400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Active Member
Just had to cut down my two girls!:evil:
I awoke to find a strange smell coming from the tent, it did not smell like it should!
Anyways i thought why not just cut it down now, its not worth checking on monday to find all my bud has rotted, anyway i will post some pics when i get back,
i checked the buds and found only a tiny bit of mold on a leaf and removed that section. Does anyone know how i can prevent mold during my drying time??
I have them hung in a 1x1x2m grow tent and some loose buds sitting on a paper towel on a stool in there to, it is cold in there, around 18 degrees and i cant get the radiator to work in the room for many a year now plus im pretty sure the room is haunted!...seriously!:neutral:
i have a fan blowing in there and ive left the door skightly open on the tent but the light in the room is off, so its dark, anyone have any ideas or should they ok in there, hope this makes sense as im in a hurry,
will post pics inabit,



Active Member
Dual Chamber??? No its just a small straight shooter looking tent. I have one of those stanely blowers from walmart that I rigged for a 6". And than a growbright 4" fan from htg. I'm gonna buy another stanely blower next year to replace the old one I have now. I might just get two of them and use the 4" as an intake fan at night. I live in the south so heat is a major issue for me and with such a confined space the 400 pounds out heat.

Stanley Blower? Are those the small construction worker lookin fans with the rectangle vent? How did you incorporate it? Can you post a pic? I have major heat issues too. Are you able to keep your tent closed during light hours? Or do you have to be home twice a day, every day, at the same time, like me? :cuss:

Thanks man
To be honest with you i havent got a clue,:p
i read either in WW or on here that removing the fan leaves roughly 1/2 - 2/3 through flowering helps the buds grow better, wether this is true or not im not sure. So i thought i would remove most if not all the leaves i can in the last weeks and it doesnt seem to have done any harm, but im sure the leaves help get rid of all the nutes ect.. so i guess you have to flush well, which i have done, so we will see when they dried.

Nice G4J, very nice, enjoy the rewards.

different people seem to have different opinions about the removing of leaves..some are adamant not to, some think that is the way to go. personally I have never done an experiement to proove either incorrect. Does anyone know anyone who has?
This was my most asked question when I first started a few months ago. I'm sure I annoyed a few people with it. I can tell you that there is no clear answer, and I found no good comparison experiments, but the consensus seemed to be that everything should be left on unless it isn't green or is being choked out of light (like with the bottom branches on my 4 foot tall plants; a 400 watt light will never penetrate to them and they end up just wasting plant energy). The basic science of it is that, while we may worry that the leaves are shading parts of the plant too much, and they are, they also feed the buds a lot. My compromise has been to cut any bits that aren't green, and next time I'm gonna lollipop too (cut lower branches)

check out this fimming guide here going to try it on my White widow clone when she gets big enough.
Ya MBlaze's tutorial is just what I was gonna suggest too. It's cool that bigtimers like him with tons of plant work to do are so happy to take time to help all of us.

More tops isn't always good though. Consider my space: I forced between two and four tops per plant thinkin "YA more buds!!!" but no. I didn't consider how much of a crowd there would be. If I use this space again, I will do six smaller pots, flip earlier, and lollipop, not top. More plants, quicker turnaround, more efficient.


Active Member
Just had to cut down my two girls!:evil:
I awoke to find a strange smell coming from the tent, it did not smell like it should!
Anyways i thought why not just cut it down now, its not worth checking on monday to find all my bud has rotted, anyway i will post some pics when i get back,
i checked the buds and found only a tiny bit of mold on a leaf and removed that section. Does anyone know how i can prevent mold during my drying time??
I have them hung in a 1x1x2m grow tent and some loose buds sitting on a paper towel on a stool in there to, it is cold in there, around 18 degrees and i cant get the radiator to work in the room for many a year now plus im pretty sure the room is haunted!...seriously!:neutral:
i have a fan blowing in there and ive left the door skightly open on the tent but the light in the room is off, so its dark, anyone have any ideas or should they ok in there, hope this makes sense as im in a hurry,
will post pics inabit,

Monitor temp and hum. keep them just like grow conditions should be. i'm sure you knew that. Keep an eye on the bud that had the mold leaf. There are DEF spores on it. You might consider isloating it from the others.


