm!!???? Till next time.. :eyesmoke::hug::hug:
Since when does the 2nd Amendment apply to speech?
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