Active Member
Monitor temp and hum. keep them just like grow conditions should be. i'm sure you knew that. Keep an eye on the bud that had the mold leaf. There are DEF spores on it. You might consider isloating it from the others.
thanks for tha tip, the only way i can bring up the heat is by turning the light on for a while, but im sure there is not meant top be any light during drying, does the light affect the smoke??
when the light is on, i can controll the heat with my two fans but on the 12/12 at night its hard to keep temps up.
here are some pics, though no pics are mold shots, i will continue checking and if there are signs of more mold then i will upload some pics.




Active Member
Looks like a good amount, and good. Congrats. Light is indeed bad when drying. Light and excessive heat are the biggest enemies of THC when drying and curinng. Hang a light tight barrier between the light and the buds, using duct tape and either panda film or contractor plastic or mylar or really anything light tight. That way you can keep temps right and still dry there. Just keep circulation going too. And don't put fans right on them or they dry too fast. I accidently let some of my first buds dry out too fast and it sucks. All crumbly and crispy. You could always build a drying box and keep it in a room where temps are right. It's easy, you know how?


Well-Known Member
If they are already molding, they will get a little worse while drying. If it is powdery mildew, and you just cut them, you could spray with H2O2. It will kill the mildew and let it dry before new spores erupt. And yes no direct fan for the dry...if you spray, then yes for a few hours lightly.



Active Member
Looks like a good amount, and good. Congrats. Light is indeed bad when drying. Light and excessive heat are the biggest enemies of THC when drying and curinng. Hang a light tight barrier between the light and the buds, using duct tape and either panda film or contractor plastic or mylar or really anything light tight. That way you can keep temps right and still dry there. Just keep circulation going too. And don't put fans right on them or they dry too fast. I accidently let some of my first buds dry out too fast and it sucks. All crumbly and crispy. You could always build a drying box and keep it in a room where temps are right. It's easy, you know how?
thanks, yea it was a fair amount I thought, didnt weigh it all tho just the loose buds that i cut off the branch, all together those wieghed roughly 1 1/2 big ones.:mrgreen: so all in all when dry im hoping for at least one bug un'.
I have opened the tent up, put a fan in the actual room and left my door open so hopefully the heat from the inside will warm the room up slightly, if all else fails then i may just cut all the buds off the branches and put them in my cuboard where it is warm but the smell will escape...
i have nothing i could use on me now for the light barrier but i am interested in how you make a dry box :confused:


Active Member
If they are already molding, they will get a little worse while drying. If it is powdery mildew, and you just cut them, you could spray with H2O2. It will kill the mildew and let it dry before new spores erupt. And yes no direct fan for the dry...if you spray, then yes for a few hours lightly.

they arent really molding just one bud had a brown leaf, just didnt want to see my entire crop go down the pan. there isnt any white mildew either,
whats your opinion on me cutting the buds off the remaining branches and then putting all the buds somewhere warmer, if this will help my plants, its the weekend so the smell is not that big of a problem,



Well-Known Member
Groputillor: Yes the stanely fans from walmart with the rectangle blower end. There are a couple different ways to set it up. I choose the easy route that didn't require me to take the harness of the fan. I have a roll of hvac tape that is really super sticky. I just put my 6" ducting up to the fan intake and taped every bit of the ducting to the fan. It works awesome, I would post you a pic but I don't have the cam at the moment. Hit my journal maybe there is a pic in the beginning pages of it.



Well-Known Member
And also yes I have to be up at 930 every morning to close the intake vents and if I'm at work I get my old lady to open the intake ports at 930 that night. The lights come on at exactly 949 on my cell phone. I don't have to keep the tent unzipped during the day that would kinda defeat the purpose of the tent. Use every avalable cfm you have for exhaust. You'll just have to make sure your there every night before the lights turn off to close the vents. Its only hard the first week or two then it just becomes a schedule. At first I was battling heat issues but I wasn't accutally dumping my exhaust anywhere it was just recirculating in the closet. Now I have it set up to blow out the door I just have to keep the door open when the light is on. Then I have my bathroom fan on to suck all the hot air out of the room. The air coming out of the fan is most of the time pretty chilly occasionally when I smoke back there and have to shut the door I'll forget and it get pretty toasty but it fixes its self in less than 10 minutes. Anyways damn I'm fucking blazed hahaha I'm just talking away. Whew that kush is gonna be fucking fire mane that 47 day bud I cut last night is no joke and it was microwaved and two weeks early. Man in two weeks I'm gonna be a happy man.



Well-Known Member
This will may make it so you dont have to be home to close the vent. you just have to make a cover with a few angles so the light cant get through but air can.

On my tent I just put a 6" duct in one of the lower round ports. I made it long enough so i can have a few turns in it to stop any light from bleeding back through it. My duct is actually doing double duty as I have all the wires for my lights and fans running through the duct. I can now keep the small side flaps closed at all times and have no temp problems. I just use a passive intake and have the filer dumping out a round port in the top.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
If you're curious about using that Stanley blower, just search google for "stanley blower mod" and you'll find what you're looking for.

Hope that helps whoever was asking.


Well-Known Member
they arent really molding just one bud had a brown leaf, just didnt want to see my entire crop go down the pan. there isnt any white mildew either,
whats your opinion on me cutting the buds off the remaining branches and then putting all the buds somewhere warmer, if this will help my plants, its the weekend so the smell is not that big of a problem,

I hang the whole plant...and I like it cooler than hot. The slower the dry the better...but here it is dry in like 3 days, and the 3rd is in paper bags.



hi guys nic pics ya her are my pics think its like day 6 in 12/12
things going gd had a solfa kinda smell in courbord all gd got more air intake now
lol if any one nows what the smell could of been would bee gd lol so if any one got any advic it be gd ty all:eyesmoke:



Active Member
haha nice GFK! real stoney myself from a nug I cut off my super silver last night...2 weeks early. Two pees in a pod haha.
Anyone ever tried putting trim and stems into a jar of rubbing alcohol to make a topical pain reliever? It's awesome. I just used mine for the first time cuz I wrecked on my friend's dirt bike today and my ankle is almost numb. Doesn't get you stoned tho....shit I went to read email for a sec and just realized my ankle is totally numb now, no pain. I can't believe it works so good. stoked.

GFK - you say use all cfm's for exhaust, but you must be using that blower for intake, no? I'm def gonna go buy one - maybe right now - and I think I'm gonna use it for intake to the light. I don't have a problem with keeping the schedule, I just want that next level of convenience. I want to be able to go visit friends in New York for three days and not worry about early morning light seeping in the window and hermying my girls. My roommates are dicks about doing anything for the plants (which is why I asked for a 20$ donation for a dub just now haha). I'm the kind of person who is always going places, so I need something more self sustaining. I have plans for a 3x4x7 box but I need to be sure I won't go over budget before I start.
Hey, you said you're in a hot climate right? And no Air conditioner? Central Air? What is the max temp on most days when you get home? Avg temps? I ask because I'm building the box to house my AC and a large fan inside, but I'm thinking if I can seal it well and have an fresh passive intake and the 175 cfm on the exhaust, I may not need the AC to keep it under 78 in there.


Active Member
I hang the whole plant...and I like it cooler than hot. The slower the dry the better...but here it is dry in like 3 days, and the 3rd is in paper bags.

I prob shoulda said that I didn't know what 18 degrees meant because I'm another lazy American, and ya I still havn't learned the metric system either lol. But I still think 64.4 F is a little low, isn't it? You want between 70 and 80, preferably the lower end. But that sounded much lower to me before - 18 - I'm sure you're prob fine.


Active Member
grow4joe - a dry box is just any box that you can close, cardboard is said to be better than plastic but I doubt theres much difference. Just cut some holes on either side and put something in ther that you can hang the buds from. Or put a screen in there and lay them on it; you can fit more in there this way I find. Make sure not to have direct ventilation or light. vwa-la, dry box. I'm gonna hang my next ones in the grow room though. I think that might be better anyway.

DoctorD and
Diggity - awesome help, thanks. This is already my favorite thread ever on RIU. So stoked I found it.

Thanks to GFK too, I think I forgot to say that.

Okay I'm a ghost.



Well-Known Member
hey riu,i just got my med card,ive been a member for a while i just started my first legal grow with a new grow tent 400 watt hps light and inline fan with carbon scrubber.lots of nice strains.just started so i dont have pics yet but ill update real soon with pics:peace: